What's it like not being poor?

What's it like not being poor?
Can you eat instant noodles only once a week?

Buy lots of eggs and frozen vegetables. A big chunk of frozen meat. Thinly slice the meat and freeze it. Crack and egg and put some meat and vegetables into your noodles so you’re not eating basically nothing.

what always fucks me up about poor people is how much of their worthless time they try to pour into clocking in a few more hours at their wageslave job making no dollars an hour instead of using that time to mitigate the amount of money necessary to live by doing productive shit themselves.

why are you buying shitty, processed foods with zero nutritional value when you could be spending less money cooking better tasting, healthier foods for yourself? why do poor people choose shitty, garbage hobbies for their free time like watching television or huffing paint instead of doing something to better themselves or even earn a little side money like woodworking, learning a language, programming, or sewing?

I swear to god you idiots deserve your misery. You don’t need a lot of money to be happy, and you certainly do not need a lot of money to get out of poverty.

>huffing paint
Are you telling me there is a better way?

This is the hilarious part about people who aren't poor. He doesn't know eating healthy costs about 3 times more than eating shit foods.
He doesn't know that overtime is the only way to make actual bank
Only a rich faggot born with a silver spoon in his mouth would denounce working overtime-you know, a hard days work-and say you should be sewing instead. What the actual fuck kill yourself

>He doesn't know eating healthy costs about 3 times more than eating shit foods.


When am I supposed to cook? During my first or during my second job or while I'm asleep?
And how am I supposed to pay for the ingredients? Instant noodles cost $1. A single fucking carrot costs $1.

No, more than likely I am skinnyfat though (unhealthy on the inside but skinny nonetheless)

It does not cost three times as much if you knew how to cook and where to buy. (I live in a first world country, don't know how it's like in the US)

A healthy diet is cheaper than eating fast food. You should try a ketogenic diet, it is admittedly not the tastiest diet but it is the healthiest.

Isn't rice and beans cheaper than instant noodles by a large margin?

A ketogenic diet?
You've got to be fucking trolling. It's literally the most expensive diet you can go on.

yeah but that faggot isn't mature kek

1. Buy cabbage and radishes
2. Blend
3. Drink

Wow takes so much time
> but I work two jobs and can't afford a blender

Lmao@americant retards

I only spend 10 dollars a day and I'm on a keto diet. That's one combo at Wendy's.

Poverty exists when you live beyond your means. Stop whining then budget and prioritize. I have been wearing the same socks and shirts for more than a decade. In the same way its easier to eat less to lose weight than working it off, it is far easier to find ways to spend less money than to throw in more hours at a shitty job.

Buy in bulk and frozen when you can, having a farmer connect is nice too. On average I eat very well for only about $2-4 a day, depending on if I have meat. Carbs are going out of vogue but they are nutritionally and calorically dense for the money so rice, quinoa, beans and flour are your friends. Eggs should be your primary protein.

Rice maybe, but for beans it depends where you are.

Are you fucking stupid.. cooking shit cheaper than buying cheap trash food? In what world is 20 cent ramen, 80 cent ameriburgers, and quite a few more processed junk not cheaper than cooking literally anything other than those.. It's going to be junk. fucking rich/middleclassers

Look at the nutritional value you idiot. If all you care about is dollars per calorie just buy sacks of sugar and eat it with sticks of butter.

I used to think like that, but while your trips are impressive your statement is not. Eating healthy can be done cheap. Don't get suckered into organic/health food shit. Buy seasonally, buy bulk, freeze shit and start meal prepping/cook a weeks worth on 1 day if you have no time due to work commitments. Those that are in wageslavery and are poor or in debt just need to be educated on financial literacy. Save shekels, invest -> education (get a cert or degree etc), cryptos, stocks, bonds etc.

Financial stability should be a goal for everyone. At the moment I am poor and have no job I worked 5 years as a slave dealing with drunk idiots. I will soon take my comptia A+ and hopefully get a start in industry.

How much energy does it take to cook rice (at least 20 mins boiling) and beans (maybe an hour boiling)?

That is because you have never experienced anything remotely close to poverty, so you can't understand. You're too pampered like a child. You've weathered no storms other than girlfriend leaving, the dog dying, the home being sold, the car being crashed.

For example, poor people do drugs and live the way they do for escapism and self medication... It really is a grind knowing there is no end to the struggle, it can't be explained so easily in words to someone who has never felt it. The food thing is from bad parenting or whatever, it doesn't apply to all poor.
Where as, people born wealthy in most cases do nothing, but in their own way. They buy consumer garbage, expensive cars, and so on, but what do they actually create? What do they actually do with their time? Maybe they carry on their ancestors business (and in many cases fuck it up) or maybe they retire and do nothing but criticise others? They don't do much of anything.

Poor people create the music the wealthy listen to, they create the art the rich buy, they create the culture the rich appropriate, they write the books the rich read, etc.

>I have been wearing the same socks and shirts for more than a decade.

Lmao, you're even more hardcore than me.

Are you seriously this naive? You are like a little baby child that has lived his whole life in fiction without ever meeting a real person. There is nothing exceptional at all about poor people that justifies any sort of generalization like that. The truth is, most people are shitty retards. 90% of people born into poverty are worthless just like 90% of people born into wealth are worthless, if we’re being genrous about it. The fact is, most everyone is too lazy or stupid to make real changes in their lives but retards like you point at the truly exceptional few that are capable, some of whom are by coincidence born into less money, and attribute some kind of virtue to poverty; imbue circumstance with power when its the individual that deserves credit. Poor people do not create culture, exceptional individuals do, you unexceptional retard. That you try to prop up populations, try to identify with them, and then take credit again just reinforces your worthlessness.

You know nothing about me, you dumb childish fool.

I more hardcore
I sleep on the floor, no pillow, no blanket
I only have one chair and a small table.
I don't even have a phone. I use my laptop as my phone. Also i own just one electronic device and thats my laptop.

I don't have any furniture expect for that one chair and table.

I eat rice and veggies everyday. On weekends meat. I drink milk and orange juice. Nothing else.

I own 2 plates, 2 bowls, 6 spoons.
And one pan and one pot.

tfw /minimal/

Nah, it's true, just look at how upset you got. I must have hit a nerve. But, I don't disagree that the large majority of each are retarded, doesn't change anything about what else I said though.
Rich people are plagiarists. Prove me wrong.
>There is nothing exceptional at all about poor people that justifies any sort of generalisation like that.
Of course there is. They are far better observers for a start. Providing they're intelligent too.

>Poor people do not create culture, exceptional individuals do,
Are you retarded? Look around moron, culture isn't things you happen to personally enjoy or like. Poor people create culture, no question. Whether its net good or bad is another discussion.

>again just reinforces your worthlessness.
>You know nothing about me, you dumb childish fool.
Calm down, it's only language on the internet.

Oh and i own 3 pairs of pants and 7 shirts and one sweater. I have been like this for a year now. Those are my outdoor clothes.

My indoor clothes: 7 shorts, 7 shirts.

amortizing small, one time, fixed expenses like that does not save you much money, like you said it’s more of a lifestyle choice. decreasing repeating expenses is how to save up. If your margins are so thin you cant afford a mattress, despite wanting one, something in your life needs to change.

It’s funny that now you attack me for caring as though it is a bad thing when you were the one so offended in the first place. You lack basic reading comprehension and ask me to prove negatives while completely unable to provide any counterfactuals, even simple rhetorical ones. You are belligerant to me apparently because you disagree with me without reason, but then you also throw the people you are ostensibly defending under the bus because, likely, you consider yourself above them as well. It’s disgusting. You have no principled or reasoned position and only value your own ego, for some reason, on an anonymous japanime imageboard.

I get upset because I’m a person that cares. You are an inexperienced, transparent, silly child that wants to feel special.

ik it sucks

No no no! I just know how it goes whereas you think you know how it goes. I don't have anything against you personally, I don't even know you!
But poor people are the way they are because it is all they know. They quite literally do not know any better, or of any other way to do things. It's like criticising someone living in Hong Kong because they can't speak proper English.

Nothing personal chap. Maybe it is slightly different where you are, and maybe your personal experience is different. But where I am, that is how it is.

its a lot better than being poor. but i dont really care either way.

>should i eat today or use the money to get to work
choose your own adventure picks never prepared me for this

Reread your posts, they are still there. Try to defend your position instead of constantly moving it to try to be ‘right’.

People like you disgust me. Not you personally, of course. I do not know you. I just know how you think and act.

Lol that is all bullshit, I don't care about being right. If you say something that makes me change my opinion then I will say so. You've read it all wrong I'm afraid

>He doesn't know eating healthy costs about 3 times more than eating shit foods.

You're making good points except for this part, eating healthy is cheap as fuck. Rice, beans, eggs, frozen veggies, shit is cheaper than mcdonalds. Now you'll probably bitch about convenience but that's a different argument. Toughen up.

>A single fucking carrot costs $1.

Where do you live? I can get a giant 10-lb bag of whole carrots for about 4 dollars. Do you have a WinCo near you? Also think in terms of nutrient density, instant noodles is like paying for nothing, compared to say, milk, or rice and beans or frozen chicken breasts

maybe stop being lazy when it comes to your health? Maybe stop playing video games and learn to cook?

>I sleep on the floor, no pillow, no blanket
Kind of unrelated but holy shit it must be so depressing to have no bed.
Hope you make it user

>eating overpriced noodles with no nutritional value

You are poor because you are a fucking retard OP.

20 cent ramen which will get you maybe 1 or 2 servings vs 10 lb bag of rice for about 10 dollars at a korean market which at 11 servings a lb is about 110 servings of rice, which would put you at about 9 cents or so per serving. Which gives you money leftover for some eggs, or butter, maybe some chicken. Use your brain senpai

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cordon Blue Culinary Schools, and I’ve been involved in numerous catering raids on San Francisco, and I have over 300 confirmed meals. I am trained in fancy cuisine and I’m the top chef in the entire Kitchen Stadium. You are nothing to me but just another eater. I will whip you the fuck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth a great feast, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of chefs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the main course, mealworm. The main course that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your hunger. You’re fucking full, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can fill you up in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in culinary cuisines, but I have access to the entire kitchen of Hell's Kitchen and I will use it to its full extent to satiate your miserable taste off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “cleaver” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit curry all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

kek, saved

">Cordon Blue"
Cordon Bleu

Where do you live? I live in uk and pay like 65 cents for bag of carrots(1kg=2.2lbs). Chicken costs $8.4 for a pack(1kg=2.2lbs), bag of rice $1.4 for 500g.

I cook on Sundays - 2hrs for 5 meals sorted Monday - Friday. I work out as well so meal needs to be balanced as well.

Sounds like you're too lazy to look around for healthy, unprocessd food. Buy only 1 ingriedient food.
And yes, I have 9-5 job. Save money first and live for what you have left for.

I spent with my girlfriend $56 a week for healthy food.

Food to buy:
meat(chicken or diced beef)
peanut butter
bell pepper
red kindey beans

Eat healthy and you will feel way better user. Don't be lazy and cook!

spending 15 hours a week cleaning, prepping, cooking large batches and freezing/storing is not even close to worth the 10-20% you might save being frugal with healthy cooking. complete insanity.

>Poor people create the music the wealthy listen to, they create the art the rich buy, they create the culture the rich appropriate, they write the books the rich read, etc.
list 10 poor people fitting that description, and you cannot pick anyone born before 1960

Not only do you save money, but you are healthier and more likely to have energy to do better things with your life and you won't die of a heart attack at 50. Not dying is a pretty great way of saving money imo

The jews put soy and soy lecithin in poor people food to make everyone gay soyboys. You have to eat red meat. Even bread has soy in it now!

btw in the time it took to type this post you could have gotten a fiverr job and made a dollar
you deserve what you get, everyone does
your fantasy of idle rich people collecting interest as they slap their fat belly applies to 0.1% of the population, and even most of these make sound macro decisions which is why they can have so much leisure time (while you think a good allocation of your time is shitposting on a thailandese fishing forum)

>inb4 conspiracy theory about all rich people inheriting wealth
most children of millionaires end up middleclass, most family wealth disappears within 3 generations

Also tell me if you really deep down think you aren't just making excuses to be lazy

you can get a pack of noodles for cents
either that or plain toast
sure there are lots of actual meals you can cook for cheap and will last a few days.. but laziness bro

I'm not poor retard
Though I have been

I don't apply that to entrepreneurs and such, only the rent seeking rich

Switzerland my friend. Switzerland.

Here a burger costs 9 bucks.

I can get noodles, roast-sauce and half a pound of chicken breasts for 8.

Shit is expensive here but healthy

honestly i don't even remember

went all in on ZRX and KNC

going to go all in on b0x next, it's the next logical progression of exchanges and crypto

These people have a different mentality. I believe Maslow's hierarchy of needs explains a lot.

t. Neoliberal

kys you ignorant faggot

>Alpha mentality.
He who is rich in spirit will never be poor in life. You poorfags need to start thinking that you and your time are worth something, then maybe you'll escape your poverty.