98% of the LINK spammers don't even know why they are spamming, they're just doing it because others are doing it

98% of the LINK spammers don't even know why they are spamming, they're just doing it because others are doing it.

Just goes to show how retarded link holders are.

Give me one good reason to buy link.

A post that just says "huurr duurr no linker" just proves my point that it's just another shit coin with nothing of value.

Other urls found in this thread:


LINK has weaponized autism

I pity anyone who actually bought that shitcoin

Read the whitepaper you fucking absolute brainlet. The rest of us have done our research.

>sergey name dropped chainlink today in a room of 30 people


Give me the run down on what YOU like about LINK.

I'm all ears to YOUR reason to shitposting all day. I want to hear why YOU think LINK has value.

Please i'm all ears.

This has happend with so many other shit coins in the past, what makes this one different?

Personally like it only because it’s above your head and that means you’re below me in every way. Have fun being poor second rate human

>LINK has weaponized autism
>I pity anyone who actually bought that shitcoin
Veeky Forums has it's moments but these LINK posters have got to be the worst fucking spammers so far, i remember when ETH started with the spam long ago and they were almost as bad.

Bitbean spammers where better than the LINK spammers imo

And you never bought any of them before they blew up and now you're still poor lol faggot

>Personally like it only because it’s above your head
lmao. you can't even give a reason with actual substance can you?

you are proof of why linkies are retarded.

And look where ETH is now.

This will bother you because it doesn’t give you a (you)

PSD2 is a new European banking regulation that requires banks to offer open APIs for their services.

LINK is an excellent solution for banks looking to get their data used by smart contracts.


There's a lot more under the hood if you DYOR.

i did though.....

ETH took me awhile because it was still a very new thing and the shillers where horrible, they were having conversations with themselfs not knowing IDs where on lol

Bitbean was a perfect trade setup with the perfect market cap at the time and the organized shilling that knew it was shit and could admit it was shit so i made bank on that.

Problem with LINK spammers is that the coin is shit but yet they treat it like it's not

LINK is shit compared to ETH.... LINK is barely on any popular exchanges.

Give me a good reason to buy LINK a logical one, one with substance.
Protip.. you cant.


same fucking story with every other shitcoin.

same fucking story.......

Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says

its solving the connectivity problem

Smart contracts. McDonalds, Walmart, Uber, and Swift trucking are rumored to be on board.

Let's do this the opposite way.

Do you know anything about Link? What makes you think it's shit, aside from the shilling?

>calls link holders retarded for not doing research
>completely incapable of doing own research

literally kys faggot



>Smart contracts. McDonalds, Walmart, Uber, and Swift trucking are rumored to be on board.
same story with every fucking shit coin before it.

>Do you know anything about Link? What makes you think it's shit, aside from the shilling?
Because none of the shillers can actually point out ANYTHING different about it that hasn't already been shilled on all the other shitcoins that are now going steadly going to zero

I am asking for YOUR research. I am asking for the shitposters research. You know why i am asking for YOUR research, because you have none and you are just shit posting and trying to pump a shit coin that is steadly going to zero like the other 98% did you not read any of my post or did you just reply blindly just like how you bought LINK blindly?


>Because none of the shillers can actually point out ANYTHING different about it that hasn't already been shilled

It's a decentralized oracle network. That definitely isn't a talking point for "all the other shitcoins"


What are these things you heard about LINK that have been "shilled on all the other shitcoins"?

great post bro, couldn't be more surprised of such a great post from a link holder

>It's a decentralized oracle network
how is that much different than any other shitcoins? they throw the term oracle in there and now it's great? lmao jesus christ you are retarded aren't you

>What are these things you heard about LINK that have been "shilled on all the other shitcoins"?
seriously? just about fucking everything you retard.. look at this retarded postseriously heard that same fucking shit on so many other shitcoins. You must be new if you don't know what i am talking about

just as i thought.. Link holders are retarded.

LINK is the perfect combination of smart and dumb money.

Smart contracts run on present day data. In order to run trustless (blockchain) smart contracts, you need an oracle. An oracle is not a term that just gets thrown in, an Oracle is the protocol that takes off-chain data and “translates” it so that it can be used on-chain. This is your data input.

The reason this is still a weakness even using a blockchain is that the centralized oracle (one person or group controlled) that puts the data on-chain for smart contracts to run could do so with phony data and the smart contract is essentially useless if the present day data can just be faked.

That’s where the Chainlink network comes into play, in that it has a system of separate nodes which provide data in a decentralized way using a consensus model (decentralized oracles).

This is how ChainLink works. If you understand how smart contracts work hopefully you can see the value of these decentralized oracles.

However, your overall demeanor suggests to me that you probably won't change your mind, even if I exhaustively attempt to spoon feed you on ChainLink.

out of all the people spamming link on this board you are the only one that has actually given a decent explanation of why it might be better than any other shit coin.

Still a shit coin

Also worth mentioning, Chainlink doesn't just allow data to flow into the blockchain, but also out of the blockchain. This bidirectional flow of information between the blockchain and the real world will allow dApps to eat the world, and Chainlink is positioned to become the standard way of handling this back and forth communication.

yeah you're right, i'm not going to change my mind because 98% of the holders can't give an explanation to what they are holding. Therefore it's just majority blind pumping

>invokes "therefore"
>to end flawed logic

Given your terrible grasp of logic, I can deduce you're not a programmer. Given you're not a programmer, I can see how you couldn't possibly understand the importance of the tech Chainlink provides. And now that we've established that you're a hopeless brainlet, we can all go back to not caring about you or how poor you've ignorantly chosen to stay.

Veeky Forums is now under control of the LINK Marines, state your business or return to a useful thread without delay civilian.

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>how is that much different than any other shitcoins? they throw the term oracle in there and now it's great?
Holy fuck what a retard.
