Liquidated Long Thread

Post them liquidated longs!

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Brainlet here. Explain what is happening when it says "Liquidated long on XBTUSD: Sell 306,510 @11298.5"

On BitMex you can long and short using leverage. That means you can use money you don't have.
If you use 100x leverage your gains will be 100x the usual. However the same applies to losses.
When your losses reach a point where they aren't covered by your balance (for a 100x long that would be a price 1% below your entry point) your position gets liquidated (you lose your all your money).

>Liquidated long on XBTUSD: Sell 306,510 @11298.5
means a long position worth $306k was liquidated at $11.3k.
Assuming he used 100x leverage that person lost $3k.

Still dont understand it. Dont even try to explain it im a fucking retard

Suppose you have 1K. You go long 100X. This means that if BTC increases by 1%, you make 100% on your money, however if it goes down by about 1%, you lose all your money.

Join up if interested: You get 10% off fees from this link.

>$20k cumulative of retarded poorfag fomo longs at the top with high leverage

ref linking is bannable, Rajeesh

Dick move
Just avoid it

They FOMOd after probably receiving some chicken bone analysis that a breakout would happen after passing 11500

Thank you, user. But I guess it doesn't show what the target of the long was then? It just shows that it was liquidated at 11.3k (which was probably where the person opened the position?)

anyone liquidated here opened their long from 11350-11600
these people though it was a good idea to long a $300 increase with no pullback inbetween

Where can I short litecoin with leverage?

please help me short this down

It's a loan from the exchange and the assets you have with them are the collateral, when the price reaches a point where you can no longer cover the required collateral they sell everything for you.

If you were long it means they loaned you Bit coins, if it is liquidated they sold all the Bit coins they bought for you as well as the ones you had posted as collateral.

There is no fucking reason to use it in these markets unless you have insider information

>tfw you will never know what it feels like to have 7 million liquidated

Exactly. As if it's not volitile enough already

could be 100x leverage.

What if Bitmex insiders actively move the market up and down to achieve liquadations? Seems like a scam.

Very likely even though it's probably illegal.


What would be the point of this?

liqs based on gdax+bitstamp price

its possible but naw