Know this guy from college who made partner at 29

>know this guy from college who made partner at 29
>has only 3 connections on LinkedIn

just how do they do it....Veeky Forums/....just how...

maybe he didn't spend his time shitposting and wondering how others were getting ahead?

his daddy was a banker and now its his turn!

now kill yourself OP

Because you don't get promoted based on LinkedIn connections maybe? Are you a brainlet user?

>wondering how others were getting ahead?

but this is a legitimate question. just HOW the fuck do they get ahead so far when the rest of have to fight tooth and nail for Linkedin connections and networking opportunities ???


Does he have a big nose and curly hair and brown eyes?

no he's unironically a pajeet now married to a white girl

>but this is a legitimate question. just HOW the fuck do they get ahead so far when the rest of have to fight tooth and nail for Linkedin connections and networking opportunities ???

Probably one of the tribe.

he knew the "right" people

Don't be an autistic weirdo

it's almost like pajeets are actually hard working intelligent people


At the end of the day, I’ve come to realize your success in life is a lot tied down to how much people “like” you (if you are in a career where you are dealing with people. Coding for instance wouldn’t matter as much)

Simply put, he’s more likable. Enough to be promoted. I saw it at my last job. People who have been working there years - nothing. A literal chad was hired by friend at company, and becomes head of the division. All because he was very good looking thus making him more likable.

You have to swallow the red pill and realize that’s what it is.

Online "connections" are overrated. Nothing beats personal interaction. One phone call is better than instant messaging for exposure and networking.

You sure can solve anything you want online but you only build a true network in person.

> >has only 3 connections on LinkedIn

I created a linkedin account 2 years ago, more than 70 ppl added me, I didn't give a fuck about them and didn't add them.

Linkedin is just a fucking slave shop, nothing more.
>muh I want a wok
>muh look at my skilz
>muh look at my backgrouud
>take me pliz

What is wrong to have only 3 connections on this pajeet social network ?

why are we making this poor sod into a meme?`

you have to be smart to be better looking too

>using LinkedIn
Wow user, can yoi believe he got partner with only two people in Linkdin? How many facebook friends? Twittet followers? Myspace friends? What was his tumblr metrics like?
I don't even have Linkedin are you by any chance still in college?

this - much like intelligence, looks and height ... so are connections inherited

other people will have to try hard instead ...

he is barely on social media. as far as i know he is a chad, was captain of a sports club, and a straight A student from school to college

Post his linkedin

it all comes down to a subconscious decision on whether or not they would bang you. gender doesnt matter

you typed unrelenting scammers wrong

Kek LINKEDIN is one of the fastest ways to associate sycophantic socially inept losers desperate to 'gamify' success in life because they're too autistic to make deals like real men, over steak dinners with cigars.

My brother makes 200k a year, doesn't have a LinkedIn or Twitter or any social media besides Fb with 40 friends. I'm following the same path.

Honest to god if youre tall and handsome people tend to think youre capable even if you dont know what the fuck you are doing.

More info pls I need more money. Doing alright in sales but I'm just someone's bitch still