Yeah but that’s still in the crypto space. Vitalik’s complained about this on twitter too.
I’m not exactly hopeful about any ERC-20 token that just deals with other cryptos, it has to break out into the rest of the world and become adopted by normies or big companies for this tech to ever go anywhere.
Angel Stewart
Yes I agree with this sentiment. But it's a general problem in crypto, not specifically with ETH.
It reminds me of the situation when iPad was introduced. Steve Jobs was very excited about the product back then, and he hoped that developers will invent completely new kinds of useful apps, which were not possible to do before. In reality that didn't materialize, and iPad become something like an entertainment consumption platform plus gaming console. But can Jobs be blamed that developers are not more inventive? I don't know.
I am willing to admit that smart contracts will ultimately proven to not be useful, but Vitalik still should be credited for offering the platform for their execution. Maybe we will find out that it is enough to have Bitcoin for long-term investments, and BTC Lighting network or other crypto currency for payment. Other tokens will maybe just be for trading, speculating, scamming. It is very well possible, but again, that's not Vitalik's fault.
Nicholas Peterson
he might be involved, a genius or whatever ... but ultimately he's being led into this - you think Russians would let that little bub run havoc? lol
(no conspiracy shit just making use of his potential and new business)
Xavier James
Lol Russia is going to completely shorterm dominate Europe and America when it comes to crypto. No one realise how quiet Russia is through all this fud and regulation bullshit? Once america and Europe think they've established a proper regulated foothold Russia is going to shit all over them by enforcing less tax and more tolerance over crypto lel.
eos is Satan, literally the sign of the times. Read the white paper. Its like website templates for retards only its virtual currencies and tokens.
Joshua Brooks
unironically this more libertarian than professed libertarians, and 120 iq dunning-kruger morons call him a commie hilarious
Adam Peterson
Blockchains come with many disadvantages and because of this they are most useful for a narrow range of problems. It's like trying to use paper as a medium for movies. Sure, you could do it if you base64 encoded a movie and used a printer for write() with a scanner for read(), but that would cost a lot and be slow as fuck. You thus want to use a blockchain as little as possible (if at all.)
People don't get this tho and most of the project on Ethereum look for excuses to use a blockchain to get dat ICO money. This includes people trying to use a blockchain for traveling, social networks, forums, religion (?), and so on... and its also why you hear people talking about oracles so much (oracles are trusted third-parties who vouch for an event and are the opposite of blockchain tech.) So what are blockchains most useful for? For automating simple programs (update a balance, create an asset in a ledger, add a user) without relying on people - very useful for preventing fraud, corruption, and security problems - which should be weighed against the costs.
The trade-offs blockchains make is they remove trust in people (an active role that can be abused) and place it in hardware (a passive role that is automated / immutable.) To complicate things: people are able to interact with programs on a blockchain. You can take all of the above use-cases and write a collection of rules that define how resources should be sharable between people in an organization under any rules you like. What this leads to is potentially new ways of organizing people. So to answer the OP: Ethereum has given us useful tools but most of the projects on it today are garbage.
Protip: Look for the companies solving the most boring problems because those are the actual blockchain companies. Everyone else in this industry is just bullshitters following the money.
Anthony Wilson
Checked. Also great points.
Ethan Sanders
I believe so. Crypto is very much needed by corrupt oligarchs, common folk must be banned from that (according to government ideas). But Russia can only soft ban it, because it's hard to impose such regulations on decentralized space. Soft ban also puts the "unwashed masses" into elevated state if danger. Which means if you are hush and silent, you are fine.