Hey guys, truckerfag here

Hey guys, truckerfag here.

Wondering what the best canned foods and non perishable meals I can keep that don't require cooking or even heating. I try to at least get a hot meal once a day but it doesn't always happen. I bought a bunch of chef boarder, canned chili, canned soups, baked beans, and gallons of water. For snacks I pack homemade jerky and I bought a can of Pringles because they stay fresh a long time and maybe I can use the can for something. Pretty soon I'll start trying to make dried fruits and fruit leather at home to bring.

Any suggestions? I never look forward to ending my day in the bottom of a metal can but it happens. Best to make the best of it.

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Beef jerky

I make my own, it's trucker mana.

In terms of canned food you could do worse than progresso or campbells chunky soups. I don't recommend the beef stew though since it's vaguely like dog food. The chicken soup is shockingly decent cold or lukewarm and the clam chowder will shock you in how not terrible it is.

Sardines/Oysters/Sprat/etc on crackers or dried biscuits with hot sauce. I love this shit if I'm camping, road tripping, or just don't feel like cooking.

Mixed nuts, of course.

Pickled things like herring, peppers, or, well, pickles.

what about those packs of tuna?

Forgot about those, the flavored ones are good.

I haven't eaten my soup yet but I think I got beef stew. I figured it was the most normal non meme variety. I'll have to get chicken or tomato.

Do you have a microwave? If so I think there are some contraptions to let you cook rice. Make rice, throw some stew on top...that's dinner, bro.

Roller dogs aren't that bad man

you can surely get a little hot plate or something to plug into your truck. just dont fall asleep with it on

Soylent is a memefood that might interest you.


Maybe get on of these instead.

Do not drive for cheap ass companies that don't provide an apu and inverter.
Trucking without a fridge and microwave sucks ass.

>I try to at least get a hot meal once a day
You can get a hot meal every day by just cooking on the engine block!

A small dutch over would actually work rather well that well. You could have pulled pork all the time!.

MREs have that self heating thingy and last forever

You can buy canned cooked chicken for like $2 a can. Maybe get those, some tortillas and stock up at the gas station on free condiments. You can basically make chicken salad whenever you want. Thanks for toting the load for us man!

Pipeliners swear by these.
They're decent.

Canned soups, vegetables, fruits, beans, and chili taste decent.

Chef Boyardee, Spaghettios, and generic versions are all garbage and taste like garbage.

Many truckstops have all you can eat salad with an entree.
Don't eat you entree then pigo out on the salad bar.
Take entree to go

canned herring in oil or in mustard on crackers

If you can find it, get pic related. My go to canned meal.