What do you guys think? Buy while it's cheap?

What do you guys think? Buy while it's cheap?

Still waiting on that proof op....

I came from that post. I'm not OP. Trying to get other's opinions outside of that post.

just sold mine for btc thanks

Eich has like 50 billion + , BAT is like 400m market cap QUICK MATHS

Bump for interest. I saw a yellow triangle with small triangles in it during my meditation today. Came on this board and saw this. Had no idea this existed.

Took a gamble, bought some.

Accumulate now!

So this is just patreon on the blockchain right?
Why do we need this?

fucking undertucked chin 0/10 genetics

Ya, and google is just a search engine.

It's more than that, get payed to view ads.

So bat is a giant corporation that dabbles in everything from Healthcare to smart phones? That's a retarded comparison.

What in bat? Who pays you?

I have the same question for REQ, OP.

>looking at her chin


He has 50 billion of what?

sniff sniff

Advertisers will buy BAT to run ads through Brave. BAT gets paid to the content providers/website and the users who view them.

Stupid question, but whats to stop people from building software that looks like you're watching the ads ect in background? Or more posthumously setting up botnets to do it and really cashing in.

There was a time when the next big thing in internet advertising was "payment per click" and it got absolutely raped by both of these circumstances.


The ad model is designed to make the ads more engaging than banners, whether that is adverts incorporated into the media or interactive pages. The user information stored locally allows highly targeted ads. Both of these make it much more valuable to the advertising company and also to the user, with privacy and relevant ads. The user can take the money themselves or use it on the internet to access paywalls, stream, or donate to creators.

so how does it prevent abude (and promote adoption since its held hostage to brave, which literally no one uses)

BAT has no chance to compete with the established order
IF for some magical reason they do end up being used, google/facebook will buy them and your tokens will be discontinued/ lose their value

I use it.

Blocks asshole browser mining by default. Love it.

When BAT was first hyped, didn't understand why it was so popular. Still don't know why anyone would hold this.

Brave will never even come close to convincing a significant amount of people to switch over.

There's really no point in it using a cryptocurrency either. It just feels like a blatant attempt at cashgrabbing crypto hype. Like Kik.

It's literally adding 400,000 regular users each month.

>Brave will never even come close to convincing a significant amount of people to switch over.
BAT's going to have use in Chrome extensions as well.

>There's really no point in it using a cryptocurrency either
Well this is how I know you don't know what you're talking about. Implementation of Brave's advertising model required a new cryptocurrency. The entire project is based off of the cryptocurrency. There literally couldn't be any more of an argument that it needed a cryptocurrency.

>there's really not point lol
Get the fuck out of here.

so does ublock origin along with many even more autistic blocking features
I doubt brave has even 1% of the browser marketshare, its decent for mobile though
bat will not gain large-scale adoption and use as long as its limited to brave only

1) its not only linked to brave
2) brave is growing at a rate of 200,000 new regular users every 2 weeks
3) individual use to advertisers is monitored, so abuse would stop you being given ads. Ads arent run in some constant stream, they are built into content or sites in such a way that they are only seen with typical web usage. Essentially combining these means there's no avenue for abuse.

Why do i have to explain all this absolute base level understanding stuff, go read a paragraph of the whitepaper.

>BAT's going to have use in Chrome extensions as well.
how will brave ads pass chromes native non-google-ad-blocker? who in their right mind will download a browser extension that shows you ads?

He was wrong, BAT implementation is coming to chrome in terms of BAT payments but for brave ads they're looking at integrating with firefox.

>Ads arent run in some constant stream, they are built into content or sites in such a way that they are only seen with typical web usage. Essentially combining these means there's no avenue for abuse.
do you actually believe this?
proxy script, simulated browsing, sandboxed/spatially isolated brave instances can be set up with 500 lines of python code
every system is susceptible to abuse
ok thats nice

Explain to me why they NEEDED a cryptocurrency. Explain to me how they couldn't achieve the same exact thing with a token on the company's servers or even just USD.

>BAT is not a digital currency, it is a utility token. It can be used as a unit of account between advertisers, publishers, and users on the BAT platform, and can be utilized to directly measure, exchange, and verify attention. Bitcoin would not enable this distinct, in-platform problem solving. Also, an integral part of the token sale was the creation of the BAT user growth pool (UGP) of 300 million tokens, which will be used to incentivize users to join the BAT platform. Finally, using BAT on Ethereum allows for faster scalability than using Bitcoin.

User growth pool, BAT giveaway to jumpstart the ecosystem, can't have a "million USD giveaway," etc. etc.

Tons of reasons. Go read the white papers.

Im not familiar with scripts that can simulate normal web usage but they may well exist. If such a thing is present they could run ads with essentially a captcha to guarantee human use, though perhaps more subtle and engaging.

Do you know what cryptocurrency is ? Like the reason why people think the blockchain is useful i swear to god there are some major dumb cunts on this board

Could do the exact same with a token on the company's server. This is just a utility token. The fate of all utility tokens is pretty much being driven to zero.

it wont be limited to brave....also brave is now faster then chrome on desktop :)

A cryptocurrency is kinda pointless when a single centralized entity pretty much determines who gets what.

no because then the company would have access to your browsing information.....the token makes it all anonymous...

none of us know what the fuck we're talking about do we

No...its decentralized through a smart contract ....brave company has no idea what you have been browsing..and no way of finding out

>Could do the exact same with a token on the company's server

No, that's just not true. The point of the advertising model is that it's decentralized. It's a decentralized model as to not track users' transactions and target them with targeted ads based on the browsing habits. You know how Google and Facebook profit off of helping third parties target-advertise towards you? Brave is designed to get rid of this, and allow the USER themselves getting this cut of the ad profits.

If you're going to have an organic publisher-advertiser-user based decentralized advertising model, you can't have the token on the company's server, because then they will be tracking who is paid for what advertisements, etc. and it will be the same exact fucking thing they're getting rid of.

You don't even understand what you're trying to debate about, lol.

>The fate of all utility tokens is pretty much being driven to zero