Lol, nerds.
You could be out fucking Stacy right now if you weren't such a whimp with your "crypto's". Instead you chose to stay in and watch your stupid red dildos fuck you sideways.
Pic related: I'm banging her tonight.
Lol, nerds.
You could be out fucking Stacy right now if you weren't such a whimp with your "crypto's". Instead you chose to stay in and watch your stupid red dildos fuck you sideways.
Pic related: I'm banging her tonight.
>those eyebrows
>that lip gloss
>that v neck
>those wrist accessories
I think that dude is a legit fag
never trust a dude under 50 who trims his eyebrows.
>I think that dude is a legit fag
Lel. Most of those "chads" are just wageslaves with shitty jobs and no savings. At least the NEETs on Veeky Forums have more ambitious goals than doing their eyebrows and fucking stacy.
why are you wearing a helmet?
Fucking Christ you could chop vegetables with that bitches nose. Also guns > muscles
Based Chad , is it possible to do that without money??
he is in a pre-bog state man. by now he is has 10 chicks lining up to suck his dick.
that's a perfect fit you should marry her post pics of your children then
>im banging her tonight
with that jaw line and how much the guy on the left looks like a fag, op is probably the one on the right
this. i keep my guns in my living room and bitches drop all the formalities. my 1911 was the best purchase I ever made
pssst. buy link
fuck off with the bogtoken
>this post
>OP is literally making a post about another bloke fucking a girl and calling us nerds
>OP is a massive beta virgin who has nothing better to do than exactly that
poor op
I'll give you .2 eth for her and that's my final offer.
>You could be out fucking Stacy right now
yes but whats the point if i wont get rich? I could bang stacys everyday but i rather make it than be a loser that has to wagecuck for the rest of his life. Im already chad but with money ill become a super chad
Nah, that guy is better looking than her. Without makeup she'd look like trash, guy is a top tier chad
That pic is probably older than you lol.
I don’t know why I laughed at this so hard
she's right you know
I'll give you 1 bitcoin if you could prove that its really you in the picture and that you're not actually just some virgin cunt with 1 terabyte of hentai on your hard drive.
>you could be out wasting your time having sex with roasties instead of doing something productive
what is wrong with their faces
they look really stupid
Do you ever see a girl and automatically know exactly what her pussy looks like?
I'm banging him* tonight
>choose to stay in
No, I've stayed in every night of my life way before i discovered crypto, but crypto has allowed me to make more money than chads without having to go out.
You're a whimp. You can't "fuck stacys" because when i went to hit on girls they said "EWWW HES A CREEP"
i'm not in the top 20% of males so there's no point in me even trying
>doing something productive like sex is for loser but wasting time on crypto and reading charts is good
Hahahahah those fucking eyebrows. What a faggot. And he is like 5' 8"
I'm 5'8 and a half, how fuck am I? And I have 200$ to spare should I buy now or wait to drop?
Pic related
having had sex
2D > 3D There isn't even a comparison
Great filename
>Post a thread that has barely anything to do with business
>Gets a ton of replies
You guys are pathetic. It's pretty obvious, you envy a guy like this. He doesn't even know you.
You realize it's possible to be a chad AND be into crypto?
I've made $130k on my various investments this year. I've also fucked more women than I care to remember.
The crypto money just makes it easier.
spoken like a true neckbeard. no one is going to be impressed that you went and bought a gun faggot, any half baked retard can do that, not to mention you aren't even prior military so you aren't really trained to use that firearm like you think you are. delusional.
Lol gun nerds are pathetic
>spoken like a true neckbeard. no one is going to be impressed that you went and bought a gun faggot, any half baked retard can do that, not to mention you aren't even prior military so you aren't really trained to use that firearm like you think you are. delusional.
>Into crypto
How's that bald spot on your head coming along? I hope you're spending your crypto on some hair transplant sessions.
Mate.. You're not Buff.. That's fat you're holding..
What are you 5'7 ? Shit genetics, sorry for your loss , bet you got those short stumpy cartoon legs as well.
Now fuck off before i come over there and suck your dick
I like this one. He's got humor.
Lol that's not a real chad, that's just a classic burger guido closet fag.
If you ever have the chance to be in the presence of a chad, you'll know the difference.
he's not a true chad you're right, but he's as close as the rest of us can get really. true chads don't have to try so hard like he clearly does though
>getting my weiner all sticky
No thanks
is... is that guy wearing eyebrow filler?
A real chad is not just attractive, but smart, nice, intelligent. Really just successful in every way, they don't try hard, they just have charisma.
He's an asshole, and she looks retarded.
Nice cope. Real chads are attractive but not in a faggoty way
What are the giveaways?