Realizing how poor the average person actually is

>realizing how poor the average person actually is

It makes no sense. Like when I was in grad school I was earning dick all and still had more savings than your average normie who earns $60-80k a year. I wasn't even really trying to save or anything so wtf do they spend it on?

>realizing how sexy the average frog is

This. I thought (and still do) the other grad students were retarded for going through their whole stipend each month. Then I find out my friend making 100k each year barely has money saved and just blows everything on food and liquor and video games.

> Like when I was in grad school I was eating dick*
Get lost you homo

Consumerists. They havent been vargpilled yet

>realizing a large percentage of Veeky Forums actually owns cryptocurrency but is in the red
>realizing that many people on Veeky Forums who think crypto success stories are overblown and that most people here are also down
>realizing there are desperate people here who actually think another december/january run is going to happen soon

This 100x. So much larping on this board.

Inflation, currency devaluation, big companies and government having sex on your bed.

Mah snowniggah

Most americans dont even have 1000 saved. I have 2000 saved so i must be like 2x as good as other americans rite


Or is it time for nolinkers to A P O L O G I Z E

What I don't get is consistent loss trading during the crash. I hear so many people who lost more then 65%, which is the crash of bitcoin. Which means something like several consistent panik buy/sells. Like, wtf are you even doing nigga.

mad you weren't smart enough to get in?

>5k in eth
>5k in btc
>5k in bank

>no car
>no license
>no house
>no gf

90% of Veeky Forums right here, welcome to the club.

I am you but only 1k in the bank, 1k in ETH and fuckall else...

>be me
>6k in a year wagecuck
>700$ in crepto
what is poor?

Poor is not getting to eat every day while still cucking yourself for pennies in your overpopulated city where everyone has to own a car at minimum to make it day to day.
Also, not having a home sucks.
>t. sent from under a bridge


>150USD in crypto
>Still living with parents
>No fucking chance of wealth in this country
>Doomed for life if you don't live this country

>two year into wagecuck
>$40k salary
>$10k in traditional investments
>$300k in crypto
>no car, no license, no gf, no house


I don't care if it's not soon. The point is it's happening and it's my only way out of wagecucking so I don't care if I have to hold and accumulate for four years I'll make more in the long run anyways.

you don't even have had to panic sold to be down hugely if you started buying in december and january, which is most people here now.

no the point is that people with 1mm dollar portfolios aren't all larping but to people who are in the red this seems impossible when it was far from impossible with a relatively small of startup capital if you started in early 2017

>tfw theres millions of mexicans spics and nignogs walking around pushing shopping carts and buying tortillas who will never even know what a Bitcoin is because they're too busy trying to do basic survival in their rented 1 bedroom apartment and 6 children and husband who waits outside home depot for a quick 12/hr landscaping job

its a weird feel

> 10k in investments
A year ago this would have been retarded, now it's just autistic. I'm thinking of taking more money out my 401k just to have more cash for crypto.

Try visiting Africa

I'm 22 and I have my net worth is $9k with no debt... am I ok?

Half in etfs including property etfs and dividend etfs. Half in p2p loans. Good returns for traditional investment and safe as fuck.

Why would I put more into crypto when my wage will have negligible impact on my crypto portfolio size

Depends on your level of education, salary, and living arrangement. Gotta keep moving up. You've got yourself a good start though.

I have $1400 in crypto. Am I poor? :c

>identifing with them and feeling pity or transcending the rabble and making it?
which do you choose, user?

>wtf do they spend it on?

Better than most people at your age. Better than a lot of people in their 40s.

3 million net worth (only 1 million from crypto). 1.5 million in crypto. lost 2 million in crypto in 2018. quit job. hope crypto works out or else i have to start over (still will be rich but not retired).

yeah average person is scary poor. wealth is extremely decoupled from producing value for the world and has been for some time.

I absolutely refuse to believe so many people are stupid enough with their money. Some fuck up in his 40s? Sure.

Those meme stats about 50% of America has less than $1000 net worth? Highly doubt them.

what was your initial investment?

>Those meme stats about 50% of America has less than $1000 net worth? Highly doubt them.
You need to realize that a vast majority of the population is fucking retarded. Not just regarding fiscal responsibility either.


>Those meme stats about 50% of America has less than $1000 net worth? Highly doubt them.
Why do you doubt them when the average American is mired in debt?

>13k link
>160 ven
>.1 btc
>$800 in bank
>14 year old car that could shit out at any moment

I guess compared to most normies im ok but it really isnt shit. Maybe if link moons I can have dick waving money. Won't feel comfy until I hit 300k

and still americans are extremely wealthy compared to shitholes.

It seems impossible to me that society could even function with that many people in debt and financially retarded.

Yeah i'm coming to similar conclusions, its pretty fucked.

No its exactly how it functions, the point that the crippling debt hasn't blown our economy yet is because bankers say its not a big deal, that Warren Buffet says its not a big deal. If people stop believing them then there's a problem.

The whole economy relies on trust and faith, its what makes a currency which has the intrinsic value of a leaf work, and its what makes people keep working.

The point of debt is that it keeps you working. They give you student and house loans when you are too young to be making a good wage. Then they tax you for the rest of your life and take as much of your wage when you start making a good salary.

They can't lose, even if you default they've probably covered their investment +some already. It keeps Americmutts getting up every morning and going to work for Mr Goldstein for a wage that he pays to Mr Goldburg.

This, also if people were not in debt they'd have a lot more freedom to decide what to do from day to day. Since they don't have that and in their most rebellious years are immediatly burdened with debt they push all notions away into their unconscious and numb themselves with consumerism.

As someone who recently came out of debt, I actually processed a lot of emotions afterwards. Debt is crippling to the spirit. Debt is a crime, mental slavery.

>Debt is a crime
>You entered into debt completely voluntarily

>$600k portfolio and never racked up any debt in my life

The future is bright.

i paid off my student loans in about 3 years, paid off my house in about 7 years. get good faggots


good debt makes you richer tho

spending is good, just make sure you're spending as much as possible on good assets