Daily reminder about "mass adoption" cope

1) we already have near total awareness of crypto/btc and 99.9% of nomies know as much about it as they ever will. In Dec/Jan every time I left the house, someone was talking about it. Male, female, old, young.

2) it was literally one of THE biggest worldwide news stories of 2017

3) it's already not that hard to buy crypto, in fact easier than getting into conventional investments. Most normies have no wish to "invest" (i.e. gamble) their savings. People often say shit like "less than 1% of people have any crypto at all!"...

Well no shit, what % of people do you think will ever buy speculation-tier crypto? Hardly anyone is that stupid. Most normies are too scared to even buy something super safe like rental properties, or maybe even some kind of index fund. They just want their guaranteed 0.5% bank interest and will never, ever, ever put significant money into crypto.


4) widespread adoption of blockchain-related tech has NO CONNECTION whatsoever to the meme coins we hold. There's absolutely no reason why a govt or business would allow peasants like us to control their network with "tokens" (lol) when they can just setup a private system of their own.

None of the tokens we have will come to be necessary for any future use case (if, indeed, any arise) whatsoever. Unlike shares, they confer no voting rights or dividends, and - as I mentioned - they will have NO future necessity to any "real" blockchain shit that might be established. The value of current coins/tokens rises purely by name-only association with their parent company.

Large financial institutions are already buying cryptos. Why do you think they will stop when there’s so much profit to be made?

Stopped reading after first line

Awareness != adoption

And they're only really aware of BTC and maybe XRP/TRX

Market cap is still tiny, these currencies arent adopted until the total market cap is 20 trillion unironically. Then you're allowed to make this thread

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Age, Job, etc

I don't think that big players will stop using crypto until it's regulated. I didn't comment on any such matters.

> stopped reading after the first line"

brainlet confirmed, it's a long post - sorry I couldn't sum up the whole thing in five monosyllabic words for you. Adoption is discussed in my post. To sum it up for you: there is basically no such thing.

Adoption of crypto for speculative investments: Hardly anyone has the appetite for it in the first place, anyone who wants in can already get in.

Adoption of blockchain tech in real world: dubious utility in the first place, and NO CONNECTION with the shitty meme coins in our wallets *whatsoever*

Crypto-wise, I've been in since 2013. I'm down a lot since Dec/Jan but still have more than 10,000 anons put together.

I dont nees to reas your garbage if your premise is wrong and you talk like a salty nocoiner trying to convince himself of something, the same kind I've seen the last 2 years

wow you are an idiot

OP is a brainlet but so is anyone who seriously thinks large institutions will/can buy crypto without regulations

^ think that one day they can use their DOGE to leverage government databases.

^^ think that the DVLA will have a "crowdsale" of "tokens" and if they buy enough, they can hax0r and get a licence at 13yo.

^^^ think that the prison system will switch record keeping to a DOGE-pegged blockchain and they will be able to buy and sell parole opportunities.

"Everybody heard about it" doesnt equal to "everybody bought in".

Relax user, you are gonna make it.

>a digital coin with a meme dog on it is capable of replacing and decentralized all world currencies and installing a global world currency
> a salty nocoiner will actually try to downplay this

>it's another white middle-class burger thinks his filter bubble is the entire world episode
come hang out in france, user. i'll treat you to some good food while we watch the blank stares we get everytime we talk to someone about ethereum
burgers are less than 5% of the world yet 40% of the people on exchanges, completely disproportionate. anecdotal evidence will give you a warped idea of the market

You’re forgetting the power of the people. If a collected mass chooses to use blockchain tech to store their funds safely without the government overlooking transactions then and only then can we say that crypto has gone mainstream. Till then we sit and wait for the current system to implode and smart money realises there’s ways of keeping their money safely out of reach of govt and federal reserve.

Just wait and see. 2018 is the year, we will see the inevitable crisis strike down and create a drought of gold and silver. Next best thing? Crypto.

>some tech nerd millenials know about it so that means mass adoption ;^)


Someone sold the bottom.

Do you know how much it'll cost to mine their own block chain the size of Bitcoin? Trillions. They'd be smarter to just buy the one already there

Literally didn't hear a single soul apart from few aspies talking about crypto during Dec/Jan and only saw couple topics of Bitcoin (nothing else, no mention of blockchain, ETH or anything except for Bitcoin) when it peaked at 20k ish

> Can't read past the title.
> Why in god's name would everyone buy into this, any more than everyone would put their savings down at a casino? There have been investment opportunities open to normies forever, and only a tiny % actually buy in.


And, yes, I am going to make it. I already have, lamo.

I'm from the UK, everyone here knows about crypto as well.

That's because you didn't leave the basement or go near another human being.

>sellers and shorters assblasted the market is going back up

i will never tire of this

literally have more crypto than 99.9% of people here, been holding and buying since 2013. Fucking lol. I will be exchanging my meme coins for fiat and not waiting for the day that I can overthrow a govt with muh private keys.

every bitch i meet off tinder doesn't even know what bitcoin is


Fine. Just let go of your frustration. You will make up your loses just fine . No need to let rage take over.

and how much do you have

This is a common case. Lost a lot and is frustrated .
Thats all.

Regulations are impossible in crypto (other than basic KYC requirements that are already in force). Crypto is international by its nature, it can be easily manipulated from abroad by those who control the supply. And because of blockchain immutability and irreversability of transactions, crypto is subject to hacker attacks and security breaches.

>Unlike shares, they confer no voting rights or dividends

thats what i was thinking when people say btc to 1mln usd.
why would rich people buy it? when they can buy stocks that give them 10% yearly dividends.
at the same time poor people dont like buying a fraction of a btc/if it were worth 1miln)
the only reason you would buy btc is because you think it will increase in value-----> greater fool theory

high six figures

Why do rich people buy gold?
pays no dividends
no voting rights

people are idiots but there will be mass participation. bitcoin etfs are going to be approved.
imagine in the far future "crypto brokers" and crypto advisors being rolled into the job of financial advisors. there's too much money to be made by traditional institutions not to shill something new like this

>we already have near total awareness of crypto/btc and 99.9% of nomies know as much about it as they ever will.

stopped reading you are fucking retarded

he's right tho

gold market cap is currently 8 trilion, what does gold do better than bitcoin? absolutely nothing, it's essentially way shittier version of bitcoin, hard to store, move, buy, sell, transaction fee of bitcoin is nothing compared to what you would have to pay when transacting gold

literally everyone knows about bitcoin, even my grandma

>he's right tho

same here - you don't realize that crypto is an entirely new asset class and basically stocks 2.0?

what we're buying now is like buying internet protocols in the 70s and 80s

>investing since 2013
>high six figures
Either you're a pajeet who started with 10 dollars, or you're a brainlet who doesn't know how to make money.

>What does gold do better than Bitcoin?

>what does gold do better than bitcoin? absolutely nothing
Gold actually has real-world applications, you're using a computer, you should know this.

>we already have near total awareness of crypto/btc and 99.9% of nomies know as much about it as they ever will. In Dec/Jan every time I left the house, someone was talking about it. Male, female, old, young.

>he lives the bubble

kek, you'd be surprised at how many people know absolutely nothing about crypto

there will only be true awareness the majority realize the benefits of crypto over fiat. hell, most Veeky Forums posters don't even know why crypto is good and think it's magic meme coins

Thats absolutely true. I was a gold and silver guy (BARS) . Have been studying BTC and crypto heavily for a couple months . Dropped the gold fast.

A bit of both, I bought only ~5 btc back then. I don't believe that active trading is profitable, nor does anyone with half a brain. I could have risked more on shitcoins but in fact I would have done better had I risked less. There are not many popular coins from 2013/14 still around, let me assure you.

> people whose shitcoin happened to go 100000000% last year thinking they are trading gods.

Oh man , please don't . You don't know what you're talking about . You think gold prices are attached to its use? NO

the real world application of gold doesn't begin to justify 0.1% of its traded value

now kys

>benefits of crypto over fiat

like how a typo means your savings are gone forever? How it takes 50 times longer to send than a normal (and free) bank transfer? How the UI's could not possibly be worse even if they tried?

gtfo if you meant some kind of wider sociopolitical chit, because no normie GAF about that; only incels who have been rejected by the prevailing system and so want to see it collapse. Normies rather like the current system.

Crypto as it stands today is purely speculative. In fact, it's more speculative than it was years ago. Not being backed by any real commodity and revenue will only attract other speculators rather than traditional investors.

>what is IBM hyperledger

>How it takes 50 times longer
this is not remotely true for 99% of cryptos

Btc transactions have been taking less than 30 min for me while my bank takes 1 business day for a mobile check deposit

Oh, and by the way, do some research as to the amount of people dropping gold. The Perth Mint is already making a cryptogold token to try to lure people back. Look it up, they already realised why people are selling back in large numbers.

What about the funds managing the normie's money?

Gold is sought because it doesn’t move. It barely returns anything, it’s stable.


Do you know how much money is in stock market? Do you know how much guaranty you'll get when investing in stocks?

Sure, thats why i dropped it. Had i purchase BTC back in 2010 instead i'd have 80M.

>my bank takes 1 business day for a mobile check deposit

What kind of shithole poverty country do you live in? In the UK we can send pretty much any realistic amount "instantly", literally within a few seconds it will show up in the recipient's account. Fucking lol, crypto is so far behind as a currency it's unbelievable.

Precisely. I don't get this argument, "most normies still don't know about crypto exchanges". Hell, every crypto exchange is in the top 1000 most popular sites on the internet, this is verified data. While new people will continue coming to crypto, there's obviously a limit on how many people are ready to gamble.

Won't touch it. Too risky:
>easily manipulated from abroad
>insane volatility
>bad track record, exchanges get hacked every year (the last time was recently)
>potential security breaches (51% attack, LN vulnerabilities)
>potential irreversible hack attacks

also those ads on facebook and around the web: buy then next bitcoin and become rich, or buy btc and become rich...

OP is retarded.

>we are here
So crypto exchanges must become to normies something like Google and Youtube? Coinbase is already almost in the top 100 in US.

>How it takes 50 times longer to send than a normal (and free) bank transfer? How the UI's could not possibly be worse even if they tried?

Are you even trying? Maybe the UI thing is true for the old coins, which in turn is being solved by many many new implementations.

Everything else you said is a fuckin LIE. I can send crypto to ANYONE in the world. If I wanted to do the same with a bank, I'd have to set up a wire transfer from my bank to your bank which could take day(s).

Shit like cashier's checks fees and wire transfer fees are outrageous compared to the pennies you could be paying on crypto for WORLDWIDE transactions.
>inb4 muh 50$ transactions
Stop reading contrarian news articles and DYOR grandpa, there's many alternatives to the over-inflated bitcoin transaction fee shart.

Mass adoption is irrelevant.

4 people could be exchanging their services using Bitcoin as a mean of exchange and their purchasing power could still grow without requirement for a fifth person to enter their system.

It's called productive improvements and pouring our production into the means of exchange to add value to it.

You think international regulations don't exist?

They do and the financial sector is one of the most heavily regulated. Google Basel 3

>comparing the market cap of stock market companies to some internet meme money

> arbitrary comparison to a different bubble from the past
> convinced crypto must follow the same pattern and valuation
> because...
> because...

>You think international regulations don't exist?
But you can't apply them to a decentralized, anonymous currency. As long as some countries stay lax, there will always be pitfalls.

>They do and the financial sector is one of the most heavily regulated.
True, but crypto anarchy is not finance.

Move to a first-world country, you peasant. Bank transfers taking days? What the fuck, do they send a boy on a donkey to take the cash to the other branch?

I can already send real money on my phone to anyone else within 5 seconds, for free. Maybe crypto will make it "within 4 seconds" lamo, I can't wait. Muh spare time.

And, yes, I know that btc tx fees are bullshit and there are free tx coins out there already. But you can't get cheaper than free, and banks are already fucking free to use, you absolute mong. In fact, they normally PAY YOU (small amounts of interest). Unless you live in umbongoland where the bank is a mud hut and you have to sacrifice a goat to open an account.

I wonder if American institutions start investing in bitcoin on a large scale (they won't), will this be an incentive for the chink government to pull off a 51% attack?

Lol faggots thinking binance will be hacked

You're a lying fucking NIGGER. My cousin sent me 2.4k from a German bank and it took 8 FUCKING DAYS to get here to the U.S. Why? You're gonna tell me they don't know about the 2nd largest bank in Germany? FUCK OFF.

In Australia takes 24hours minimum for interbanking payments TO CLEAR. Sure anybody can SEND in 5 seconds , you can send it in 5 seconds with BTC too. Transfers abroad takes a week.

You're right, crypto will probably reach a higher valuation since it's global and deals with fintech.

Im starting to think this the guy is an angry boomer.

Just checked my messages again, he paid 12 fucking euros. Holy shit are you ignorant.

>will probably reach a higher valuation since it's global and deals with fintech.
What you're talking about is IBM Hyperledger

I meant this guy

>In Dec/Jan every time I left the house, someone was talking about it. Male, female, old, young.

So you live in South Korea?

Otherwise I'm calling bullshit.

The point is that as long as this is the case, large financial institutions cannot meaningfully get into crypto.

They are heavily regulated and have humongous compliance departments to deal with that. You think that in the wake of the GFC, they will be allowed to do Casino Capitalism 2: Crypto Boogaloo?

Hell, crypto isn't even meaningfully defined as an asset class yet. Is it currency? Commodity? Security? How about utility tokens? What about PoS tokens? Etc.

Banks and such cannot touch crypto as long as these things are not settled. Why do you think crypto ETFs slammed against a wall? Why do you think crypto futures can only be settled in USD and not crypto, even though the underlying is crypto?

As long as there are no regulations, financial institutions can't get in. If regulations are not possible, financial institutions won't be able to meaningfully get in and the crypto market will lose out on billions if not trillions.

>we already have near total awareness of crypto/btc and 99.9% of nomies know
Retarded statement, about 99.9 of people dont have crypto, and sure some people have heard that bitcoin is worth alot but no one of them dont know anything about it

Yawn. All heavily debunked points. It's not going back to 6k user, give it up.

EFT's in April. That will be the beggining.


Begone Ron paul!

>Retarded statement, about 99.9 of people dont have crypto

99.9% of people *don't want* crypto, you mong. What kind of idiot gambles (literally GAMBLES) their savings like this?



Source that isn't speculation?

Highly doubtful that this will happen without being accompanied by massive regulations.

Recent flash crash in us stock market refuted the crypto=gold claim. Precious metals went up and cryptos tanked hard. Anyone preparing for a real world crisis with crypto is fucking delusional. What will crypto so for you in a post apocalyptic world with no internet?

this is an official desperate bear fud thread

please give it up Omegafeggit - its never going back to 6k so buy in now or stay poor.

you're wrong. How many people are into drugs, gambling, pyramid schemes(nevermind the legitimate usecases)? Those people want crypto and they are much more than 0,01%

hey nigger if the world experience anything that takes out the internet your shiny overvalued rocks are going to be just as worthless

You better be hedging yourself in seed, guns and bullets if thats the case you fucking doomsday bull prepper

Crypto isn't for a post-apocalyptic world, it's for a tech-heavy world where speed, digital privacy, and trustless systems can exist.

Crypto isn't for Fallout, it's for Brave New World.

Sure, until BTC breaks ATH again in the next months and greed takes over again. They are coming in waves . Also , one can put in $500 ,
$200 , $2000, $10000. One has options.

>your shiny overvalued rocks are going to be just as worthless

Serious issue, btw

no one cares about IBM's hypercuck whatever. No one wants centralized (((solutions))).

this would be like lighting your own money on fire because your store has a lot of foreign customers. Literally no reason to do this

It's not centralized, in fact. It just assumes a limited circle of known, verified actors. Which I guess is what the finance world will ultimately use.

excuse me sir, but its never going to 6k again

Political interests stand above short-term profit.

One more thing, why is it so hard for people to understand that no one gives a shit about what the boomers and the media say anymore?
It's like they forgot about the Trump sag, Brexit , Btc , etc.

>its not centralized, in fact its centralized