

Other urls found in this thread:


“BLDP, an ERC20 token, is the heart and blood of the BoldPure network. Compensation in BLDP tokens, according to BoldPure, will keep the service running 24/7. The token will also become tradable on multiple exchanges.”

I was bummed out because erc20 but this actually makes sense. Reward program for investigation. There aren’t billions either. I’ll keep an eye on this jewnose project.


what the fuck

At least we know ICO scams will slow down after this

The absolute state of crypto. Why the fuck wasn’t this thought up sooner?

this is a scam. the team refuses to reveal itself.

the team is in the whitepaper though, idiot

They’re all listed in the Whitepaper kek.
And I found them all on LinkedIn

those arent really them dude


Kirbylee has a weird name but she's legit

I was about to say they’re all right there
Got any proof? Lol

it's just Veeky Forums being gay

I want to lick her face

Whats the total circulation then faggot, they dont even list it. This is an obvious moneygrab.

100 million user it’s on the ANN thread

I know dude, im just fucking around. This is Veeky Forumss next chainlink. Throwing 5 eth in as soon as possible.

>next chainlink
Please no

Horny black Jew with a blue nose?

stop posting about BOLDPURE the more people know the less chance ill have of being picked for the pre sale. fucking hell guys.