I hate my fucking life and want to kill whoever made this banner

I hate my fucking life and want to kill whoever made this banner.
Come here faggot faggot
Fucking scams pnd

if you fell for this shitcoin you deserve your poverty
>muh ai blockchain with no product for at least 2 years!!11
and you thought that sounded pretty cool

Lol shows how educated you are. Their roadmap cuts out after the 3rd quarter so the scam is almost over

I hate DBC so much, it destroyed my life and took my happiness

Its almost as if it will never be done taking. Dbc will probably go lower than 500 sats in the next week or so

i can't believe how much dumb fucks their is on this board now.

I hope the coin dies and the whlaes are left with nothing.

>i can't believe how much dumb fucks their is on this board now

I sold earlier this morning at a heavy loss but im happy im going to all in on axpire bitches and make it silly whale rich when roger pumps that with his btc

>you trusted these chumps

Oh my goodness what a scam

>investing in something called DEEPBRAIN
>literally autism: the coin name
>not buying LINK instead
>being this retarded

Good FUD, that means it's time to buy

>bought for 70% of portfolio at 8 cents
>shilled the shit out of it, 5 posts a day, tons of memes
>mfw sold right before Huobi listing for $0.60

this was one of the most obvious scams ever. if you bought this you should exit crypto forever this game isn't for brainlets.

literally the only reason to hold shitcoins for more than a few days is if you believe in the long term success. you should have sold when it fell through the trend line

can anybody tell me why this is a scam

The best thing about DBC is it wrecked so many people and now they are desperate to get out. They are now abandoning it and as soon as they all leave, it will moon hard again. It's so obviously in the buy zone, yet you can't see it if you already lost a lot of money on it. I love coins that fuck people like this.

Why would anyone be left it already hit 800 sats a week ago.
Now it goes to 500 from there it will go to 200

t. bought at 60cents and sold at 10

gj dude, really gonna take your prediction to heart

You know nothing about market cycles. Good luck friend.

The bottom left guy looks like an older version of the virgina tech shooting.

On another note I bought this shit but learned the valuable lesson of do the opposite of heavily stilled/biz/ coins. I'm only in it about a grand so I'll just hold forever.

>tfw i tell people the opposite of what i do
>tfw i get better, more diverse responses
Fuck you OP

I did the exact opposite of this utterly retarded move and bought 75k LINK with the profits

Fucking WEW lad

so what dude, I was not talking to you

Thanks for $$$ user. Go back to video games

>tfw buy high, sell low
>tfw pretend it's opposite

thank you for buying my bags in early January. Those sales helped me find the next moon mission and keep my stack growing.

lol this too, for the idiots selling now at a huge loss, youre better off just holding it now versus cutting and running when you should have done that long ago

funny thing is when sentiment is like this it means its a good time to buy if you actually believe in the product

Your welcome

No floor!

>look guys, whales set up a sell wall! This coin is a scam!
Is this your first day in crypto?

i love this coin wheww

Wasa wasa wasa!

Same here. Easiest 6x of my life and glad I didn't get greedy.

Same, except I sold perfectly on the way down to get 20x

Why does the minion character resonate so well with women and soyboys?

sold this garbage for 3x instead of 6x

It's your own fault for buying into this obvious shitcoin. Why would artificial intelligence need a coin? Retards

I know that feel all too well. I'm not selling because I know it will moon if I do, shitcoin or not. I also know that I wouldn't feel like killing myself if it goes down to 1 sats but I definitely would if I'd sell at a huge loss and would have to see it then recover and go past its ATH.

Maybe that's just me tho



>see it recover


I think I may have not expressed myself clearly.
Scenario A/1:
Buy high, sell low, it goes to 1 sat, I still lost money on it, I'm not happy.
Scenario A/2:
Buy high, sell low, it goes up again --> will definitely feel like killing myself
Scenario B/1:
Buy high, HODL, it recovers, I feel good about myself
Scenario B/2:
Buy high, HODL, it goes to 1 sat, I don't care too much because I wrote it all down already at this point and at least I have the false hope of it MAYBE recovering at one point, even if it never does.

The Mickey Mouse toy was a clear sell signal.

Bye bye pakeet

literally why

Same, except I bought at 6c and 10xed before losing it all on other shitcoins.


You faggots were screaming "FUUUUD" whenever I pointed out that just MAYBE it may be a lie.
Now you have what you deserve.

why is it a lie

Because it sounds attractive and it's very effective in attracting dumb money
Because nobody will check and even if they wanted it probably wouldn't be easy

Fuck dbc... What should I do? I sold my link stack and got in dbc at 9c.

but dude tell me why it's a fucking scam
just because it sounds promising means its a shitcoin?

These assfucks dont know shit their just fudding for fun. Most of the fudders are rich already and are disgusting humans that dont like to see their fellow man make it.
They want to see you sell now at a huge loss....more fuel for the bull.
They call it "shitcoin" yet they probably own millions of this coin no doubt.
Many wallets holding 20 million plus coins
Biggest is 316 million