Biz has fucked me up...

Biz has fucked me up. Not because I've bought shitcoins due to excessive shilling (buying Veeky Forums shilled coins (lol)) but because it has broken my no-fapstreak numeral times (thanks brap-posters). I'm tangled. Give me one reason why I shouldn't break my no-fap streak of five days RIGHT NOW. Why keep battling bros? I've become weak.

Brap posters don't post asses, you fool. We are your saviour.
Join our ranks and you shall never be tempted on Veeky Forums again.

>no fap
>sitting inside all day like a cave dwelling sissy on the internet

pick one

I pick no fap, enlighten me on this path, brother.

user why do you deny yourself the pleasure of having an orgasm? Are you a masochist?

I want to fuck her, thats why I dont want to fap because its used as a replacement of real life sex.

Try masturbating worse

if these retards knew the benefits of nofap they would all stop doing it right now
by their 30s they are going to fat, broken useless """men"""

Brap posters are counter posting the thot posting

You can still mitigate those effects by lifting and taking stimulants lol fuck :/


What do you mean stimulants? I do lift.
Tell me.

>What do you mean stimulants? I do lift.

the lethargic effects of being a fap-nigger

agreed... this is how i turned out.
mitigating right now, as we speak.
get you life in order before your 30s, user...

150 days here. Remember why you started. You'll regret immediately after.

Still dont understand shit by what you mean
always have that feeling afterwards user... massive respect to you, how do you deal with the seduction?
18, is it too late bro?

>Still dont understand shit by what you mean


>the lethargic effects of being a fap-nigger


When you jerk off you release prolactin, which makes you want to sleep and grow tits.

Well the sleep bit is the biggest issue for me. So I take adderall rectally and I feel almost normally.

>numeral times

you were born fucked up m8

I broke my streak on Friday. Back on the horse day 3. Let’s go no fap bro we got this.

Sources faggot

Google it you cunt.

>Implying people here aren't already fapping while semi erect just because they're bored.

So you still fap?
*numerous, brainfart


Each attempt at nofap requires a lot of concentration willpower and each failure makes it worse. Weeks and months of discipline can be completely undone in seconds. Totally fucked up.

OP HERE. lasted 4 days. i just fapped and now i feel like killing myself. sigh

>When you jerk off you release prolactin, which makes you want to sleep and grow tits.
So must do sex. There's no physiological difference between having sex and fapping, only a social one.

I think there is a social bonding function as well and it is arguably more satisfying. So like with fapping there is a cost, but you get something for it - probably social bonding, serotonin boost etc.

im kidding guys, i havent fapped yet but im so close to doing it. literally watching this video for 5 minutes so inclined to doing it

If you fap you'll fail at life. Why? Because it's your lifeforce you're wasting.

If you do, make sure to cum in your mouth so you can preserve your life force.

I actually once saw a fuck for forest video where the guy did just that.


>your mind can’t tell the difference between sex and masturbation

Ya nah cunt

However I will say that it doesn’t take a rocket aplliancist to see that too much sex is probably bad for you.

Nice send link pls

HODL ur line u fuckin cunt. be a fuckin man.

i did it bro. literally was watching 2160p porn of the hottest blonde and I didn't fap. nothing can stop me.

this was ages ago... although I remember it was in the dunes behind a beach if that helps
