Normies first hear about bitcoin and what distributed blockchain cryptography is. Then they hear about ethereum and that it uses "smartcontracts." As soon as they realize that what they think ether smartcontracts are, is actually chainlink, we take off. However, since Sergey made this open-source we cannot sit by idly, waiting and wishing. It's time we start brainstorming and testing use cases for Chainlink on their alpha. I'm not talking about shit like gambling on the weather or retrieving price data. Bots can already do shit like this and it doesn't need to use decentralized oracles. An easy application would be the one that John Mcafee mentioned at the tail end of his conference speech, mowing the lawn. If someone can create a smartcontract for mowing the lawn, then we are getting somewhere. Think in the same way that lyft works, but apply this to other services.
Chainlink Alpha
Have multiple sensors in someone's yard that keeps track of the grass height and once it's removed after being above a height that the sensor detects the smart contract executes and deposits $50 into Hector's bank account.
That fact that the alpha is live and this thing still is cheaper than a scratch off lotto means.... give it up linkies
The kid who cuts my grass only takes cash.
your lawn mower is a filthy nocoiner
take it to the dumpster and get a next gen one
Then have the smart contract unlock a box filled with pesos.
>I'm not talking about shit like gambling on the weather or retrieving price data. Bots can already do shit like this and it doesn't need to use decentralized oracles.
Fuck sake user how can you be so invested in something you don't understand?
look I get it that those things could work with decentralized oracles, but that's not what the layperson will use for. Aside from big bank and corporate use, Link can be used by randos who think like an anarchocapitalist. People are going to want to make their own personal smartcontracts for random shit. Don't you think it's a good idea to use the alpha to create a usable ecosystem in case the big players don't use chainlink?
Holy shit, there is a working product? I thought LINK was vaporware.
was also at the conference at dallas...
All you’d have to do is tamper with the sensors. For something trivial like mowing a lawn it may not be worth it, but for something like a security lock guarding a vault with private keys in them, the “sensor” is not decentralized. This vulnerability would be in any kind of any contract that involves IOT devices instead of digital data.
>All you’d have to do is tamper with the sensors. For something trivial like mowing a lawn it may not be worth it
Definitely. It's a shitty example but that's all I could come up with off the top of my head. Lots of different ways smart contracts can be implemented.
Yes it's a great idea for the biz linkies to build nodes, I agree with you that would be an excellent way to drive the project forward and encourage adoption. However, if you don't think that decentralised oracles aren't useful for getting things like weather or stock information then you REALLY need to do a bit more research, especially if you're thinking of building a node.
Buy more.
I'm not giving Hector the keys to my vault. I don't care how good of a job he does cutting the grass.
How many Veeky Forums bros were in that room i wonder
have the sensors only detect the grass by color and have multiple targets to create an average height for more trigger accuracy
>just mow around the sensors
>get paid
Far more complicated than.... look out the window, see if Hecktor cut your grass.
Probably not the most practical use of smart contracts.
>Sergey pops out of no where and makes his first tweet in 4 months
>It's a quote, directed at the CEO of Salesforce
>Salesforce turns out to be an API provider
So that seems a bit random, right?
Lol user, you didn't miss the #7777777 get, or the main net announcement did you?
Smart contract for construction noise levels at night. If sensors detect noise [jackhammer] etc over certain level after a specific time, the construction company pays x amount per minute.
nice! I had a great time
Made this thread to expand ideas:
>home-building payment plans based on layers of completion
>payments for merchandise contracts
>things that require satisfaction payment feedback
>subscription payments
What ideas do you have?
My point is that smart contracts are currently largely limited to purely digital data (eg api data) due to the fact that any node can be tampered with if any potentially biased party can realistically physically access it, such as sensors that measure height of grass. I say largely because some physical things are large enough to be measured in the real world without anyone having realistic access to a node (you could be using machine learning to describe weather conditions from your apartment)
Except, do you recognize the guy in this picture?
That's Dimitri Roche, ChainLinks new dev. Before he came to ChainLink he was CTO for a company called Loop & Tie
Holy fuck, from the thumbnail on the right side I thought it was Sergey with a big exposed pregnant tier belly but it was just a balding guy.
Now guess who owns Loop & Tie?
That's right. Salesforce motherfucking Ventures.
is this a bot
tipping intensifies
No. And you're welcome.
i see these exact two posts alongside in several threads, its fake. this is the new meme.
Poster is a faggo
Close your eyes, make a wish, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breaths and put all your focus and attention onto your groaning
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut
good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all fappening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep and tug it gently.
I love you allllllll
You can think of it like having a centralized location. If all the ChainLink nodes for some absurd reason had to be at Sergey’s Apartment (similar to how all nodes would have to be near the lawn to measure the grass height) then the advantages of decentralization are lost since someone could find his apartment by following the trail of Big Mac wrappers and tamper with the data
A smart contract based on shilling Chainlink in Veeky Forums
You're assigned keywords to use in your post. The machine scans posts and deposits 3 LINK into your account every time you claim it's going to moon.
>It's fake
What now? Has Salesforce Ventures' twitter account been hacked since November?
Close your eyes, make a wish, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breaths and put all your focus and attention onto your groaning
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut
good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all fappening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep and tug it gently.
I love you allllllll
why would I recognize any evidence you, a confirmed liar, would present?
>Provide verifiable facts
>Confirmed liar
Fuck off, pajeet.
What are you implying m8? A partnership?
I think he's just implying that there's a connection
I wrote this earlier, but I work at a public transportation company. City has roughly 1.5M travellers daily.
Politicians are, as everywhere, pushing for us to be the best on the continent, and environment, etc. Which means more electric buses, autonomous busses, etc.
Anyways, we have a "travellers guarantee" which means that anyone using our app and is delayed 20 minutes to their destination due to our failure to deliver, is refunded their ticket. But today the passenger needs to contact customer service and prove that they were late by providing times, which buses/trains, etc. And customer service has to check to verify that it was late. There are tens of thousands of these requests EVERY SINGLE DAY, and it's a huge drain.
We're looking at smart contracts to automize this process. Biggest challenge IT department is having is pulling GPS data from the app to the smart contract to make it execute correctly. I mentioned ChainLink to them a few weeks ago, but everything is nazi in the public sector to avoid insider trading. Everything is need-to-know. So I have no idea if they contacted Sergey or scrapped the idea of using LINK.
streets with shit sensors that charge pajeets for illegal poopings.
several cameras pointed at the lawn compare it to the reference image. Uniformity of cut, edging, clean up can be discerned by any good image recognition algo. Landscaper just has to initiate the comparison with a simple call after he is done.
look, nigger.
We are getting sick of seeing the same pasta.
Whats wrong? didn't get enough attention from your ground-breaking discovery so you have to post it in every thread?
Christ you are pathetic.
don't do the lawn thing because it's bad, smart contracts for employees completing a task, receiving pay immediately after a sale, coins for a report completed, etc.
recognize his sleuthing you philistine! you must be that sherlock faggot, jealous of this junior detective's fine fine work. shameful display,
Oh yeah go ahead, just use the product someone created and show the world it works and is functional.
Sergey sells chain link technology and gives up on the coin because when he sells his tech to a multi billion dollar company he can just be fat and wear runners
true if massive
You could use link for contractor services.
>pedro wants your cash and a good rating for his services
>you want a high quality deck built as quickly and cheaply as possible
>set up a smart contract
>your review on Pedro's website will be fed into an api that a link oracle will use to trigger a payment
Some of the biggest problems with building shit is finding good people that aren't trying to rip you off. This would incentivize contractors to work efficiently and provide a fair price because the more good work they do, the higher a rating they get which will bring in more work.
you are a MANIAC
A smart contract for mowing a lawn is retarded. Only quantifiable, data driven information should be used for smart contracts right now. You don't get a "number" spit back at you when you mow the lawn. Bad example.
The video briefly talks about which events decentralized oracles are useful in verifying. The interviewer mentions something like painting a home delivers a payout to the painter if and only if the home is painted white. That is not a good use case. Bond payments and other easily verifiable information where there are multiple sources work the best with decentralized oracles.
Most of the data coming from these sources have good use cases for decentralized oracles because the data is hard to fake when you use multiple sources to verify.
Also thanks to town crier and Intel sgx the Oracle providers won't know everything about the smart contract they will be providing data to. This means they won't have incentive to fake data. The Oracle providers wont know the outcome of false data provided therefore it will never benefit them.
An example would be if your friend Tom bet money that his favorite football team would win the Superbowl and you happen to know that you own 9 of the 11 oracles providing data into his smart contract that would determine if Tom gets a payout after the game ends. You would have incentive to have your oracles provide false data so your friend Tom wins the bet. Thanks to town crier and Intel sgx you (the data provider) won't know you would be providing the data for Tom's bet therefore you wouldn't fake the data.
Now imagine insurance companies paying out after natural disasters (like hurricanes). You have builders required to build up to a certain code, say 100 mph wind speed. If the wind speed goes over 100 mph the insurance company pays out. However if wind speed is below 100 mph, the builder (or their insurance company) pays out. Now you need a decentralized data solution. Both parties have a interest in knowing the wind speed and knowing that the weather data is accurate. You can build smart contracts that will execute payments based on this data (potentially millions of dollars).
good example
agreed, but with a functioning oracle you can input subjective data as a yes-no or scale, so it could be as simple as: I put up the money, pedro agrees to the work, pedro says the lawn is mowed, I say the lawn is mowed, contract executed (non-refundable)
A company could use link to automate payments of employees and vendors.
>employee punches in
>works x hours in a week
>this data is fed into a smart contract that pays out hours x payrate
>vendor puts rfid chip into shipment
>chip gets scanned at the store
>this triggers payment via smart contract
>both of those successful executions of smart contracts are fed into another smart contract that records the transactions in the company's accounting ledger
>the entire accounting department is now entirely obsolete
You could use link for automating employee raises
>data like being on time, leaving early, extra time spent on lunch, performance reviews, and customer compliments could be fed into a smart contract
>could be something like this
>if on-time percentage, leaving early, and long lunch is less than 10%, performance review is greater that 80%, and customers complements is greater than 5, a raise of 10% is automatically triggered
this is a great one! Incentivizes the worker and the employer
You could use link for car renting
>use GPS for miles driven, speed relative to speed limit, hard breaking, time of driving, and weather conditions
>cost of renting car = (miles driven x fixed rate) x (miles/hour over posted + number of times coming to a sudden stop + 1 if >50% driving is after sundown + Y determined by local weather api)
This would also work for auto insurance if you added a multiplyer for number of tickets, age, number of accidents, etc
Further, this would make insurance companies obsolete.
>hook up sensors to car
>data is fed into smart contact
>the cost could be automatically deposited from your bank API
>payouts come from the pool in a deterministic manner
You could use link to determine if an executive should be given a raise or fired
>if sales increases by greater than x year over year then give raise
>if sales fall by x then his contact is ended
You could add other multipliers here like % of on time projects, employee satisfaction, client satisfaction, etc so it can't be fucked with by him or people who dislike him, but you get the idea.
I've been working on a business idea revolving around "car-sharing" in my city for people who don't have a car, but only need one occasionally. It outcompetes rentals by far.
>Be guy living in city, no need for car
>Be part of "car collective" and pay a $200 annual fee, which is what covers insurance of fleet and part of administrative costs
>Need to use a car? Cars are stationed throughout the city in collaboration with local businesses
>Open app and book the closest one
>Pay X for kilometers driven, plus Y for for hours used
And now, with your idea;
Instead of manually inserting miles driven and hours used, it gets charged automatically through a smart contract.
Fuck me. I might actually get to speak to Sergey himself when I've got most things set up.
well done. I'm wondering if any anons can create an api compatible with chainlinks alpha to test some of this stuff
Oh, and to specify, the cars won't be private vehicles people share out to strangers. They'll all be owned by the company, and the membership fees will be used to maintain the fleet.
You could use link for renting apartments
>landlords want stable tenants that won't fuck up the house
>tenants want cheap rent and for timely maintenance when things break
>the landlord could rate the tenants based on things like on time payments, noise complaints, damage, etc
>the tenants could rate the landlord on fairness of rent, upkeep, etc
>this rating would follow both of them around and incentivize landlords to not be slum lords and tenants not to cause problems
>future landlords would use this rating to decide if they want to rent to someone and future tenants would use the rating to decide if they want to rent from someone
>this means the better a landlord is, the better tenants will be attracted to him and that the better a tenant is the more likely they are to get an apartment
Make it so, this sounds like a great idea
You could also have all of this data fed into another smart contract that would serve as a resume on the blockchain.
>at his last job, Chad was on time 95% and received x customer compliment and Y complaints, x% of projects he worked on were finished on time or ahead of schedule, etc
>this would be better than traditional resumes because you could have a program sort applicants based on business needs
>this would also be better because it would be a resume written from employers and customers rather than the person himself so it's as objective as a resume could be
Link could also be used to rate companies by average salary data, turnover rate, benefits, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, etc
>what is a chargeback
Link could also be used to automate parking in cities
>city has x parking spaces
>parking meters would be changed into sensors
>as spots fill up, rates increase
>this will cause people to only park as long as they need to, thus freeing up space and keeping cars off the road
>this will reduce traffic and therefore pollution making the cities much nicer places to live and incentivize walking
Retarded one. No point in decentralizing this. The company can trust their own server data for employee check ins.
If it's trustless it will incentivize employees to give a shit because they'll know their is no favorites or politics being played also works well with thisIts a potential problem but I'm sure there is a way to program some exception for it
check out car2go - they have this service
not discouraging, just know your competition user
Link could be used to lower the cost of Healthcare in the United States
>hospital A charges insurance company x for typical visit
>hospital B charges insurance company y for typical visit
>if A is less than B, the insurance company could lower the patients premium for going to hospital A
In this example link wouldn't be necessary, but it is on a large scale.
>you and all of your extended friends and family make insurance smart contract
>hospital price API is fed into the smart contract
>you get charged deterministically based on use and price relative to distance
>this will cause some hospitals to lose money
>that will force them to lower their rates so they don't go out of business
>since you are in a pool with all of your relatives, you will be incentivized to live a healthy life since they'll shame you for doing unhealthy things that raise their costs
You should follow up with this. See what the latest update is
Look at these niggas on the phone. Complete disrepsect unless they're using it to buy link
A smart contract for John McAfee to eat his dick on live television.
were chasing the big cryptos dont give up
What is zipcar
because a link is destroyed per transaction, so if it becomes 100 usd a transaction no one would use it?
No it isn't.
Smart contracts cure autism
Its divisible to 18 decimal places.
I understand this project
Just the thought of having my node work on an assignment like this makes my dick diamonds
This guy fucks
Fuck. Now I want a big mac. No. A classic angus.
>Not just eating four McDoubles for dinner
filthy frank front row middle, link must be top notch
you guys are making this lawn mowing way more complicated than it has to be with sensors, cameras, ect.
If the Gardner took a pic and sent it through a smart contracts app that allows approval for anything with whatever agreed evidence. all the client would have to do is click that they are happy with the work and rest of the process just happens in the background. it is still removing steps from the process. the normies are not going to put sensors in the yard to monitor the Gardner, how much do you think that would cost? Its got be baby steps, most everyone has a smartphone..
All you need to do is approve the work, no logging into the bank necessary
>charging back a blockchain transaction
So I’m sure most here know about psd2, which means that European banks will now have to provide APIs of their banking data. I think this is part of what Sergey meant when he said that “every bank will have a chainlink (node)”. These nodes will be a way for banks to monetise their APIs. Psd2 was implemented because Europe WANTS to spur economic growth in the new fintech centre. You can easily see how a chainlink node fits into this.
What you may not know is that the 21st Century Cures act means something similar to health insurance in the states to psd2 for banks. Medical records must be available as APIs. This should spur innovation, create a new economic market, and potentially help medical research if the data is useful to scientists. It was also discovered that Andrew Hoppin, one of the guys behind chainlink crypto fund, has founded a blockchain medical project where you can sell your own medical records for some medical crypto token. I speculated before that the chainlink crypto fund would be a node for this project, but I’m not so sure. Even if the CL crypto fund has nothing to do with the usecase is still there and someone else could do it.
I understand the idea of selling data but I’m actually not sure I understand the smart contract part - why/how do APIs from these specific examples need to feed into a SmartContract? What contracts could be triggered from health data bank APIs? If any user smarter than me can explain, cheers.
Link for more info