Hey linkies. I dont own any Link but for the 1st time im glad some1 else is making it. You deserved it. good luck

Hey linkies. I dont own any Link but for the 1st time im glad some1 else is making it. You deserved it. good luck.

I don't get this attitude. If you can see that something is mooning why the hell are you just watching from the sidelines?

the absolute state of Veeky Forums

Yeah better fomo at the top just to get dumped on
If someone is pumping is already too late to buy

Yeah, let's FOMO in at something that's 33% up! Surely it won't crash within a day or two! Buy high sell low!

How do you know it's gonna moon? No memeing, just objective answer. It started going up in January as well and then dipped like crazy.

because im packed with other coins and theyre doing fine.

Shills don't tell where to buy it.
>inb4 dyor
Ineffective shill is ineffective.

>tfw bought in at $1.30

Anything below $1 is a steal faggots

>already too late to buy
I said the same when BTC was $500

>Anything below $1 is a steal faggots

I asked you a question cunt, answer it

>dipped like crazy in Jan
What didn't 'dip' then?

Thanks user

I agree, got my paycheck today, i was like fuck it ill buy 50% now and wait if it dips, if it continus to rise imma put that other 50% in.

We don't care if you buy or not. What will make this coin valuable is institutions not retail-chumps.

if you wanna post selfies

Then stop shilling here. Shill to your institutions.

LINK is being pnd’d right now.
Don’t FOMO.

heh, too late. just bought 800 a few minutes ago heh


Soz senpai, got caught up in the action, just replied to all my (You)s

I mean yeah in the short term it's due to crash, but long term I'm confident it will moon. I just see people like OP who are seemingly okay being a nolinker but if they can see its long term potential why are they not FOMOing in? At that point it doesnt really matter whether you bought it at $.80 or $.60

If nolinkers keep stalling they'll eventually find themselves FOMOing at a much higher price, even though they were aware of its potential the whole time