When you realize biz shilled NEO and ETH last years

And LINK is now the new NEO/ETH

And you realize this is only early early adopters stage and that ALL blockchains will need oracles to function in the future

And you realize the big FUD campaing is from LINK WHALES trying to accumulate for the next 100x that solves the Oracle problem for all decentralized apps the coming years

Then you know, you will make it...

try next 1000x buddy

you faggots are going to pressure me into buying this garbage and forgetting about it for a year

They didnt shill NEO much at all.

Eth was both shilled and FUDded

Dont compare this to a vaporcoin like Link

ANT->NEO rebrand was shilled a lot last year when it was like 2$

What is Antshares

Garbage? You said garbage?

NEO and ETH only got non stop FUD, much like VEN

LINK only gets shilling, much like DGB

>how i knoe im an oldfag

you must have missed the 10000s of threads about "Fat sergey hurr durr"

Yes it fucking was, I saw that stupid ant fucking all over this place.

smart contracts are the next phase of crypto (the first was currency coins, then arguably ETH/ICO launching was second) and might end up being their own separate bubble.

i mean when you look at something like link, you obtain it the same way as btc and it's a 'crypto' but it's doing two completely different things


When you doubt that certain companies will use chainlink because most of their smartcontracts won't need decentralized oracles, but than you realize they have to set it up for the 1% that need decentralized oracles anyway and it's cheaper for them to use chainlink for all smartcontracts then it is to setup another oracle solution.




We have shilled ARK even more and see where that got us..


Guess you missed the other 10000000 threads constantly portraying Sergey as Jesus

Good post but let me be honest here, I would not want anyone to invest more than 5% in crypto or LINK. It's still HIGH HIGH risk but the assymetric gains offset that. DOing 200k if that what you have is stupid how much I even like LINK


But did he hold on to it?

If you don't remember the colossal antshares shilling and everyone calling it a chink scam you're a newfag.

I often wonder why antshares shilling stopped.

This thread makes me realize i should do more research and stop listening to you retards

Please could someone tell the story of Antshares/NEO on Veeky Forums. I'm new to Veeky Forums since December.