Do I buy raiblocks right now or naw? It's only $7 bucks

Do I buy raiblocks right now or naw? It's only $7 bucks.

if you like bitconnect and scams, sure.

It will be $200 EOY 2018
so yes

word on the street is the group who shilled XRB to the moon is now on VEN, but they are dumping VEN at $7.


For some reason I think VEN's price is increasing in direct response to its twice-a-week major partnership announcements and not one group's machinations.

this shitcoin finally died nobody wants a useless product.


>do I buy raiblocks now? It's only $3.

OP yes it’s a good buy here , will go back to $15 in the next few weeks

Also think good buy at $7 , “be greedy when others are fearful “

wassa wassa wassa
better buy biyconneeeeeeeeeeect. it's less than 3 bucks

its going to 1 or 2 dollar range at this rate

I'm sure the people who bought this shit at $10 thought the same thing

There's still 5M+ nano in sell pressure from the hack/theft, you'd have to be fucking stupid to think this is a buying opportunity just because the price is down. No, the price hasn't totally bottomed because people are retarded/delusional but this coin will continue to bleed one little red candle after another

i thought i bought the dip after the bitgrail fiasco

there is no floor on this coin, truly

Sometimes the dip is really just the project failing.

There’s so much fud makes me want to buy more

Half the board is VEN posts and weird made up fud about Walton despite noone mentioning it ever.

plebbit fags are shilling it

It will be $6 in 4 hours

People will understand eventually that there is nothing wrong with the currency and thus can't ever happen again. Nanos got stolen in October and we Mooned through the majority of it being sold so let's move on and stop this ridiculous Fud