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Dump it

>rank 77
>at 7700 sats
>All these repeating 7s gets are for link.

Meme magic is just scary.


>tfw when nolinkers saw keks prophecy

>mfw sold at 0.80$ and it keeps going
Go down you fucking shitcoin

Oh come the fuck on now.




Is it too late to buy?

>tfw nolinker


CHECKED holy shit

join us and wash away your doubts my child, 1000 eoy

I bought at 15 cents. I held through all the FUD. It was the best advice BIZ ever gave me (except buying ELIX at 3 cents)


Alright memeing aside, why does Veeky Forums shit so much on LINK?

Veeky Forums fuds the shit out of link to accumulate more not even shitting


This is nuts. It just keeps climbing

It’s true I am guilty of it. I used to encourage other stinky linkies to panic sell so I could buy their linkies for myself



check this out:

Have you been here since early /b/ days, around 2003-2006? I can't comment around 2008-2011 cause I took a hiatus, but image board culture always tends toward utter chaos. Kind of like the Joker from the Dark Knight. Not all anons are malicious, but when you're looking for advice, you're bound to come across noise, trolling, memes and general chaos. You need to learn to read between the lines and read through the chaos. Become one with the chaos. Become one with the meme.
>Veeky Forums fuds the shit out of link to accumulate more not even shitting
This too, to some extent, but I honestly think it's most of us just having fun

Im kinda feeling the same way for prl now
Its going up and I couldnt accumulate because i missed the dips
There really needs to be some fucking fud brigade

Sold. 20% Chainlink.

Will sell another 20% soon.

>tfw I thought link was a meme

I'm a failure

After what i saw yesterday i will have to become a stank lank

I fud LINK because I get perverse pleasure from screwing someone out of a chance to make life-changing money.

/b/ 2003-2006

>mfw another oldfag is into LINK

Has lurking this site for 14 years finally payed off?

Pretty much this. As a stinky linky myself I enjoy FUDing the hell out of it, simply because it's fun. Anyone who actually cares about investing will dig deeper and see what the tech is all about.

>Has lurking this site for 14 years finally payed off?
I think so, although it has come at the cost of so much innocence
>I fud LINK because I get perverse pleasure from screwing someone out of a chance to make life-changing money.
>/b/ 2003-2006
exactly. /b/ takes no prisoners. But also leaves no /b/tard behind, as long as you dance with madness

>tfw started browsing in 2011 as a young teen
i was raised by /b/, then /g/, then Veeky Forums, then Veeky Forums, now im here with you cucks

Honestly, stinky linkies deserve the mooning, theyve been holding for so long this useless coin.
However, you fags need to dump this shit soon or risk being trapped again.


>young teen
underage b&

>although it has come at the cost of so much innocence
This is true, but also I believe alot of 4channers have gained alot of information that would take a lifetime to find out for oneself. Time well spent IMO and it would be funny to here Veeky Forumsnessmen having to tell people how they made it "I shitposted on a mongolian graffiti wall for years and a weird russian guy made me rich from funny internet moneys"

lmao selling link, ever, no thanks



Another thing that makes me wonder is how many times over the years have user's responded to other user's. I mean you wouldn't even know but we could have been replying to each others posts years ago and even arguing to the point of blind rage against each other one moment and memeing our asses off the next day. Its weird to think about.

a 13 year old in 2011 would be 20-21 now

What I don't get is why no one shills qsp. They audit smart contacts ffs, & might as well be a link subsidiary

qsp is great aswell, I'll buy some eventually

>turning 20 in june


>This is true, but also I believe alot of 4channers have gained alot of information that would take a lifetime to find out for oneself.
This is true. I was consoling a fellow user, that it is actually a much more interesting life to be an autistic NEET. You can always go after the overrated shit that normie life has to offer. But you can't always gain rare insights and opportunities, and knowledge, that Veeky Forums has given us. Critical thinking and a desire to dig deeper is probably the most valuable thing. Also fucking kek at being able to one day talk about AB, Sergey memes, and epic GETs

top kek, I remember that meme. It was like babby's first philosophical dilemma of other minds on the internet.
just kidding user.

Also for all you oldfags, enjoy:
Haven't found anything else that culminated the essence of 2004-06 days

roadmap says mainnet q3
also can't audit smart contracts when there's nothing to audit yet

Anyone who still hasn't gone all in on LINK will be a serf in the age of Kek

>roadmap says mainnet q3


We all knew link would get the 7s get. What's really coincidental is it happened the night Sergey announced alpha node launch. We're fucking with some powerful voodoo, anons.

started browsing Veeky Forums in 2005-6. Thank you Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums for the all the positives you brought to my life like LINK

This. And the dubs in this thread should be proof enough.

I thought link was a shitcoi, but if you're not all in at this point nothing can save you.

The roadmap was removed from their website. The last time I checked it was July-Aug 2018 for v1 mainnet. 2019 for marketing and mass adoption.

and hitting 7777 sats, Rank 77
And it's clear Sergey is on a warpath now. The cat is out of the bag, and it's a race to deliver the world's first decentralized oracle network. Strap the fuck in it's going to be a wild ride.

Poorfag here. Bought 500 linkies at .7. Am I too late to make it?

Sorry man

You need 501 at least to make it

Depends on your definition of making it, but rest assured, we've still got a ways to go

I'm sorry you LINKfags are too stupid to realize you'll always be poor.

500 million isn't so bad

Probably, but my estimates put that at around $25k-$50k long term.

This. Reading 4chsn is like reading the raw matrix, you need to learn to hear the whispers in the storm.

Been here 2008->2013, and then 2016->now

These are accurate. The main reason I fud link is because I don't want some pleb who doesnt understand it to get rich.

link is a meme

its beginning to look like it
was bound to happen eventually

>LINK holders themselves bored out of their minds because of the lack of news, start inside-jokes that look like FUD
>Legitimate newfag retards look at the inside-jokes and believes it's genuine FUD, and they latch on to it
>A few oldfags who didn't buy into LINK for various reasons are understandably fed up with all the LINK threads
>Poorfag holders spread FUD because they need to constantly swing-trade in order to increase their stacks
>"Smart money" FUDing to keep "dumb money" out in order to achieve singularity

I've only seen like 2-3 genuine FUD posts with substance in the last 4 months when it comes to LINK. And luckily someone more familiar with SGX than I am were able to kick the shit out of that FUD.

I can't wait

At this rate, my baby stack of 5.6k Link will get me a used Honda Accord in no time!

this, sold at .81, fomoed back in at .85, used cash to fix my fuck up and replenish my stack. I wish someone would change my binance pw and not tell me it

I have learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it.

- user

Just a little heads up.

I work in public transportation of all things, in one of the largest cities in Europe. Politicians are always pussing for new innovative tech like autonomous busses, etc.

We have a "if you are 20 minutes late to your destination, you get your ticket refunded"-guarantee and I know the tech department is working on smart contracts to automize this process rather than having thousands of people flood customer service every day and having to prove that they were late. But the tech guys are struggling to feed GPS data from the cellphone using our app to the smartcontract.

I mentioned ChainLink to them a few weeks ago, but when it comes to public partnerships everyone's a nazi, so even if I asked if they ever contacted ChainLink they wouldn't answer.

We'll see what happens, but what I do know for a fact is that we and a lot of other entities in Europe are looking to use smart contracts to make our lives easier. And we need something like LINK to connect the contracts to real world data like GPS coordinates, etc.

Oh, and just in our city alone there are more than 1-3 million passengers every day. +65% uses a smartphone with our app, so we would need something that could process A LOT of data nearly 24 hours a day from all of those users. I don't know enough about LINK to know whether it could handle that amount, but maybe someone could shed some light on that.


>Holy shit.

>mfw link fud has caused me to do my own research and consequently learn computer science
This is the real deal boys.

Wasn't this already $1.40 in January?

How is this an achievement?

Yes, it's why everyone is so excited, they may be able to dump their bags and break even soon

>Haha, wasn't everything higher in January before the crash?
>Why are you retards happy about your project recovering faster than nearly everything else?
>That's not an achievement

Pic is you

Apology checked and accepted

>one city alone
>1-3 million separate transmits of data every single day

Imagine operating the fucking node that deals with this shit. Imagine the fucking dividends.

LINK nodes could easily handle that, but every time I see a new potential usecase it makes me cream my fucking pants. Smart contracts can be used for almost anything, and they'd all need an oracle.

are you homosexual user? there's literally no reason to not mention the actual city unless you're larping and want to keep anons from that city from pointing out holes in your story

I ask myself this often... but it seems it has.
>25 yrs old
>/b/ 06-14
>/pol/ 14-16
>Veeky Forums 16-current
>I've been here almost half my life

If LINK takes off maybe I can break the chains of Veeky Forums, but something tells me I'll wind up on Veeky Forums or something once I've got my millions from LINK

Love all the oldfags coming out of the woodworks. I'm not a true oldfag, started using Veeky Forums regularly in 8th grade at 13. I'm 23 now.

Is Chainlink going to be the payoff for using this shithole site for so long? For all us neets who failed at life? It seems too poetic.

I tell you the city, autistic anons contact the tech department of the agency operating public transportation and start asking about ChainLink. I risk losing my job for violating code of secrecy at work.

Yes, if only I was willing to risk my job to satisfy your curiosity.

For all I know they ignored my proposal and never pursued it. All you and I know is that they were made aware, nothing else.

Too late m8, i just wrote a little script that datamines for the contact addresses for every single public transportation agency in the world. I will send each one of them a generic e-mail about chainlink. Say goodbye to your job.


You little rug rat, you are me. We've been on this journey together without even knowing.

>26 years old
>/b/ 06-12
>/pol/ + Veeky Forums 12-16
>Veeky Forums 16-current

>still under my buy in price
Oh well, at least I'm not a nolinker


.5 mill is enough to reinvest and make it off of a mere 4x.

I think that's how a lot of us "evolved".

>started with /b/, /a/, and /v/ somewhere in 2008 i think
>then Veeky Forums
>then Veeky Forums

/b/ and Veeky Forums redpilled the fuck out of me, Veeky Forums also turned me into 200 pounds of pure muscle. now Veeky Forums learned me how to become filthy rich by literally pushing some buttons. it's a strange feel.

The usual route for oldfags seems to be;

>/b/ - Edgy teenage phase
>/pol/ and/or Veeky Forums - Self-improvement phase
>Veeky Forums - Financial improvement phase

With a few random boards thrown in for each individual.

Same thing here. I still visit Veeky Forums occasionally and lift a lot. Also, your pic is pretty much how I feel all the time when I don't feel like fucking killing myself.

If crypto ever crashes I'll be inconsolable.

yup. Edgy kid on /b/, then moved to /v/, /out/, and occasionally /trv/, then picked up /pol/ and it was my main board for years now I'm full on Veeky Forums and don't fuck with any other boards. If I go to /pol/ I get angry instantly and start hating women. It's not healthy.

wtf, so acurate.

I envy you
I sold @ 5200 sats

how in the world, i mean this dude just called exactly my chan progression. could even be scary

>how to navigate the singularity for autism

Spot fucking on holy shit, 2007-2018