Why do you smoke so much weed?

Why do you smoke so much weed?

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It's healthy and encourages shrewd trading.

because it numbs me out to the point i dont care about my alts bleeding out

because i need a natural sleep-aid and the other options that work are addictive drugs for chucks

b/c I'm depressed as fuck and I can't support a daily heroin habit anymore

helps me cope with the burden of being a black man in a white man's paradigm

bullshit that my slutty mother told me may she rest in piss

balances out modafinil and puts me in the zone
makes me feel like pic related desu

Makes video game more fun

I've been on and off smoking for awhile. I usually give myself 2-week t-breaks between each buy so when I smoke I get blasted each time. Otherwise your tolerance fucks you over and you have to smoke more weed to get the same high so you end up spending more money.

I smoke because it brings an influx of creative ideas to my head. I think more outside the box instead of like some brainwashed faggot.

>mental gymnastics to justify your addiction

I hate the high after a long break. Instead of feeling nice and chilled out it is more paranoid and anxious. Ever have way too much edibles and your heart starts racing and stuff?

Because I’ve formed bad habits. I quit for a couple of months last year, but honestly I just like it. Will probably pack it in for good relatively soon tho. It’s not a good look into your 30s

i smoke at night because it helps me sleep and is one of the few pleasures I have in my shitty life
I get quality stuff for dirt cheap prices so money isnt really an issue. I dont like to smoke too much though so take tolerance breaks every now and then.

I like taking dab hits
Feels like a rollercoaster every time

gives me headaches though, I should cut it down

How else am I supposed to read Hegel?


Dont smoke before bed, it disrupts your REM cycle and makes you more tired

True. You have to be on SOMETHING to enjoy Hegel.

Cause im a degenerate fuck

i dont smoke, i eat it in coconut oil. makes masturbating feel even better and also improved my social and working life. it made me an even better and happier person. also im Veeky Forums.
i really cant see any negative effects since i also pay for it with monopoly money

edibles are a different story boy

I'm 30 and smoke like 5 times a week.

What's wrong with you nigga

u fucking burgers must take everything to an ridiculous extreme
dabbs is like weed heroin
you can literally see how the people get dumber

I am knowledgeable in all things weed

Ask me anything

99% of successful whites will bbq with you daily if not drug dealing glock clutching jamal from the hood
>why do you think all black people who made it like those rappers and sportsmen live in white areas only?

B/c smoking and playing is very cozy

I have a hyperactive mind and weed mellows it out

this, burgers are fucking retarded
if they could shoot up pure THC into their vains they would do it
I stick to mellow outdoor weed thats grown under the andalucian sun

he's right you know

because i've given up on life

>tfw nuclear


Well the advantage of oil is that its technically more pure than weed, also has less tar since you're technically vaping it. Also it is more cost effective, one gram can last me a week or two whereas an eigth gets smoked up in a few days

in the near future everyone will be smoking vape pens

I wandered into a hotboxed room once and technically got high. That was the only time though.

gravitates my mind towards a state of pure awareness. where my #47 niggas at

seems like he is no nigga, nigga

Because trading securities is so stressful that there would be pee pee and poo poo all over the place if I wasn't stoned

Is this a good idea? I have a gallon of coconut oil and some weed.

u can vape bud and oldschool hash
tastes a lot better since ur refined shit lacks most of the terpenes which are important and beneficial
ur shooting up straight pure thc to fry your brain you mong
>cost effective
get a better job or stop being poor lazy stonerass

Because it helps me see the world in 4k ultra HD....i then sometimes hear Chinese music and voices in my head, that sometimes scare me abit... but it's good to get your jimmies rustled now and again ... it keeps me straight n honest.. and it's nature's medicine.. oh and stops cancer...boooomm

>lasts me longer
fucking junky

I spend about $120 a month on weed, I want to quit but I always end up being psychologically depended on it and end up going back to it.

I have nothing going for me in life, I just want to get rich off Crypto and go travelling around the world.

Amerimutts are so numb to life that they can't enjoy it anymore, they can't enjoy just sitting in a cafe smoking some nice weed having a casual conversation. Instead they have to consume a Domino's™ Oreo™ pizza whilst masturbating and playing Overwatch and watching Rick and Morty and inhaling straight THC by heating a nail with a butane torch.

maybe you fuckhead woul have something going if you would stop with this shit?
>psychological dependend
grow some balls u mother

Oil fucks up your tolerance, I smoke a gram of wax/concenctrates usually in a day or two

Dabs is better than flower, you guys are just europoors mad you don't have access to oil.

Doesn't make you reek
Always a clean tasty hit
High is more intense, better bucks worth

Sad but true.


>dabsfromwestafrica com
Buy now


weed is gay
you dumb autistic

>clean hit
>more intense high
>better bucks worth
ur just an uncultured junky thats all
literal cracknigger

Smoking in public places is illegal here

smoked some for the first time ever with some pothead friends.

They gave me some strong stuff, at first I got paranoid and anxious. Was really unpleasent. But after 5 minutes I relaxed and it was the best feeling ever. My legs were so warm it felt like I was literally lying on a cloud.

not going to smoke again soon though, I don't want to become a pothead

It's so necessary to take t-breaks if you're a heavy smoker. Definitely try to take a week or a month sober so you won't become numb to everything.

To keep myself from drinking. self-medicating anxiety is going to end me early.

Why are you so bitter? Flowers fags are subhuman always making everything reek.

my parents didnt love me enough so it fills the emotional void and qualms my anxiety allowing me to thrive for now

I have enail and quartz setup and high end wax is superior to flower all day. My waxes are exclusively from greenwolf(they always win cannabis cup) and lab tested free of solvents.

Only flower I smoke are indoor grown, top shelf shit that also win cannabis cups. It’s really natural to vape it on my volcano but doesn’t get me as high as dabs.

My usual go to are dabs but if I have work or something to do I’ll switch over to flower

Because its the only thing that lets me feel alive after being treated like dirt in my childhood

i can tell just from this post you are insufferable

If oil isn't your thing I can understand. Don't comment on something you don't understand though, instead of smoking a stinky joint I would rather vape full-spectrum distillilate from a discrete pen. Better taste, good high, looks like a normal vape pen.

says the guy posting on a peruvian rug trading emporium

You should make a therapy you failure in civil life

I got a real job that made me take a drug test when I started and I haven’t smoked since a month before that. I’m not gonna risk a big boy job I enjoy to smoke weed like a high schooler.

purely habitual tbqh

To numb the pain

I like to vape sometimes, its like a subtle numbing feeling. Nothing intense and I feel so at ease. When i smoke i get good feelings, then aroused, then tense and anxious and finally numb and stoned. Makes me better at fighting games though so I'll smoke before playing manchurian fighting games online

No need to be upset. Just enjoy your life in your way. I like the best shit

You win the award for wagecuck of the year

taking a rip from my pen at the end of a long day is basically just having a beer, without the calories.
plus i'm old and drinking even 1 beer fucks up my sleep schedule.
i want to take a t-break pretty bad, but i live 30 seconds from a dispensary.

my life is fucking shit and weed makes it alright. that's obviously a downside to weed, makes me content with my shit life.

>mfw canadian medical bud

blueberry all day nigga

:>boss tells you what you can do on your own free time
How does it feel having your entire existence owned by a kike?

you got me there user, sorry for being an insufferable cunt myself, hope you enjoy it tbqh

Nice cope

How does being psychologically damaged as a child make me a failure? Fucking retard,im not a neet autist living in mommy and daddies house.

It's just like baking a cake, brownies, etc, coconut oil serves the same purpose as butter in those recipes, you just need to apply heat (75-125 celsius) to your weed first to decarboxylate the relevant psychoactive substances so they become active through oral route of administration. Then you extract them from the weed with the oil, which ideally should be a little warm to extract more.

lucky fucking leafs

cry harder while sucking on a fat spliff

>"chila numba wah" echoes across the room

i smoke weed for the same reason user lol, dad was a beta cuck that to this day i barely know even though he lived with us, plus plenty of physical and emotional abuse thru the childcare system

keeps me off harder stuff

this to
t. ODed on opiates as a teen


Gives me nightmares

I don't think you should be afraid of nightmares. Was just a suggestion though if you really just smoke to help with sleep, I smoke often just not with that goal.

Did your mother beat you too?

It's easier to blame something else than facing your own faults

oh i understand it, made my own oil and way and budder (even know what that is?) in the wild phase of my youth
did'nt like much
i sometimes vape some flower for full spectrum
and why should i need a discret pen?
to fuck me up wherever i'm going?
unless ur not a medical user (protip: your not)
theres no need to be baked the whole day unless ur a junky
its that simple

Idk about you, but melatonin gives me intense dreams and it feels real as fuck. It disrupts my sleep because I wake up after being eaten to death by dogs in a street or cut up by some crazy maniac with a chainsaw. I just smoke up until an hour or two before I sleep and it works out. No REM disruption.

It lets me relax so I can think out what to buy/sell and keep emotions out of it.

why is weed so great

this. life is good, easy, clean.

no, my father was a beta cuck and even though he lived with us and worked the same wagecuck job for years, he was passive, i do not know him and have to teach myself to be a man, my mom wasnt motherly because she needed to work to be the breadwinner, my siblings and i got dumped at a neighbors for babysitting, she and her children beat me

>oil fucks up your tolerance
only if you smoke a lot

>I smoke a gram of wax/concenctrates usually in a day or two

thats why

its great for ptsd from having a psycho mom

this, i smoke about a gram of week, chill senpai

Because I like it.

>tfw green id on biz in a weed thread