

9/10 blood sausage op

The only licorice available to the general American consumer public. 9/10 godtier sweet. Cure for cancer, McDonalds and Capitalism.

I bet that isn't even real panda meat.

I think that you're a faggot for owning an Apple product

the fucks this? texture looks godly

Do you have some mental disorder we should know about

10/10, thanks for reminding me this exists

Panda "Soft Licorice" bars. Molasses, flour, and licorice extract/flavour.

Fucking gorgeous stuff

God its been like 15 years since I've had one of those. I'm gonna pick one up tomorrow.

So great. Thanks for reminding me about this.

Looks mad gross, but probably tastes good.

Apple is shit but nothing wrong with iPhones. Solid interface and isn't buggy and crashes like Android.

what am i looking at?

Except it only barely tastes of licorice. The aniseed extract is overpowering. Why can no countries do pure licorice besides Italy and, occasionally, Greece? Does no one else like real licorice?
I can understand adding sugar to cut licorice's bite. It's not for everyone. But why adulterate it even further with the addition of aniseed in every single other country's production of """"""""licorice?""""""""


what's real licorice? what about chewing on the raw root? it tastes nothing like candy licorice and it's bitter if you take too much at once.

except for being way overpriced for nothing substantial
>crashes like Android
You shouldn't even be allowed to live, let alone operate a computing machine. I don't know how you've managed to fuck up that badly.
You know what Android is? Boiling water. It's easy and impossible to fuck up unless you're a woman.

Pic related was a popular brand of real licorice in the 80s and 90s. Not sure about today as I haven't been back home since 2003. It comes in pure licorice, aniseed and mint flavours. It has no sugar. It is either 100% pure licorice resin or some slightly smaller percentage of resin plus aniseed essence or mint essence.
Pure licorice doesn't taste like anise and that Panda stuff does.

Here's another brand of 100% pure licorice. Again, no sugar added. It's just licorice resin and nothing else.

How expensive is this shit

Not a hell of a whole lot. A 100g box of costs €3,49, so the 22g pictured would cost about €1.
Because they're very, very strong, each piece of pure licorice resin is about the size of half a Tic-Tac (which, like /pic related, are made by Perfetti; this is the minted variety), so even the 22g package has quite a large number of servings.