baka why dont u idiots ever listen

Omegea I am very poor india man with no gf, can you donate some ruppee?


sorry I'm an idiot. But why do you make money out of the market tanking?

Bog , is that you?

Shorting. Omega is the ultimate cuck though, he doesn't make money as every time he posts the market turns around.

omega posted, crash is cancelled. buy in or get left behind. bull confirmed

Omega you've been calling the "top" every $500 since 8k. A broke clock is right twice a day.

serious question: can I pay you to manage my finances?

yes because i am certified


certified idiot kek. you been wrong like 12x in a row, even with the odds on your favor. now that you posted it's reversing the bear once again

r u MacGyver?


My sides


omegle strikes again

lmao the absolute state of Veeky Forums
keep clinging to ur meme magic. the only way you can save yourself if by listening to me and selling

oh damn nm bruh thanks anyways tho



Omegayfaggot bought ZCL at 149600 saying
"This shit will 2x anytime now"
just a few minutes ago

then explain all your wrong calls compiled in this thread?

lmao why the fuck do I come here

lol what a total cunt


>please guys sell so that my trade is successful

How can people be so wrong?
It's like 10+ in a row without any single one is correct, holy shit.
If you only predict the reverse of what you usually do, people might worship you

>asking some stubborn ass faggot to explain himself in a factual way'

wew lads

You're constantly wrong and make incorrect calls. Then you make one good one out of countless shit ones and people think you're a god. Just leave

DarkShit Shorted 11666 30x with 12k liquidation

is he the wolf of poloniex?
same hurrdurr narrative

Lol dubs confirm OP truly is a cuccboi

I have more omegacaps at home, will post later, but someone else here should have the "5k by feb 20"

if this nigga closes his position he's fine tho

No one ever listens to you because you are wrong 99 percent of the time.
By the way, you said 5k by the 20th of February.
It's the 20th now.
Fuck you Omega Faggot.

>P...please guys... I've lost so much.. Let me have this one.. 4k... p-pls....


that's funny


Good call.

i cant believe you guys are so obsessed with posting fake screenshots like wtf lol

>be wrong 100 times
>right once

gg lol. got called out, and the whale lurker on biz saw your thread and reversed your trend again, every time you post crash incoming is a major buy signal

I'm a bear and even I hate Omegafaggot

He is going to be wrong again. I just sold low so it's about to moon

I never heard of him until now and i hate him bad and hope he kills himself.

anyone speaking with certainty, anyone saying they know what the market is going to do, is useless. nobody has a crystal ball.

you want to listen to the people who give both bear and bull scenarios and vague buy and sell targets while admitting uncertainty. because they're smart enough to know that they don't know for sure and nobody does.

omegamaster is arrogant, he speaks as if he is certain even though he is so often wrong

Man I wish OmegaFag gets his just desserts. What a pathetic loser. Go kill yourself.


hahahahahahaha yes please does anyone have more?

I'd love to make an autistic collage pointing out how many times this OmegaBeta is wrong

So you cancelled your short nowhere near your target because you know the bull run is continuing but you used the recent bear trap to act like you were right?

omega you da tru gansta and know how to roll
not like this mouthbreathing stuttering autist oracle

oracle bought at 7.8k, omega sold at 6k and got liquidated in like 5 shorts on this bull run, who is the faggot here?

u should listen to this guy instead

> Fake screenshot

omegacuck btfo

>sub 5.5K by Feb 20

lol, I forgot about this


You're wrong 99% of the time. Good job calling every candle the top, fucking retard. Also, no proofs of positions.

You fucked why did you post, you're going to end the crash with your shitty luck.

im just sitting back loling winning another 500k million

i still feel for the guy who got LIQUIDATED


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little wagecuck? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Economics, and I’ve been involved in numerous top 20 ICOs and professional pump and dumps schemes, and I have over 300 confirmed clients including Jihan Wu and Roger Ver. I am trained in technical analysis and I have more fucking followers on tradingview than you will EVER get. You are nothing to me but just another useful idiot. I will wipe you the fuck out with my strong hands the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with trying to FUD me that shit over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Asian miners and hackers and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The dump that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re portfolio will be fucking empty, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can take your money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in technical analysis, but I have access to all market leaks before you even get to take your morning piss, I will use it to its full extent to fucking dump my bags on your retirement, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will have you buy high and sell low every, fucking, time. Stay fucking poor, wagecuck.

>They don't know Omega actually does the opposite of what he says every time.

that make sense
in that case, omegamaker is almost always right

listen to me and i shall guide you to lamboland

so now he's finally wrong, seeing as he said it would drop and it's actually onward to 10k?

Top kek I was in that thread, good shit

i'd be happy to make it to honda civic land. but i have a feeling if i listen to you i'm going to somehow end up owing money to bitcoin

mfw he thinks he's making 500 billion.

lmao meant 500k

Love you omega.

until you post a signature from a wallet controlling said 500k, you own nothing on Veeky Forums

play again, kiddo :)

Where do you think BTC is gping in the next few hours?


All hail omega

Rip omega

When should I buy back in?

lol faggot learn how to hodl or be liquidated
your time is near faggot get your anus ready

certified cock sucker
>bring some kneepads

Fuck you omegatrash.


nice dick

If you did the opposite of what Omega said every time, you'd have one of the best performing portfolios on Veeky Forums



>of course i saged this obvious larp nigger faggot thread


stfu fag sheesh

Whats ZCL lookin at price wise friend?

crashing hard if bitcoin continues to crash.
we'll find out if its the 5th leg of a crash or just a correction from the current wave

This fucking thread man, it made my fucking day when it happened

There's good advice and bad advice. The demeanor of the person giving it has no bearing on the outcome.
