1 pen=0.01btc
Post proof that you will deliver, and how much
I stick pens in my ass
Other urls found in this thread:
>the absolute state of biz
>it doesnt have to be like that
>bogtoken is coming
>we gonna save your anus anons
Not kidding though
You seriously think someone will pay you a hundred bucks for that? 10 or 20 maybe tops. If people paid that much for it /biz would be flooded by qts doing it
I will unironically give you half an ETH if you put that highlighter in and then record on vocaroo singing "ME A DO ANYTHINTG FOR SOME COOOOOOOOOIIIIIIINS" as you push it deeper and deeper into your asshole
>implying there aren't any anons on this board that would provide the demand if there was supply
Hang on m8 you got a dick or no dick?
How much for the entire set?
True, 0.005 btc=2 pens
Can it be a photo and vocaroo separately?
Fuck mate that's generous. I'd want a video
Seriously that faggot is doing it wrong.
>what is a webm
>implying roasties didn't just found out by your comment and will now do it en masse
Ill give you 0.5 ETH if you shove a fork up your ass pronged end first with timestamp
i will add .2 eth to this
Shit that's worth an eth right there. A proper real metal dinner fork and must be inserted completely past the neck
I'll add Ether to that
Count me in for .1
i'll toss in .2 ETH if he takes a picture of the fork after removal and there's some poop on it (poop required)
fork up the eth, you guys :^)
Ill do it for 0.009 and Il do all kinds of degrading shit as free bonus on top
holla at me whales
I will do that but you have to convince me you will deliver
Send him 20% of your offers first, that way he knows he at least gets something
it's not that hard to stick a fork up your ass, now stop being a faggot and get to it. CONVINCE you? fuck off or just do it already
OP I'll give you 2 eth if you do it with a steak knife. You have to get it in down to the handle and then rotate it 360 degrees before yanking it out in one quick motion
nice try, OP
>Convince me you will deliver guys
Fuck you mate, if you want take a small risk for a thousand bucks, you don't deserve it.
nigger just do it. if he doesnt pay up i will.
Sign a message with your eth wallet so he knows you're not larping
post your ETH address and we'll send a small amount. then you can check the source address balance to see if we can pay or not
0.1 eth prepay so I am not left broke with an ass bleed
As soon as I see it I am posting the fork with timestamp
ETH 0x1c9e880bc3c8c692d142461a18c1ed32fc3661ca
You could also just sign a message with your wallet like I said in my last post brainlet
>what is inspect element
Send 1 BTC here and I'll do something cool on live TV tonight
70 bucks for delivering nothing? dont think so user.
you're funny
The fork is here, 1:1 pen in ass for eth
Don't miss this opportunity biz. I'll post link afterwards if it didn't go viral
0.01 BTC and I post my feminine penis.
fucking do it user. i will pay you in omg tokens, dont have eth.
I used to stick pennies up my ass.
post a pic with other end of fork halfway in, so we know your'e serious
Everyone who wants to pay for fork in ass: post signed message from your eth wallet so he knows you're loaded
Ass guy: post pic of you with pen in ass with timestamp
Everyone else: send him some pocket change for first pic
Ass guy: once you get 0.1 eth, post video of fork in ass
first bitcoin cash fork, now OP's Ass fork
user you think i have time all day for this shit? i gotta go in 8 mins hurry the fuck up
Pls deliver, I feel like total shit now
let's get this show on the road
is that a vagina
>the absolute madman
unironically this
that's a fucking candle isn't it
that's pleasurable with the proper rounded pen. why would anyone pay for that
Sent :)
Sent ;)
Ok guys I did it, please send BTC?
Tipped you 0.1 OP ;)
0.2 for the handle end of the fork
0.5 for the spiky end
go on coinspot where you can get your crypto, then put it on a nano ladger S and stick that up your ass instead. Keep your crypto safe, but start at coinspot.
Yeah, ofc hehe sent
I hate what I have done, but I need $ so desperately
>but I need $ so desperately
for what? a pity story is worth more than putting shit up your ass
Please dont claim to know the values of the markets
Can't wait till OP's anus retracts and sucks in whatever object he puts up his butt and then he has to go to the ER because of it
user. that isnt a fork? looks like a soft candle?
Sent ;)
LMAO this nigga reposted this from another thread, whoever sent money you're a desperate fuk
just sent 0.1 eth you slimy bastard
Piss off fag. This board is for shilling crypto, not inking your butthole
Man i thought the penis was photoshopped in. Took me a while to realize it's the girls arm
First time on Veeky Forums here. what the fuck guys
That is an original photo with date stamp, I am a poorfag but not a larp
anons if there's a market for this I could find us some roastie whores who'd do anything for free bitcoin.
What kinda stuff would you make em do and rough prices?
You want to hear my life story?
Hahahaha. I got banned for brap posting this is a fucking mad cage full
you'll probably get banned
Whatever his life story is, I have a more pitiable one that I can prove with medical documentation and videos of me online / on the news.
we're all ears
Not going to post it here after posting my fucking ass with a highlighter in, that involves my family. Its fucking biz not some shakespeare drama. I can tell it on some discord or some shit
alright fine, bye. i'm more interested in anyways. POST VIDEOS
I hope you guys will all do well :* don't do stupid things, everything will be alright eventually, you will see.
Okay, one moment, will write everything out. Will be sort of something fun even if nobody sends me anything.
give us a rundown greeentext at least
Sent ;)
youre fucking anonymous here just fucking tell it...you got your money....now give us a true fucking story
no fork but a candle?
no life story?
user its like you allergic to money
>Born in a poor eastern european country in a binge drinking family
>Learn real hard, help my parents as hard as I can
>Find out about crypto, work shitjobs for like 1-2$ per hour
>Finally have some hope to leave the shithole
Now I am here, still though I wont say I have miserable life because I have known people that truly have such
>This is the use of cryptocurrencies
come on im bored pls
Still didnt get a penny
that story is even less effort than sticking a soft, smooth pen up your butt. you're probably just a failure because you're lazy, not because of anything else.
I can prove that
OP is a mod trying to make a couple extra bucks
Bro give us the details
Which eastern european country?
you dont deserve shit for what youve delivered
atleast make up a convincing sob story ffs
worst part of your story was literally "oh no i was born in eastern europe"
o kurwa poznaje te mazaki
the absolute state