Aaaaaaaaaand it does nothing. fucking shitcoin

aaaaaaaaaand it does nothing. fucking shitcoin

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It just mooned 20% though, oh wait you're a hodler? lmao
Going to buy at 3300 and make another 20%, while you're stuck holding.

should have stayed with zcl, but listened to biztards like always

there is still like 2 more weeks, chill OP

it should pump weeks before fork like zcl

>does nothing for a few hours
>hurr durr shitcoin

Buy high, sell low?

it will. it is.

Knowing ETC it'll pump maybe 30% max and then dump horribly the week before the CLO snapshot which most people know is gonna be worthless.

Its literally a dead coin people just hold and use for forks. What do you expect from it? Etc doesnt have a sustainable future

not to mention clo is shitcoin with big supply

It already pumped 20% in the last 30 hours. It'll pump further than this.

Why it pumped?

It's a bit undervalued and also airdrop.

Making 20% is lame as shit

Thx just bought another 100k. Lately Veeky Forums is the best indicator for my decisions:

- A coin is FUDed here -> Hold it maybe even increase the stack, confirmed to moon soo

- A coin/project is shilled here -> Pajeetcoin, Garbage, Bagholders

Anyway there is a huge community support for ETC and many things besides CLO in the pipeline (even dApps and ICOs). 2018 will be huge for ETC

Etc is eth with gov and fixed supply. Also Bary Salberg is on boar and running etg trust fund- he is really good shiller and havve shares in mkre than 100 crypto exchanges. Also there are rumkrs about cuckbase which are not impossible at all. With next weeks pump we will go to at least 0.007btc

just jump in x10 long on bitmex. You will easy double your money this week with no risk

Tfw in the US and can't use bitmex

x10 long
Be rich
Thx me later

>Its literally a dead coin people just hold and use for forks

it's made me a good amount mining. Thanks for buying my bags user!

Use vpn

dude there is no verification at all. you can make 30 accounts and only thing you need is transfer coins there

feel free to go via my ref, its 3months without fee for you