I'm probably gonna be a millionaire this year. What do y'all think?!

I'm probably gonna be a millionaire this year. What do y'all think?!

lmao, no

All in on LINK. At the very least throw your shitcoins into it

Waiting on litecoin cash and I'll sell it for probably a whole bitcoin. Then throw that bitcoin into link

you're about to go down 50% next month. Cash out while you still have time.

need more link dude

Quite possibly the most random portfolio ever

if you can trade well you will

So please explain how you got 2k LCc?

Clearly a dumb Larp, move on anons

get fucked...this is op btw

You really, really won't. You might even end up with 50k or less.

sorry, no VEN no Wealth

> SC
decent pick but you hold fuck all
dinosaur slowly losing market share
never heard of it, no logo. automatic shitcoin in my books.
Veeky Forums's memecoin. need I say more?
worthless token. you'll probably make some gains if you get out at the right time but nothing significant

You have 80k in crypto and use Exodus? You're not going to make it.

nah i have a ledger...i only used exodus for the litecoin fork.


whats wrong with exodus cunt

Not if you hold link lol. Dump that shit.

Charge your fucking phone

Absolutely shit tier if you use it to transact BTC in any way. It's a meme wallet for newbies that installs easy and shows you all your moniez.


Well, you can't spend that by your own, so there's many ETH way i can help you. 0x4d814B01C3a9Cc16d471a1A5Ee2Fc8295B4B2f46


if req aint mooning then qsp aint mooning

Why don't you trade all your BTC for ETH? Gramps is dead.

What a shitfolio