Can someone here explain to me how anybody in the US is homeless?
>join military
>get paid
>never have money problems again
explain yourselves amerimutts
Can someone here explain to me how anybody in the US is homeless?
>join military
>get paid
>never have money problems again
explain yourselves amerimutts
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Homeless people are homeless by choice.
i don't think they accept autists
you have to have a modicum of fitness to join the military
contrary to what everyone believes not everyone is let into the military
lol what? There are plenty of homeless vets.
Always assumed most are autistic
Its up or out in the military
Dont think you'll last twenty years for your pension, and besides that you know you'll be fighting amoral wars that have nothing to do with you to enrich the people who despise real freedom.
The US military doesn’t accept drug addicts and gangbangers, dumbass
yea lets arm schizo autist homeless people. fucking retard OP
>implying we aren't already doing that
>join military
Nope. Lots of disqualifiers preventing enlistment that homeless people tend to have, mental illness being the most common.
Fucking retard.
As a member of the US military I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that people are homeless by their own decision. Maybe not consciously, but definitely. There's people currently in the military so bad with money they're almost homeless. Also doing 20 is fucking dumb, you can make more money and retire earlier working for yourself and starting your own business.
90% of homeless are either insane or addicts.
The other 10% just had some crazy shit happen and will get it together in a few months.
Don't give these people money.
Theres an age limit to joining the military.
And many newly homless are either mid 30's to older or young adult runaways. When they were just scaping by and able to pay rent or not forward thinking enough for a savings.
Theres also alot of homeless vets.
Theres alot of dick sucking in order to get certain benefits.
Also many of the homless people are that way becuase drugs or serious mental health issues.
I don't think military lets anyone in with a serious mental illnes diagnosis.
Or atleast no combat postitions.
I dont really know.
>the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates that 39,471 veterans are homeless on any given night
military here.
Lots of fucks get kicked out by the day.
oh and lots never make it past fucking meps
I'd rather end up in prison than join the fucking military.
Wtf is meps?
the place you goto to get medically evaluated
belive it or not a LOT of ppl are dumb enought to fail the ASVAB.
>intellectual whomst's'v'll scored an 88
>get ptsd from battle
>have debilitating flashbacks during work because you're not allowed medical marijuana or mdma to fix it
>get fired
>lose house
Literally a massive fucking tragedy across the nation
>homeless by choice
Wow your fucking stupid.
they're a combo of crazy people and meth heads. Literally unable to take care of themselves and got no family that would put up with them.
Many homeless people have psychological problems or a drug addiction.
The military does not accept people who have psychological problems, or even use drugs (let alone are addicted to them)
Pick one
We have more vacant spaces than needed to house all of our homeless but "muh private property"
We as a nation need to Mariel Boatlift every single libertarian capitalist into the sea yesterday.
I would trade 500 libertarians for one homeless person to be housed without blinking.
You used the wrong "your/you're" whilst calling someone stupid, what a neat person you must be. I bet you're a really cool guy to hang out with.
I actually am. I'm pretty well loved among my normie peers ;^)
those that are homeless have mental or drug issues..
My brother was recently homeless along with his wife.
He had been pulling almost 100k/year.
But he broke his leg and decided that it was a good time to stop drinking and went to rehab.
Sadly he started doing a ton of pain killers and escalated to heroin and meth to cope with the lows.
His wife followed him down the same path.
Soon he was homeless, stealing to get drug and literally lost everything.
He finally got his shit together but had to leave his psycho wife to do it.
She is still homeless and probably hooking now.
She has issues that came from daddy raping her and has never really gotten over them obviously.
you cannot be on drugs and apply for any govt job in amerifag land.
>homeless by choice
>90% of homeless are insane
insane = choice
because not everyone can join the military
1. join military
2. suffer from physical ailment (war, accident, etc.)
3. develop ptsd and/or addiction to pain killers
4. become homeless crazy person who, instead of getting the psychological and mental health services they need, are left to fend for themselves on the streets by gov
I dont have it saved. But theres a reason why we dont let people who cant get their shit together into houses that are
ment to be repaired/maintained on a regular basis.
The story was about south africa and the ending of apartheid. Bunch of people took up residence in these buildings and didnt care for them one bit. And everything eventually went to pot.
I would agee with you if we built every house like a fortress but that is not the case. And many of these people will never adopt these habits , fir whatever childish and stubborn reason.
I heard that military mental health treatment is p. shitty.
Like no if ands or buts, if you aint taking the pills you aint seeing the shrink.
Thats kinda fucked up considering the whole nature of the psychopharma industry.
i tried joining the marines at 18 and failed for high blood pressure.
then spent thousands on tests because no one knew why i had HBP. at the end of it all the doctors just told me 'it's genetic'
still pissed.
I know what you are talking about, how many countries in africa have been ruled by either england or france and been given freedom to rule themselves in the last 50 or so years only to let everything fall apart...
its not racist its the way it is.
to mentally ill and used up to be in the military. cant pass a pee test. cant go through the training. would rather collect welfare or hit up the food pantry.
Military won’t take felons, retard.
That’s a hell of a thing to get over.
>Serious answer
America runs on a pretty faulty system, where one fuck up is all it takes for your entire life to be in ruins. Why? Because (((someone))) else is getting paid on the other end.
That "it's your fault if your life sucks" BS is told to us so that we don't realize we're getting hosed, rise up and burn the place to the ground.
The military doesn't just take anybody, although if you served you would think that.
As for the housing situation now, the elderly are living longer and not selling their homes. the elites are only concerned about building multilayer luxury housing, so the poor and young can't afford to live anywhere. The politicians won't stop immigration which is exacerbating the problems yearly. The employers can leap frog over the local population and just import workers from overseas or completely outsource.
The list of problems keeps going on and on.
In my experience, the homeless are one of these (or several)
>Make poor as fuck choices in life
Most people have a safety net. If I got into a bad enough position where I couldn't put a roof over my head, I know for a fact my siblings would take me in, no questions asked - same for numerous cousins, aunts, and uncles. Same for numerous friends - and I've let a couple camp on my couch in the past.
Most street people are addicts, to be blunt, and their addiction has lost them everything, they've been cut off from family for theft and other issues from being an addict, and getting high is more important than anything else. The rest are insane, like in Berkeley. The occasional victim of just bad luck comes along once in a while, but that covers the majority of them.
But I do have one issue I have to mock your dumb ass over:
>Join military
It ain't that easy, stupid. Recruiters are actually picky these days, and if you have any drug history, dropped out of school, have any kind of history of mental illness, or a history of crime, you ain't getting in. The military spends massive amounts of money to train servicepeople now, and they're not taking any old warm body anymore.
I worked with someone who tried the "Get a job or join the army" bullshit on his stepson. Surprise, they didn't want his fat, high school dropout ass. Told him to go get his GED, get a couple of community college semesters, drop some weight, and maybe.
The only things that can really fuck your life up permanently is felonies, and getting on the sex offender list. Everything else? You can get past it. Won't be easy, you'll have to eat shit and work your ass off, but it's do-able.
I've seen people go from literally nothing to doing really well, with cars, homes, wives, everything. You just have to be willing to work hard enough to get there.
People choose to throw their lives away with drugs you imbecile, that later becomes the reason why they are homeless.
>People choose to throw their lives away with drugs you imbecile, that later becomes the reason why they are homeless.
It's debatable on whether drugs are always the cause and not the symptom of poverty.
>most failed because of height/weight standard
fatties and manlets btfo
you didn't born insane
>It's debatable on whether drugs are always the cause and not the symptom of poverty.
>Be rich
>take a lot of drugs because have no morals
>get addicted
>piss away money on chasing a high
>be poor
Homeless people are usually fucking idiots who brought it upon themselves.
I pity a small amount of them who are just in a rough patch, but most of them are fucking pieces of shit.
Fuck homeless people.
I wanted to join the marines since I was 10 so I could gtfo my families house and do something with my life...
Developed juvenile diabetes at the age of 14.
Homeless because I chose to buy insulin instead of pay rent.
Kill yourself.
Alot of homeless are veterans. They don't give a shit about you after you serve.
Ironic that a Veeky Forumstard is defending the Taliban. I guess pol loves brown people now.
At least you don't have to inject yourself with something more expensive than gold per gram.
But I'm sorry bro, I had dreams of serving my country too...
Yeah, seriously. I got a perfect score and completed it so quickly that they thought I was asking for help when I returned to tell them I had completed it. The recruiter walked me out to my car and told me to go to school, that serving in the military would just piss me off. Not even bragging or anything. That test was a joke. Hardest problem was a proportion. There were some spatial reasoning problems, but they were so simple that I thought I must be missing something
40,000 out of 21 million
The homeless vet meme is a myth. Most homeless people are just druggies and mentally unstable people from non-functioning or non-existent families.
Ever talked to a hobo?
They all have a mental illness.
never seen a homeless irl or on the internet that wasn't a drug user or mentally ill person.
>24 years old
>68 inches
>180 lbs
>Veeky Forums
>depressed student
I think I'd drop out of my life entirely to join the US military, army, marines, navy, whatever. If I had the chance, but just thinking about the documentation requirements makes me want to kill myself.
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a totally different story if you're addicted with a grand in the bank vs. a couple million, you fucking idiot
Its very similar to how we treat our vets.
There really isnt a solid exit strategy becuase any good hand off of government and infrastructure would take atleast one generation.
And people arent pateint enough for that, esp when they are newly "liberated".
We dont really prepare our vets for civilian life after they have served in the same way. They dont even talk about or prepare you for the after effects of after playing war like PTSD in boot camp or basic.
96 btfo
You have to go back.
nothing like a good goyim to support the israelis
lol. fag
kek, do you really think this?
The age cut off for Military Service in the US is 34 and that's generally + or minus 2 years from that age.
Homeless people are there either by choice, or severe psycho/emotional break down.
you can't get in with a felony. If they haven't gotten caught yeah
army fag here. The amount of free money we have is pretty nice so we spend it on alcohol, cough medicine to get high, nicotine products, and 35% APR vehicles
What is disabled persons, what is persons with no family unfit for military, what is crazy vets who lost their mind, what is alcoholics who fell for the alcohol meme
In the US if you're homeless there's a pretty good chance it's your fault. I worked there for a little while and wages are so good and cost of living is so cheap that I don't understand how you can fail over there unless you're lazy or outright disabled
But they will accept u if you like to stick random objects up your ass and brag about it
underrated post
Forgot orphans. they tend to get into a lot of shit with police officers and the military does not accept a criminal record
If you join the army for the army chances are you're going to get killed by some goat fucker.
You're a bit chunky. Marines are retarded air force is mostly pussies. Army is best IMO. The recruiter will help you get your shit togeter, just need your birth cert and SS card.
Higher odds of dying in a car accident or living in a major city than while deployed for non infantry
Army is the trailer trash that nobody else wanted you delusional fuck.
Many of the homeless are ex-military, they have lived both ways and have made their choice (or been kicked out).
Even more the reason to not be a druggie.
Thumbrule: poor people stay poor.
Schizophrenia you barbaric cunt. Also we have a barbaric view of mental illness and it literally gets no funding
There is an age limit to when you can join
>born to single mother
>see fucked up shit
> get touched by an "uncle" repeatedly
> get fucked in head
> live in society that makes substances more accessible than ROTC
>become addict
> become homeless
I'm all for personal responsibility, so usually I reserve my sympathies for conventionally innocent or powerless beings, but but the scars of trauma are the hardest to see, and the one's that perpetuate cycles of trauma and predation.
Look at how the US has been since the 80s in terms of violence and then look at the music and media on top of the drugs.
Now look at 21st century American culture, it will only get worse.
People are responsible for their actions, but society can have as much an influence on a child as a parent, especially when a child lacks a consistent bond in early childhood.
Fucks em up man, I grew up near a lot of homeless people. I had a good life, good parents, and as I got older and I learned about these people I realized how fucked their starts were. It's like being spawned with no equipment and you're first ten minutes are glitched, and your k/d ratio is fucked.
Army trailer trash
Marines 85 iq average. Ghetto.
Navy closet homos and fearful of combat
Air force pussy soyboys
I'd rather hang out with trailer trash than the rest
In every service you have intelligent highly motivated people, stay away from the cannon fodder and everything is better.
>people still fall for the puritan meme of your poor cause your a sinner that seek debauchery like alcohol and drugs.
Drugged out junkies are why we cant have nice things, you pathetic fucking junkie.
>Never done drugs
>only drank alcohol less than 10 times.
fuck off degenerate.
This right here.
>Can someone here explain to me how anybody in the US is homeless?
Same in any western country (with a military) really.
You can't join if you're fucked up mentally or physically
I have felonies, i have over a half mil worth and I can't even find a place to rent it's ridiculous.
Your recruiter wasn't lying but enlisting pisses everyone off. However, the amount and kinds of bullshit you have to deal with is dependant on the job you choose/get. If you stick with it, your recruiter is probably gonna push for intel-related stuff like cryptology or signals intelligence. If you're going Navy and he's an asshole you're gonna hear him talk about those juicy Nuke contracts (some of the highest suicide rates).
Although I don't think there's a special mil-spec type of bullshit since most of it has parallels in the civilian world.
>homeless are all mentally ill
>the police using excessive force are mentally ill
>school kids are mentally ill
>the conspiracy theorists for flat earth and chemtrails are mentally ill
>sexual deviant Hollywood males are mentally ill
>the president is mentally ill
When do the excuses end and you start solving problems instead of just identifying them America?
Are you retarded. If you want communism then go to china or russia. Then you can live in fucking poverty and we can enjoy prosperity without you.