Competitive eaters

How do they do it Veeky Forums? How does somebody (especially Matt Stonie) manage to eat 182 rashers of bacon in 5 minutes, or 82 slices of pumpkin pie? What is their secret?

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Weed. Lots.

Watching his videos it feels like it's almost a prerequisite to not be able to feel full, and only from there you begin starting to train to not only eat a lot but eat a lot fast.

They store their bodily waste in another dimension until one glorious day, they release all the fury of 182 rashers and 82 slices of pumpkin pie unto our world all at once.

/Thread. Seriously.

Basically, bigger stomach capacity. They are pretty much stretched so they don't feel as full. Jaw strength and esophagus opening also help.

They have a fast metabolism, a digestive system that digests food very quickly and good genetics that keep them from the fuck ton of cholesterol and salt from fucking up their bodies

I actually find it more entertaining to watch people try to eat that amount of food and fail horribly like Michael Jones eating the McRibs or the dominos lava cakes

Their digestive systems barely work during competitive eating spells. One of them commented that he recalled shitting out a huge piece of undigested pizza once.

Obviously I like to eat when I'm high, but when I eat too much I'm way more aware of the feeling of my stomach being full and it's unpleasant, I think I could eat more sober if I had too

Check out Patrick Bertoletti training with propel water to help expand his stomach

One of the big technique involves simply drinking! If your a tall skinny guy like Stonie all you have to do is drink a few gallons of water and eat little to nothing the day before a big eat. This stretches out your insides without clogging you full of food and you can piss it all out in time to be ready to eat.
Note: I tried this this past thanksgiving and I ate a half breast a thigh a leg and 2-3 pounds of potatoes and gravy!

i doubt it

considering his asian condition, I assume he has that genetic defect where his stomach is seated lower than normal so it can expand without being stopped by his ribs like normal people

Ehh, no

isn't water poisoning a thing?

Don't drink all the water at once, you fucking clown.


weed isn't the answer to everything you fucking underaged shitbird

real answer: they train for it. Stomach stretching, breathing exercises, cardiovascular endurance, everything.

yeah, but has to be a lot

it has nothing to do with their metabolism. most skinny competitive eaters cannot absorb the bulk of the food they eat because the constant stretch reflex from filling their stomachs causes their intestines to clear out food way too fast. its conter intuitive, but if they were to eat less (relative to how much they binge for competitions) they would then start to get fat. if you like math, you can look up the van deemter equation to explain it to you.

look at this video, it goes over how a famous jp big eater stays so thin. also in a separate vlog she says that her shits are gigantic and sometimes the bulk of it is undigested.

>drinking this much liquid at once

You can kill yourself doing this...

They're the true american heroes

Is all japanese television fucking trash?

put a tsp of salt in it

why is food eating competition even a thing? it's stupid, insane and boring.. should be forbidden imho

why not a running across highways blindfolded competition instead?

I guess too much of a good thing really is bad for you.

Well of course it is. What the fuck else does "too much" mean? Too much of ANYTHING is bad for you!


shut up korean

Stephen Fry used to be really cute in his youth

You'd have to drink like 5-6 gallons in under an hour.

People who have never tried weed: The posts.

Fuck flight/invisibility/etc, THAT'S the super power I want!



no way, seeing the godly amounts of food being stuffed into these people's stomachs is entertaining as fuck for a lot of people.

>why not a running across highways blindfolded competition instead?
that just sounds like luck, no skill involved. I would watch that show if blind people with bat senses jumped over incoming cars, otherwise your example is null.