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OMG (OmiseGO) - OmiseGO is a public Ethereum-based financial technology for use in mainstream digital wallets. OMG enables real-time, peer-to-peer value exchange and payment services agnostically across jurisdictions and organizational silos, and across both fiat money and decentralized currencies. Designed to enable financial inclusion and disrupt existing institutions, OmiseGO has already partnered with large names such as McDonalds, MUFG and Mizuho Bank. Omise is a payments company that has been around since 2013, the team is experienced and they already have a strong foothold across Asia - which primes them well to be able to launch the OMG network. It also doesn’t hurt that Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, is advising the project.

Over the rest of 2018, the team’s road map is to complete building the entire OMG network alongside plasma-chain. After completion, and stress testing the network heavily, they will welcome all companies, applications, institutions, and governments to join the network of finance, banking and payments. OMG trades at $16.89 on Binance. and is ranked 22nd in market cap. There is a lot of hype around OmiseGO for good reason, and it could moon if the network launch stays on track.

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This will be the biggest crypto of 2018.
Many millionaires will be made

Oh boy here we go. Switching sides now? Where were you 48 hrs ago?

I¨m so much fucking PUMPED about this coin. Nothing feels more comfy than OMG.

I'm reasonably comfy but I would be much comfier with more.

I only have 132 :(

Buy more for fucks sake. This is a single chance in your life to actually make it.

I'm a poorfag for now.

When OMG moons I'll have a nice amount of money, but I won't be rich. Feels kinda bad

That's kinda sad dude. But you have still time, OMG is still on a discount price. Just don't wait too long to increase your position.

Dw, im in the same boat. Anything to make life more comfertable. Im just going to reinvest after the moon.

Is 700 enough to make it?

>Im just going to reinvest after the moon.

That's my plan. With what I will have I can easily make it by reinvesting some of my gains after a few bullruns

Hope so my friend. Got the same amount

not to make it, yes to pay your mortage

800 owner here

Today OmiseGO signed MOU with Thai government agency ETDA ( ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY ) for national eKYC portal development corporation utilizing Blockchain.

Goyims, increase your fucking positions till there's time.

This nigga has seen the future.

He saw so many gains it made him retarded. BUY NOW

Omise signed MOU, not OmiseGO


OmiseGO is the part of Omise where the blockchain things happens. Omise = OmiseGO, if you are talking blockchain.

#Omise signed MOU with Thai government agency ETDA ( ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY ) for national eKYC portal development corporation utilizing Blockchain #OmiseGO #Ethereum

Why did you crop the rest out, niggermidget?

Lego signed the MOU not the Bionicles

Article describes a national digital identity application, it is not a payment system using the OmiseGO blockchain.

It is a different project for Omise to attempt.

Guess which network will their eKYC portal use when they partner with Omise and clearly want their help. Are you a retard? I will answer this for you - fucking OmiseGO. This is a goverment agency which has signed a deal with Omise to help them run their software on OMISEGO BLOCKCHAIN.

>signed a deal
MOU = Memorandum of understanding, it is not a legally binding contract, but a formal "gentleman's agreement"

nobody said that, what is important is that Thai gov eKYC program will run on fucking OMISEGO

you are niggermidget and try too hard to find shit

ETH went from $10 to $1000 in a year. OMG is the only coin I see potential in to repeat that pattern.

Nowhere in the article does it mention crypto, blockchain, or omisego. You are making things up.

this is a good feeling gentleman.. 1500 reporting in.. and fuck all the nigger midgets in this thread, lynch yourselves

I see. You cropped the twitter image intentionaly. Talk shit intentionaly. I bet you don't even know Thai to read that article. Niggermidget confirmed.

FYI if you talk only English, go and read the FULL Jun's tweet where these keywords are clearly mentioned.

Now go and fuck yourself.

I chose the image because you copypasted the tweet but changed Omise to OmiseGO

I'm a SEAmonkey but I've never heard about omise. Is the 400 millions customers claim true? Just asking because thailand isnt even the biggest economy in SEA.

Omise = OmiseGO if you discuss fucking blockchain. niggermidget

>Tfw only 2k omg

fucking sucks man, only two lambo's and a mansion

Only 2800.... I want dat 4k meme

you need 4000 to make it


coin price v market cap is a little different but I actually could see this reaching $500 at some point

Have people actually forgotten that this is backed by Vitalik?

6000 here.

Just counting down the days....

Can this be worth a couple thousand in 2 or 3 years?


no. but it will generate you passive income through staking


been hodling this coin for a year already. dont believe the lies

In earlier times everyone said you need 1k to stake on your own and generate profit. Why do I need 4k now?

Got 1900 will I make it be real

I think it’s possible definitely. If the overall crypto market cap increases to new highs and if staking becomes very profitable to the point where a massive amount of the supply is staked, 1,000 could be the low end of the possible prices.

Thats just a meme. A while ago, some user would spam every single omg thread by asking if he'll make it with 4000. You will need at least six-fiddy, however.

What is this coin supposed to do shill it without buzz words

Make you rich

sold this coin since biz shilling it everyday thanks.

Define making it. Some consider 300k, some 1million, some 10 million.

Validate the transactions in the OMG network (which includes all Wallets, DEX etc), thus make you passive income

Omise is a payment gateway in south east asia. OmiseGo is their token.

They already have 400+ million people using them and 55,000+ merchants. They are currently developing their own blockchain which when released will process the financial transactions of all of their current users.
OmiseGo tokens will be used to process these transactions if put in a staking wallet and dividends will be paid to the owners of these tokens.
Think of it as mining without having to have $10,000+ of computer parts.

Also, their goal is to go worldwide which with the blockchain will be entirely possible. OmiseGo tokens as they currently are have no use, but that just means its the best time to buy before they are put to use. Basically, buy if you're tired of being poor.

"Making it" should be 1 million USD. That's the key to really making it. You can buy some land, a house, start or buy a business, and you're set.

I only have $500 in OMG
Can't sell the rest of what I have
fuck it Im going 500 more

It literally started in july

How did you get OMG before the ICO?

knee pads are cheap though


OMG shilling really needs to stop, you're scaring me. this starts to feel like link. I don't want to be called stinky omgnky in a couple months

Top kek. Have faith omisebro.

omg neo and eng are the 3 coins I put money into everytime I make money off of trading, so I did extensive research on these 3 (like looked 2 weeks nonstop 10 hours a day on news fundamentals code vision project team partners etc), but I really dislike the direction biz is taking on biz...too much shilling is for shitcoins and omg is not

If they pull off this, definately.

They are even trying to get a piece of forexmarkets, which volume is about 5 trillion each day.

5. Trillion. Dollars. Every. Day

Even if they don't, they already have a huge conglomerate testing Wallet SDK. If it's succesful, ofcourse the conglomerates rivals alo want to get in because no one want's to give their competitors advance.

Don't even get me started on the tokenized FIAT currencies whichj are one of their main focus.

2-3k per token? Absolutely possible.

>don't talk about good coins!

I agree. OMG is better than this. Think its a reaction towards retarded FUD aswell. Great portfolio btw m8

You'll only half make it

Seriously, can I make it with only 150 OMG?

You might make 100k one day if everything works out. It’s still under $20 so get more if you can. I have 170 and hope to get at least 200 before March 1.

So sell it then

Genuinely the most exciting prospect of the year. Currently holding 250 and it’s very comfy indeed.

loooool best comment of the day, almost choked on coffee when i read it


Currently holding 600. Waiting for the Vechain Rebrand pump to end and then moving everything into OMG. Should get me to 1000. I think that'll be enough friends.

Nice to have a coin/project backed by an actual successful company. ETH didnt even have this going for it.

Eth was a blockchain. This is a token built on ethereum. Wont go as high as everyone thinks

You obviously know nothing about OMG nor how Plasma will work

I'm in with 800 OMG, so when you say 1000 enough, are you talking about selling, or 1k being enough to generate passive income from staking and stop being a wagecuck?

you should probably research this project a bit better.

Ethereum is dependant on OMG to go big. Just saying. It's not the other way around as you think.