Veeky Forums I've been making fake TA threads saying Bitcoin is crashing back to 4k since I sold all mine at 6...

Veeky Forums I've been making fake TA threads saying Bitcoin is crashing back to 4k since I sold all mine at 6.9k and no one believes me... Can we please, for my sake, crash back to at least 7k so I can buy in? I don't deserve this. I promise I'll never make a fake TA thread again.

its ok, I'll forgive you if you kill yourself

You're retarded


Shit thread kill yourself.


HxH fags and bearfags have 1 thing in common:
they are waiting forever for something that will never happen

See someone said this is

>>>reddit tier

So I tried a slightly different theme - is it worse / better than the this one... I'm trying u guys...??

Lots of people here buy high and sell low. Calm down. You’re not alone in this.

the brass bull one is great, and yes bane face is pritty plebbit tier. good job user

short it when we hit 12k

If you buy in now and it goes to 20k just pretend you bought at 6k and it's March 2018. Then of course kys

Sorry desu Veeky Forums has no influence as such on the price, your TA FUD threads would have only served to shake out some weak-handed anons such as yourself - if any are still here.

Stop second-guessing yourself just buy at $12k, HODL - you'll have the strongest hands out there now. Sorry... x

>impact font on a random picture with top and bottom text
please don't ever post here again. or at least don't post that picture

the brass bull is great, consider it stolen


4chin has no influence over the price

good but would have more staying power without the text


this. it's just shitting where you eat

Honestly I'd prefer if someone who just had talent and something better than MSPaint had the idea and re-did it - seems a perfect candidate for adaptation into a wojak given it's all in pink...

> I've been making fake threads
Holy shit how i'm I the last to hear about this. People posting fake threads on Veeky Forums????!!!! I'm literally shaking right now out of complete shock!

Quint zeros confirms btc 7k eom