ARK just solved the Oracle problem.


ofcourse they just did it as a side-quest and dont make a big deal out of it. probably didnt take them longer than a week or two. They will spare Sergey and his family, but only if he unconditionally surrenders and give up his little tokens.

Other urls found in this thread:

how will stinky linkies ever recover

wow can you apply that photoshop filter to my dick

i want a dickthanos thankyou

no mercy after they shilled endlessly on this board. Press S to shit on their graves.

make it work first
then well talk


Holy shit im actually selling my link now I'm done

Are people really this dumb?

Nice, no wonder Sergey was suddenly all about Marketing. The only thing his shitcoin was potentially good for is already solved lmao

not even once friendo, the team is like a chicken with their heads cut off and don't have a clear vision other than blowing your money.

Market sold all my LINK, enjoy bagholding an erc20 shitcoin for months while you miss 10x moon missions.

Yet they have a clear road map on their website

The Patriarch choice

jesus christ

sold LINK. fuck fuck fuck fuck this is gonna dump

Be gone devil, your trips of Evil will not prevail here

I really don't know what to take from this.........

not sure if shill or real
someone explain this. I have 200 link

>Being this duplicitous

You are truly a devilish knave.

[spoiler]Webhooks exacerbate the Oracle problem, by creating more real time data feeds that are more susceptible to trigger immutable events via smart contracts, this is a harbinger to show that the API economy is accelerating and LINKs use-case will be even bigger[/spoiler]

You have 200 link and you are worried, I have 10k plus for fuck sakes

To go into more detail: current APIs operate on a pull mechanism, you ping them, and get the data. This presents one layer of security issues, Webhooks are the 'push' factor of APIs, a Webhook, once trusted, can PUSH data that wasn't requested. It's like having a VIP pass for data tampering. This increases data security risks and one of the reasons Webhooks have taken so long to come to fruition is precisely because people are hesitant to incur further security risks but the development was still inevitable as we are pushing towards more and more data integration.

Did you consider reading the article instead of just reacting to Ops post?


I was actually coming to post this. I think the concern was always that other teams will be able to accomplish what LINK wants to better or (more importantly) faster. Holders can at least sell the pump though

LINK is the ultimate litmus test for 'DYEDYOR bro'? This thread is do-you-even-read anything other than Veeky Forums

>selling link for ark

So glad we dumped link on biz
Now watch icx and req closely next weeks