IOC makes the best gifs folks

>no premine
>no ICO
>no swiss-cheese code
>Cern Physicist in Derek Hatton
>IBM advisor
>Moe Levin
>best gifs
>best memes
Why is IOC a sleeping giant?

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Of course, they work so hard

My fucking sides:

IOC is like Seabiscuit. It’ll race to the top in 40 years when Chameleon drops!

Chameleon soon!

Yes. Very soon.

the olympic comittee have their own coin?

Trading volume going to zero. Everything is happening "soon"
Why are in the Florida, no Swiss stuff here

Sam especially is really busy inventing new protocols overnight

Hahhaa. Like what?

Their technology apparently is superior, although often it doesn't work. Wallet is simply a gift to the community. Thank you.

Like a Russian I guess

Its the communitie’s job to market.

They have to beat Eth in digax voting

I was an IOC fanboy, ex Whale, that was before I tried the wallet and its so buggy I realize it's a shit project.

also, NXT is already doing what IOC aims to do long time ago.

IOC fanboy are just delusional and wont accept that their coin has nothing special on it.

Im sorry buy this is the truth.

CrazyC or Buddha?

They just did nothing concrete for 4 years. Amazing story telling

What about Ricky? He's also funny

The rikan is really unique, still learning English grammar


but seriously, I finally out of my delusional stage after I tried the NXT wallet.

Not saying it's better or anything but they have alias, messaging, child chain (akin to chameleon) long before DIONS even released.

So at that moment I finally realized nothing special about IOC really. It's very hard for me to admit that I am wrong but the moment I sold most of my IOC at 45k is the most liberating feeling ever. Im sorry fellow IOCeal, maybe I will regret it in a year, but already make lots of profit from Nexus and NXT

I find it so depressing that they are hyping the fact that they’re winning a twitter poll on some random twitter account.
Riki works for Spero so he has to save face
But no ICO funding

Bittrex will probably delist soon this vaporware, volume being so little and technology obsolete

they are getting desperate, sadly

Unfortunately they lack any rationality. Unable to accept reality.

You should see the amount of ass kissing Joel does on the bittrex slack

Its funny seeing that one shill posting the “IOC sleeping giant” article and moving the goalposts every 3 months


Thanks for sharing.

I honestly can’t see why they can’t accept the fact that their coin is dying

They have no dignity

That makes watching more interesting. A big learning opportunity

Which whale were you?

Not a whale actually

DIONS failure has been memorable. After 2 years of postponing it didn't work.
And what about the partnerships and the NDA they have always been signing??

Their journey is coming to an end.
In the saddest way ever.

Dions cheese bro
Schamaleons soon

Take note altcoiners, the same fate awaits 95% of all altcoins.
>constant postponing of updates
>no working product after years of development
>incompetency in general
>devs circlejerking in their hugbox telegram and slack channels
>community is destined to market the coin (read: shill their bags)

Don’t forget.

Absolute hyping of non news to produce the inevitable dump