How many linkies do you guys own? (no larping)

how many linkies do you guys own? (no larping)

>tfw a 550 linklet

Got into BCPT while link getting shilled here
Already made way more than linkies and just today it got pumped even more




I don't buy garbage


I dumped them all for bigmacs

About 8k. Was gonna buy at .55 but I was lazy so I fomo'd in just now.

unironically 100k

Just topped up to 17,777

About to move to MEW is it still a 12.3 LINK withdrawal fee? Or does it come out of BNB?

about 4k. Bought in at .45. Going to buy more in the dip coming up.

Accumulated 3000 since November, dumped some shitcoins and bought another 2000 today.

LOL same, waiting for that dip


45129 LINK


Not bothering to get more because will be using my non-LINK holdings to pay for my shit until LINK hits fuck you money. At that point it won't matter if I have 50 million or 100.

1105, just a linklet

still a fee

About 1300. Need to sell some for food, being a neet is suffering.

I have 75k because I’m either really smart or absolutely retarded.


6k I bought at $0.17. It's been a wild ride

about 20k. I will be rich. Not as rich as some but richer than others

And when do you think that dip will be?

2,763. If I go all in I'll only have about 7k. Really wanted 10k but it seems like that might not be in the cards for me unless I turn into a genius trader.


I had 5,000 that I bought at $0.33 but then I tried swing trading today and snatched up those 692. I was up to 5,888 but fucked up.

7k, i took a loan and fomod in after the 7777777 gets

155k. Not selling a single token before $20

btw i am really proud of myself

thanks everyone


unironically 69,420


20k since ico

still holding about 1k from ico.

had 72k at one point from ico and moved it into icx at $2

will i make it user?

23 just to see what happens, I have little to no faith in the project

My brother girlfriend and father could end upo millionaires because of me.



Had 7.5k and bought 10k more two hours ago

That's a years salary for a wagecuck like yourself. Good for you user.


A little over 13K. I'm hoping to reach around 20K before it breaks a dollar so I can feel more comfortable taking profits in around a year from now, but my bonus doesn't come for another month.





0, didn't buy into the con

LINK will never be used, both east and west have picked their solutions already

5777, I unironically bought 777 after the get

Look up the words competition and contenders.

>Thinks LINK even comes close to be competition
On the good side once your entire cult are stuck holding bags you can go out the way all cults do, with a mass suicide

Had around 30K bought at ATH. Sold for TRX and DBC because they were cheap. No one needs to be explained how that ended for me...

I just bought back in and have like 3K LINK. Will I make it?

52,500. I have been steadily accumulating since ICO and am finally satisfied. I will be among the future elite.

you have 36 LINK more than me

180k, 40% of portfolio, I might sell down some at peak normie hype only at >$50 and look to diversify and reacquire

397, would like to get to 1k, probably won't get more.

Alright I did it. I'm all in with 7,633 Chainlink. What's my rank boys?

20k LINK

honestly its a small portion of my portfolio, but its 2x what a random user said I needed to "make it", whatever that means

260k. fourth biggest position in crypto. owned 500k at one point. massive fuck up chasing bigger gains elsewhere because i saw link as a sleeper play. in actuality its been my best bear market hold.

i have friends with over a million. they did it right.

46,646 stinkies.

WIll stop buying at an aesthetically pleasing 50k

66582 link. Goal is 100k but only way in getting there is through aggressive trading.

Around 1500 big macs worth.

Poorfag with 165


been in since October used to have 3k now only 600 I tried jumping on a few moon missions and lost about 2/3 of my portfolio


25k, averaged around 0.22 cent. Holding for a long time.


3500 average buy of 0.23. Did hold 5000 at one point but sold some off at 4x into OMG as I was 70% in LINK.

chainlink is pol-tier bullshit

im a 8k link whale

121k mostly from ico and ed time

70. bough at 0.2

only 530 linkies. dubs and ill make it


realistically my goal is 5000

Started my own business last summer so it couldn't be a worse time for me to invest, but i've been sacrificing a lot of pleasantries to get some extra cash to invest. Been difficult to balance but if that's the hardest part of this whole thing then it will be worth it. Might even sell some stuff next week to get some extra cash.

>chainlink is pol-tier bullshit

Brexit, Trump, Chainlink.


340, trying to get into 500 then 1000

dust from etherdelta
i bought around the $0.17 range and sold around the $0.80 range (months ago. etherdelta buyers fill up stupidly high sell orders sometimes)

The only reason shitty ICOs work atm is etherdelta. Oh the fools, bless them.

About 5k

2200 LINK
Is it enough Veeky Forums? is it ever enough?

Fuck you !
$100 or bust !
11k Linkolarios here.


I- i- i.. I have 11k. I will barely make it a millionaire..
Praise Him !



132k Brigadier General right here.

I'm so fucking excited boyos


>(no larping)

fuck OP, you forbid larping in this thread? Well I can't bypass your laws, you got me. I hold 7 links shy of a million

221k. Pretty much my entire portfolio. I guess I’m one of the larger ones here.




it's a meme coin, we had so much fun hyping it up yet i still cant believe anyone actually holds it.


Want to kill myself because I had 23k earlier last week

Scared im not gonna make it

0 because im not a stupid memer

Good game dude. Also no, you won't make it.

dip isnt coming for these two reasons


bought 1500 a week ago, feels gud

feeling comfy

shit project, linkies being this delusional

A lot more if whales weren't fucking with the price and if my piece of shit bank did transfers over the weekend RREEEEEEEEEEEEE