Food going bad. How often does this happen to you, Veeky Forums?

Food going bad. How often does this happen to you, Veeky Forums?

>buy greens
>they wilt within 2 days despite being in crisper drawer
>eat anyway if cookable (to hide texture) but it sucks
>buy peaches
>went from hard/crunchy/unripe straight to rotten, full mold
>buy eggs, make hardboiled eggs
>find out (just moved here) fridge is set too cold, eggs freeze in the fridge and crack shell, icy texture, can't even look at them or I get upset, have to throw out
>cottage cheese was also affected by the freeze-temp fridge, texture ruined but still edible, just sad
>had avocado, ate half, set other half on plate and put in fridge
>figured cut part wasn't exposed to air, would be good
>turns black/brown in 2 days
>buy bananas
>due to how fuckwit at grocery store jammed the bag full, became bruised, got that disgusting slimy texture part on bruise
>an apricot also exploded on way home due to said fuckwittery, got apricot slime on everything else

I hate this shit soooooooo much. Sometimes I want to just stop buying fresh food and only eat frozen or shelf-stable crap. How does Veeky Forums avoid food going bad? I already go shopping about twice a week but fuck, it's like if I don't eat the produce within the next day it goes to shit. So tired of having to eat half-rotten produce because of this.

Option 1: Be Mormon and have three wives and twenty kids
Option 2: Freeze portions and live like it's 1929
Option 3: Throw shit out
Option 4: Blue Apron

for the greens you can give them a quick ice bath with some vinegar or lemon juice to crisp them back up

quit buying so much food. Shop smarter you big dummy

I buy one cloth-bag of food each trip, so two of these a week. Hardly "so much food." But shit I'm one person, I can only eat so much. I can't even buy shit like avocados, melons, pineapple, or cabbages because the other part I can't eat will just go bad.

Use the freezer, genius. And learn how to operate your fridge.

The more perishable the item the more scrupulous you have to be. Half an avocado (even with the pit in) will only last a day. Fact of fucking life. Oily fish and all shellfish should only be bought the day you're going to eat them. Local in season strawberries (not those Driscoll monstrosities) will last two days at best.

And a fridge set too cold will wreck your food.

The fact is that the supermarket isn't so great for highly perishable food unless that particular item is one with high turnover. Think about the greens. Before they hit the shelves they'been shipped in refrigerated trucks, then sitting in the store's cooler until they were needed. They could be over a week old before they even hit the shelf. A local greengrocer or farmers' market might be a better bet.

But generally the more perishable something is the less likely you ought to buy it if you don't have very specific near term plans for it. Swiss chard or collards will last a week or more, spinach won't. You can pick up the chard on a whim, but probably shouldn't do that with the spinach.

It sounds like you're buying a lot of fruit and vegetables. Do you really need that much?
I usually buy food for just myself and I've had mostly onions, carrots and apples going bad on me. I usually plan ahead to what meals I'm gonna cook and what else I'm going to eat.
Sometimes the problem is that trays or boxes are simply too large. I can't get less than a kilo of carrots in the stores that I usually frequent and the three or five that I can't use go black and I have to throw them away.
I would love to do some kind of foodsharing and give the things I can't use to other people. Or maybe just share a tray of carrots with a neighbor.

Cabbage ought to last a month in the fridge. You are buying old cabbages.

when food goes bad I scrape off the mold and make sandwiches for the local homeless guys.

put enough condiments on and no one even notices the off odor of the meat (ala subway)

lol, keep up the good work

I buy fucking cabbages for stirfry and i cut those bitches up. Cabbage, even sliced in half, still lasts weeks. How about you actually eat your food?

1) buy less
2) fix your fridge
3) don't leave avocado cut for days. douse the exposed parts in lemon or lime juice and eat them the next day at the latest.
4) don't expect baggers to be non-fucktards. bag your own shit or make sure they're putting bread/eggs/bananas/bruisable things in separate bags.
5) stop buying greens like lettuce that don't cook very well and get greens like spinach that do so you don't have to worry about cooking them just to not throw out's sake




Seriously, leafy vegetables last much longer when they aren't compressed to hell and gone. That's for ease of shipping, not for storing.

But why do that when you can go to the grocery store and buy $0.03 worth of cilantro and $0.07 worth of mint?

I just had 2 fresh peaches go bad on me yesterday. I had bought 4 on sale and used 2 in a baking a pie and was saving the others. I should have just peeled and stored in the fridge I suppose when I first got them home.

I still feel bad about it.

that loli has macaroons and is sulking. fucking straight girls, not even once.

they are macarons. I thought you homos were supposed to be cultured.

Grow your own, not too hard at all. Baby arugula

I had a tub of yoghurt go bad before I even opened it this week. It hadn't even hit the sell-by date.

Now that I think about it, I should've gathered some documentation and complained to the company.

those are steamed buns you idiots