Why do fucking Indians never stopping Scamming in online world?

Why do fucking Indians never stopping Scamming in online world?

pretty much 90% of internet scam attempt is done by these poo branded fucks.

Or niggers
Atleast most of crypto scams i saw were done by niggers

Western values are not a part of their culture, they are poor and the competition is very real. Finding a well paying job is nearly impossible so they have the survival of the fittest mentality, which creates a whole lot of scammers who wants to beat their peers.

>le competition
>life so hard
>there was no way but scamming people

this is almost niggers excuse when they commit crimes and selling cracks

I am not defending pajeets, this is the reason, like it or not. Also, I've already said they lack certain values.

AKA Get rich quick Pajeets

Smelling like shit and being ugly as fuck messed them up so they only know how to scam.

They are dumb and incompetent, yet want it all. The cars, the money, the women

just like crack dealing/rapper negros

sounds like a chad mentality to be quite honest sir
maybe if you hustle as hard as you hate you will have good profits my friend

t. upper-middle class person with no true adversity thrown his way ever and no responsibilities

>im an 70iq nigger, but i deserve the private jets and maseratis just as much as anyone, so i;ll sell crack cocaine to my peers and blame the white man afterwards

AKA don't lose a child from starvation pajeets

White people are ruthless unless it is impossible to fuck each other up. You guys act civilised because you sit on your pile of riches now. You send nukes to countries that have a chance of being dangerous fo fuck sake.

I am not sure if you're being serious or not, we're on Veeky Forums after all and it is fun to be ironically racist. But the question of why some countries are behind others is actually a very interesting one, there are lots of books about it, you should take a look.

I hope you all know your gains are more meaningful when you are improving yourself intellectually too.

wanting to feed ones children is truly akin to wanting jet planes

Such detachment from reality.

yah let me read a book about why Pajeet shits in the street in 2018, sounds like I'll learn a lot.

Just curious but what do you think the reason is? Have you ever even thought to wonder why?

>get marriage arranged all throughout history
>families status counts more than males actual worth as a provider and a man
>turn into pussified walking talking jokes of a man due to missing rivalry in finding a partner

yeah, alphas are bred, they don't just happen...
india fucked itself... they were supposed to be conquered by the british after culturally turning themselves into pussies...

>mfw betas in the west are more chad than indian normies

Inb4 cheery picked, half indian male model

the reason why?
I know the reason why. naturally, intellectually fucked up pajeets and niggers are impossible to be moral at the same time.

it goes always the same. if you're dumb, then you're lacking morality too. that's the general phenemenon and that's why niggers are never able to be rich living in 1st world country like US. Still whining why arent they getting more government supports.

this is what white liberals actually believe...

how naive

>huhuhhu why even attempt to learn things?
you're a legit moron and probably a teenager

and you're a moral relativist cuck and probably a boomer faggot

Indians are the largest country of POOR english speaking people..the chinks stick to Chinese internet, and other english speakers are too few or already rich

Hence you notice them more

Of course, that goes without saying. Fuck with us and we will turn your race into compost, we have done it before, and if certain people aren't careful, we will do it again.

>I am a 12 year old trumpet because racism is cool and a sense of belonging to a community makes me warm inside

>I am a 60 year old virtue signalling liberal because cuckoldry is socially mandated and a sense of belonging to a community makes me warm inside

>dhurmphhh ishh bid mun

Even though I hate pajeet scammers I kinda like indians. They are patriotic and capitalists. They don't straight up chimp out and loot, they just pray on retards. If you get scammed by a pajeet you lost a little bit of money and got a learning experience. If you get shot in the face by a black and your wife raped, you might lose less money but you'd be a lot worse off.

>thinks male drug dealers raise the kids they fathered
>thinks other people are detached from reality

>If you get scammed by a pajeet you lost a little bit of money and got a learning experience

what about your mom getting captured by ISIS and livestream being beheaded? fucking pajeet?

what about your limbs get rip off hit by truck and your skull crushed treaten by its wheel blasting your brain cells with watermellon crush sound? what about that?
sounds like you'll learn alot isnt it?

this retarded fucking pajeet really do think he's scamming people and also giving some lesson for the victims.
the most disgusting human beings thought on earth indeed.
("I stabbed you in the neck but AT LEAST YOU'VE LEARN SOMETHING? so be grateful")

The culture in India teaches you that status and money are the ONLY thing that matters. More than human life even.

I really hate this kind of mother fucker just genuinely, I hate this kind of person.

I hate this kind of individual. I want kinds like you get wiped out brutally someday.

What about me trace back to adress and visiting with a firearm murder every family members in your house? for posting this kind of shitpost on random internet board?

you'll learn alot from that isnt it?

what about someone suddenly stab you and steal your money while you're walking in the streets just for walking?
you'll learn alot from that isnt it?

fucking pajeet. go to fucking hell.