The chinks are pumping in 8 minutes
you have 8 minutes to buy anything
The chinks are pumping in 8 minutes
6 minutes
2.7 minutes
2.7 minutes again
1.5 minutes
and the pump is now, thank me later
>everything dumps
lmao all hourly greens
ty op
ty op
ty op
Kind of sideways. Looks like this is going down. Chinks ain't pumping nothing.
shit, theyre dumping instead, abort, I apologize! I wasnt talking about crypto btw
holy shit OP i just went bankrupt
fuck you OP my wife just left me
USA sells low, China buys low.
Every night.
This happens every time there's a decent dip and the chinks wake up. If you don't know this by now you don't deserve gains. ALWAYS buy the mid day dip.
How high you think we going?
>mid day
it's 9pm
That's not true. The USA has been postponing the recent crash by buying dips in the morning for a week before it happened.
It's 10 am in China. When are they pumping?
In your shithole country it might be. Fag