So is this hardware wallet legit? Can I save different cryptocurrencies safely on it?
I don't feel safe using JAXX.
So is this hardware wallet legit? Can I save different cryptocurrencies safely on it?
I don't feel safe using JAXX.
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Not especially.
Think about it, this thing and Trezor are the two most high-profile devices in the crypto world. Hackers know precisely what they're dealing with when they attempt to engineer exploits in the software of the device, the hardware of the device, and the computer it's connected to.
Consider getting a dedicated device for crypto. A raspberry Pi or Orange Pi with Ubuntu or Debian on it can run about any wallet you can think of. Just power it on, punch in your transaction, connect a network cable to send, and then power it off.
Is there somewhere a guide that explains how to do this?
kek, don't listen to this troll OP. buy a hardware wallet so your private keys aren't on your pc.
Yeah I feel like a Linux OS could get hacked easy too.
Just buy a leger. If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't trust yourself with your own security.
If you want to be as safe as possible you do it via a paper wallet in a safety deposit box
give me some btc and ill find out for you 18DfsTAWvPJKmMHDYSgbLik7aR6GsfRTpV
buy a hardware wallet.
I don't know a single intelligent person in crypto that has thousands sitting on a computer. Every single one of them uses a hardware wallet. All the ones that I know that don't are stupid and have lost money before from poor judgment.
>Hackers accessing cold storage without tampering with it first.
>Store it on a desktop wallet instead!
Top kek. The only way to "hack" a hardware wallet is if it or your seed was compromised which would never happen if you buy from them directly
>he thinks your coins are stored on your computer and not on the blockchain
fuckin retards
>Buy a hardware wallet
It's a fucking USB stick that they charge you 200 dollars for
Fuck that
Get a dedicated laptop for it and only plug the network cable in when you're sending/receiving
Don't browse any other sites
Dont download dumb fucking cartoon porn torrents
Quite simple
Do NOT listen to this guy:
Hardware wallets are, without a doubt, the safest way to store crypto. It's not a question as to whether they are "legit" (especially if you are talking about Ledger or Trezor, the two largest and most respected hardware wallets on the market), it's just a question as to cost. If you have more than a couple hundred dollars invested in crypto, you owe it to yourself to move it off of a desktop wallet and into a hardware wallet.
Should've bought one when they were $60. Probably not worth it with your $247 you have invested
An airgapped device that's off most of the time has a much lower chance than the hardware wallet method.
You can use both methods together, but it seems overkill to me, along with the high profile issue.
Please research the different Ledger and Trezor vulnerabilities that have occurred within the last year.
Then read about the Intel processor hardware-level vulnerability from a few weeks ago.
Yes, these devices have been and still can be "hacked."
You didn't refute any of my points.
You sound like a religious zealot.
I have literally millions invested, you stupid ass
Keep wasting good money on pointless garbage and see how much you have soon..
I still have never seen an explanation as to why these are better than a USB stick. In before 'because you can lock in muh price.'
you can't encrypt information on a usb the same way you can on these
Should I get a Ledger or a Trezor? I can store every coin I own on them right? They are both around $90.
I'm talking about the private keys you mong.
Spectre Meltdown vulnerabilities only prove the point that you shouldn't keep your private keys on your pc. You're completely safe if you use a hardware wallet.
There is literally no argument using sound logic to not buy a hardware wallet besides cost.
if you use a usb your private keys are still shown to your computer whereas the trezor and the ledger simply sign off on transactions internally.
The price locking feature is amazing.
Goodness, because as we all know, there's no way there could be a separate vulnerability in any one of the parts used in a Ledger or Trezor in the same vein as Spectre or any other firmware level exploit.
They have never been hacked though. PCs have been hacked and people have been sold compromised wallets and keys through third parties... but there is no way to hack a hardware wallet. It's that simple, no need to tinfoil hat and your advice is actually dangerous.
Why shouldn't I just use a regular flash drive that doesn't cost 100 bucks?
fuck off retard
>spectre meltdown means these are useless!
no, these vulnerabilities actually prove the value of using hardware wallets
>w-w-well who knows what will happen in the future after spectre meltdown!
you have no idea what you're talking about. you're literally in the same boat as trevon james who calls hardware wallets a scam. literally fucking less than 70 IQ if you think that its better to just save your private keys on a pc.
your private keys aren't seen by your computer using a hardware wallet unlike a usb stick dyor
>power up airgapped, sanitized device without internet connection
>plug in USB drive with keys stored and enter transaction
>remove USB drive
>connect device to internet and sync
>power off
Yes, I'm sure being connected for all of three minutes to update a wallet is definitely going to expose me to vulnerabilities that a contaminated device used for other tasks might have.
Feel free to start arguing any time. I swear you guys are as brainwashed as linkies.
ur a dum dum
You clearly have no idea how Spectre or hardware wallets work so please stop talking about them. I'm gonna give you a little hint: even if an attacker has kernel access it doesn't matter if your keys aren't exposed to the computer in the first place.
I'm talking about hardware components on the device.
I don't need to know the specifics because we know definitively that hardware level exploits exist.
All it takes is for someone to figure out how to backdoor the device itself. Fortunately for them, they can infect your device with the software wallet installed and wait for you to connect your hardware wallet.
By comparison, my system has the same vulnerabilities. It has to connect to the internet eventually. It has hardware and software components that are vulnerable. But what it doesn't have is a standardized hardware and software profile for hackers to target.
Somebody may be able to get a payload on to the device I'm using, but they don't know that I even fucking do anything with crypto or what I use to do it. It's still a vulnerable system, but its less so than standard issue hardware wallets.
Leder Nano S is to expensive IMHO. I will just use 2-FA with my wallets.
If you are only using bitcoin you can use
But you can compile other wallets, for NEO, ethereum, etc. to run in a similar offline mode? I think you'll be stuck with only a few cryptocurrencies that you can hold like that.
Pretty good point. I keep a separate sdcard with a similar setup, just geared towards MetaMask and the like.
I haven't come across anything that I haven't been able to handle yet.