Tell gf ill give her $500/month as a beauty budget to spend on facials, manicures, spas, products etc

>tell gf ill give her $500/month as a beauty budget to spend on facials, manicures, spas, products etc
>she got offended

who was in the wrong here ? i want her to look good at all times and ill pay for it whys she being a bitch about it

that means she wants more.
next time offer her 300$ and look how will she say WHY ITS NOT 500 user YOU TOLD ME IT IS 500$ GIB ME

Why are you suck a cuck beta piece of shit op?

why even put that idea into her head?

She thinks you're calling her ugly/ the effort she puts into her appearance isn't enough. You probably phrased it wrong my man. Women are fickle as fuck.

She's a stupid cunt and you're a stupid cuck.

probably because youre autistic

That's a very nice thing to do for your girlfriend. Why do you think she is mad? My girlfriend would eat my unwiped ass if I did that for her.

She thinks you're calling her ugly. Not hard to understand unless you're autistic.

right here. stop giving a whore money. she's probably cheating anyway.

Dump her.... 80% will be thankful for such a gesture. If she doesn't like it then tell her to get a job a pay for her shit.

all about the tone not the words babes are

She's fucking your friends

She’s a keeper. She isn’t some shallow slut who cakes her face with chemical powder and 9 inch nails.

It's both of these at the same time.

"He thinks I'm ugly!"
"Is that all he thinks I'm worth??!!!"


Also, you got a border hopping shitskin spic when you could have gotten a hot gook.

>im going to give you a monthly allowance to work on your appearance

fucking autistic

Dude take her out on dates and shit.
A woman will hold your hand while you get ink. But you can be arsed to keep her company while getting her hair and nails did?

Maybe you should have just purchased your girlfriend on the market geez.

tell her to get her own damn job, or else you will find someone else who will appreciate what your giving her.
She will take the 500 a month, but after that you need to dump her. cause she will be looking around for a BBO bigger better option.

It's important to do things with your woman, I agree. They need to be walked like a dog.

>But you can be arsed to keep her company while getting her hair and nails did?

It doesn't matter what she'll do for you. She wants to be devoted to you and will be repulsed if you mirror that devotion. The correct attitude is to genuinely not give a fuck what she's doing.


Nice blog post faggot.

If you're dating a chick that is not naturally beautiful then you're doing it wrong. You've been memed into thinking roasties need a cake of makeup.

I hope you have a long and happy life full of wonderful children who will all sit around you weeping beside your death bed as you breath your last breath.