Da fug

can someone explain whydafuk this isn't a top 5 coin?

they have a royal flush, is literally korea's official blockchain, every partnership you'd ever want...

then dumps for days while retard projects go up

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Have a little patience. ICX will moon and it will moon hard. The crypto game isnt for the weary user.

Because it isnt a real coin yet. Everything is happening in March. Koreans cant even buy it yet

ive got iron hands, i just find the overall crypto investor mentality/sentiment a bit backwards

Patience. People been fudding this coin to death for obvious reasons.

Good to hear user. Im strapped in and ready for lift off. Next stop, retirement

when should this coin take off? what sort of news/announcements do they have coming up? looking to throw some BTC into something

Lol retards, handful of those companies in your meme picture have already note they have nothing to do with ICX and will be using Ethereum to base their blockchain solutions off of whenever real adaptation phases (post test phase)

But you neets probably don't follow any of this shit cause you're too deluded, especially as you're literally losing money with ICX

>muh koreans

Pic related, it's you

which ones? enlighten

Alot of it is q1 and q2 of 2018

>responding to 0/10 bait

kek, fair. will kms


You can literally Google those companies in that meme shit picture and see which ones have already spoken about blockchain, then further see which blockchain platforms they said they will use/plan to use.

ffs the amount of neets in this fucking board.

Don't get me wrong, not every company on that picture said they would use ETH. Some haven't stated anything or even mentioned ICX.

ok so some will use it, some won't. some might use both. whatever

the fact that ICX = ChainID for all koreans should put this in the top 5 though no?

thanks for the info, user

You sound like a german.

>all Koreans
That's a false statement and is part of the bs shill.
Yes ICX will be used for some Korean specific niches (read up on Korea's online banking security which ICON ChainID will actually help) but a massive mistatement from this retarded board is that Korean companies will adapt ICX, when the reality is ETH will be the platform of choice.

I don't think the price of ICX will be stupidly high, and won't reach ETH level. But that's speculation and only comes when I dived deep into doing research into ICON

My initial point though was that meme photo listing all those companies is a false portrayal of ICX and anyone who actually looked into it would see so.



It is bleeding sats like I've never seen anything do before outside of complete trash. It is now worth less sats than when bitcoin nosedived to 6k.

I would be super scared holding this at the moment. If btc takes a 2-3k correction in the next few days this could see less than 2 dollars.

>the reality is ETH will be the platform of choice
I thought that Koreans were ultra-nationalist?

Nationalism is actually much less now then in the past. S.Korea when it was Chun Doo Hwan’s time was more nationalist. Japan was hyper nationalist during WW2 and now they mellowed out.

It's a globally connected world (in regards to the economy) and any major country is not truly 'ultra nationalist' or they would severely be lagging behind in every aspect.

>SK Group

Some notable global Korean companies.

99% of the uneducated faggots fall for BS like "Korean company will use ICX because they're Korean". No. Korean companies will use platforms will provide the best solution (and ETH will be this platform for multitude reasons, ffs companies are already using this to test). ICX will be a small niche but it won't be a deadcoin. It's just incredibly overrated and overvalued that biz doesn't see. You'll definitely get a price pump eventually but you'd see more gains holding safer coins like ETH (and arguably NEO)

ICON already boasts communities comprised of reputable institutions – banks (Woori Bank and SBI Ripple Asia), insurance (d.Lemon, Kyobo, Won), hospitals (Severence Hospital, Samsung Medical Centre), and universities (Korea University, Sogang University, Sohang University of Science and Technology). Some of these institutions are funded by the government

you a salty faggot with weak fud.