How does Veeky Forums feel about onions?
How does Veeky Forums feel about onions?
God's gift to man
Red onions are great. Love them pickled, too.
Couldn't cook without them.
An essential ingredient.
Shallots are great too.
a 10/10 ingredient
Agreed. Only discovered shallots about 5 years ago when I started cooking for myself. They blend into sauces so well.
Delicious and absolutely essential to pretty much all cooking.
Used to hate them, now I love them to a point. They have to be properly cooked though.
Isn't that wine?
One of the best ingredients there is, proof of which is its use in almost every culture's cuisine.
Great source of flavor.
Also an effective repellent against any picky eaters.
I hated them and tomatoes as a child. Now I cannot go a day without using em in something.
Belongs in absolutely nothing besides salad/pico de gallo raw.
Food ruining addition raw but godly cooked
Hate white onion, like the others.
They are good. They suck if overcooked though (unless you caramelize them or something)
I'm a picky eater and I put onions in everything.
Why are they so expensive now? Used to get 10lbs for $2CAD, now charging at least $1/lb. Fuck.
too lazy. switched to using freeze dried & powder unless i want to make something special.
I used to eat them roasted every day, now I do only once in a while
I've never cooked a sweet onion before. What are they good with?
what's the difference between yellow and red onions? I
I use them almost all the time, they're great with most dishes I make.
Raw, sweated, browned but still crisp, caramelized etc. are all awesome. I love every type of onion. One of the few honestly god tier ingredients. Lots of foods are complete shit without them. I wouldn't associate with a person that didn't like onions.
I know they're very important, but I avoid them because the smell makes me gag.
This. If you don't like onions, you simply don't like cuisine. At that point you really should just move to Soylent.
Yellow onions are yellow.
Red onions are red.
I'll let you work out what the deal is with white onions.
Onions + bell peppers is a god tier combination.
according to google red onions have a subtler taste and are best eaten raw and yellow onions are stronger and more suitable for roasting/frying.
Bacon and potatoes with some dijon my nigga
Your shitty currency mate.
I keep one tied to my belt
it's the style currently (at the time)
Onions are a meme ingredient.
fuck off
Couldn't do without them
>dice up large onion
>put it in skillet with salt and oil
>30 minutes later it's like 1/4th a cup of pure flavor
People who hate onions should be gassed.
Tastes so good I wanna cry.
Could be your currency, but it's a seasonal thing aswell.
I really dont have any feelings towards any vegetables. But I like onions. They complete my dishes.
I love onions and related bulbs like shallots
I used to hate them,now I can't live without them.
Motherfucking love onions.
Onions are a crutch for unskilled cooks
Love them, but can't chop them without being blinded. Knife is sharp, I've tried the freezer trick, onions are all fresh, still blinds me. I just can't do it.
t. picky eater manchild
I like onions. I'm saying shitty often cooks use them to make up for their incompetence
So you admit you don't know what the word crutch means
What the fuck are you talking about? A crutch means they use it prop themselves up, you know, like a crutch.
Even as a cooking peasant they are great. If I were to diet they would be my an even more key flavor in my diet.
Onions are up there as one of the best crops ever discovered
Ever seen a man with working legs use crutches? Of course not.
Ever seen a skilled cook use onions?
>Not liking pickled onions
Yes all the time, it's a major ingredient in cooking
A crutch only proves useful to people who lack something else. In the literal sense- legs. In your context- skill.
Since onions /are/ useful to people who do not lack skill, it is a not a crutch.
It's pretty simple user
This is some retarded reasoning senpai. I've seen people play with crutches a lot.
this. literally cry everytiem
Have you tried chopping them next to a lit burner or candle?
contacts = immunity
i cut hundreds of pounds of this shit as a kitchen bitch and everyone is always impressed im not tearing up but im just fucking cheating
hands stinky like onion for days even with gloves though :(
Ha, I can lick them and smell them without crying
no, but honestly smoke makes my eyes water terribly too. i have v sensitive eyeballs i think
can't afford contacts lel, i do wear glasses tho which one might think would help. doesn't. i don't have an issue with my hands smelling like onions, but whenever i chop garlic i can't get the smell out for DAYS. it's pretty unappetizing
Wear glasses
Rinse them or even cut them under running water.
You need to think about how it actually works and mitigate it in that fashion. The onion is essentially filled with millions of little pockets of acid. When you cut into the onion it breaks open those pockets and the acid reacts with the air, becoming gas which rises and irritates your eyes. Wearing glasses protects your eyes to a degree, and rinsing the onions pushes the gas down and away.
Neither of those things should give off noteworthy amounts of smoke
dude i have to open a window when i burn incense. i'm pretty sure i'm just a baby
How do perfume sticks specifically designed to give off smoke fit into this discussion
you can order contacts online for like $20 if you have your prescription
I'm the first poster not the other guy who replied. I have glasses, doesn't help. I also can't wear contacts because reasons. I could do the burner trick (gas stove) or the running water, but how do you cut them under running water without the pieces washing everywhere? Your explanation does make sense but what to actually do about onion gas?
Dunno, it doesn't happen too often to me, but my mom always would cut onions under water though maybe just the initial halving/quartering because yeah all the pieces would wash away.
Try chewing gum, that's what I do. Also, breathe using your mouth instead, less irritation.
no that would be grapes you fucking 12 yr old.
how do you not like pickled onions, are you fucking 7?
I don't like pickled anything. Fucking cucumbers trying to trick me into eating them put me off of pickled things.
>How does Veeky Forums feel about onions?
Onions = God
Love 'em in cooking. Soups, baked dishes, fried dishes, everything. Caramelized onions are just about the best thing in the fucking world to put on something. The flavor, the texture... amazing.
That being said, for some goddamn reason I'm incapable of eating raw onions. No idea why, but the second they enter my mouth my gag reflex kicks in and I start to barf. It's pretty fucked up.
They're a delicious and an essential ingredient which makes me lol because they're like deadly poisonous to anything that's not human.
>People who hate onions should be gassed.
with raw white onions
just picked up a bag of vidalias
ate one like an apple
disliked them as kid, now I absolutely love them and use them in any dish i can.
The smell of sautéing onions is the reasons to live.
Raw , not good
Cooked fucking delicious
raw red onions are very good in salad and on burgers
i love raw onions i dont know what the fuk is wrong with me
>I don't like pickled anything.
How your digestion? I find that people who don't like pickled things tend to have poor digestion due to having shitty gut flora.
Got to have a string of Roscoffs hanging up in my kitchen or I'm not at home.
Pretty autistic
Nothing at all. When I realize that whatever I cooked is subpar, I just add some diced raw onion and MSG and wa la, it instantly becomes edible, flavorful, aromatic
Versatile and tasty, I couldn't go without them.
Just make sure your face is far enough away. Don't bend over and if you're short then cut them on a lower surface.
v's - this guy know onions.
slice of red on a burger, can't be too thick my opinion.
I could eat them like apples
Onions are literally casual filters of cooking.