Time to settle this once and for all
Time to settle this once and for all
None of the above.
>leaves out america
Shit bait.
Those are literally the only valid answers.
But please, entertain us with what you think it should be
America is like #100 when you ask people in every country except america
t. retard who knows nothing about the world outside his irrelevant country
Nah. America is top tier.
I just made a reference to worldwide trend which you apparently aren't aware of.
Also, 80% of what Americans consider "american food" is just random bits from the cuisine of your former overlords
>many non-americans on Veeky Forums like to shitpost about america
>it's a worldwide trend guise
I am in no way basing this on Veeky Forums retard.
Are you one of those people in denial who think everyone disagreeing with you is a troll?
top tier, compare the average dinner in the us to the average meal in france,italy, turkey, china/thailand....
the only one showing you dont know anything is you
Looks pretty good.
This is why people like you aren't allowed to vote
Gutter oil fried pigeons
Literal human shit
Greek food
>average dinner in the us
That's like saying "average dinner in Europe". It's a big country, and most people don't actually eat burgers every night.
No, sometimes you eat grilled corn with fried pepsi
I am allowed to vote though
didn't choose any for this shit poll
op is a shitposting idiot, I would just hide the thread desu
You created a poll to determine the best type of cuisine and only listed one food.
>all se asian food is the same
>except for indonesia
Why are people even voting on this poll?
In this poll retard.
You're not allowed to vote for your prefered alternative
see All the food within China is widely different too retard. But you can't have 1000 alternatives. Indonesian is generally more highly regarded than all the others except maybe Thai. Indonesia also has almost the same number of inhabitants as the rest of the countries put together
French, Italian and Japanese are the only three proper cuisines. Other countries have collections of food, but none of them are globally influential both in popular and restaurant scenes. These three are the only ones who have adequately contributed to the culinary world, French is the best
Only if you look at a narrow time perspective.
China has been making dishes since before there were even people on that little island next to them
>muh sushi
>muh ramen
is japanese cuisine the most overrated in the world?
no it's just this site because of otaku culture
>no Mexican
>no Peruvian
shit poll is shit
No user, your opinions are shit. That's the problem here
no u
>no Mexico
what kind of shit poll is this?
>no 'go 'za
my dude what
Mexican food is world wide famous. For it to not be on the poll does absolutely render the poll fucking pointless.
>dry meat and tortillas
Yeah, top tier cuisine
Spic squad is here
beta /pol/ autist
probably a weaboo as well
Looks like I was right about the spic. Go eat your donkey meat you obese manlet.
I'm white, you faggot
Go eat your mashed potatoes
>I'm white
White when it suits you, colored when it doesn't, eh Pedro?
>Go eat your mashed potatoes
Haha what does that even mean? Is that an attempt at some kind of insult?
I'm not Hispanic at all, I don't get your point. I'm an American white guy, but unlike you I'm not a greasy sperglord who worships Donald Trump
At the top tier the US can go toe to toe with any other country. But the standards for what counts as average here are very low because we like our food to be cheap. The food in a typical American supermarket or typical (read chain) restaurant is way below the standards in many other places in the world. Home cooks in places like France, Spain, Italy and even fucking Germany are cooking with better quality ingredients than most Americans have access to.
The US is certainly one of the top countries reliant on processed food items and sub-par produce, but it's not as though that's something unique to there.
It also doesn't mean that most Americans don't have access to quality ingredients, make all sorts of different quality foods, and have both world tier restaurants and immigrant populations from all over the world bringing their own types of cuisine.
Saying "national average" in the US is more often than not meaningless; nobody cares about the obesity rate in Mississippi, the amount of farmer's markets or non-chain restaurants in Wyoming, or what the average family eats for diner in Oklahoma.
>It also doesn't mean that most Americans don't have access to quality ingredients
It kinda does. Most of what's in American supermarkets is processed, shelf stable stuff, CAFO raised corn fed meat, poor quality dairy and utility produce mostly shipped in from CA. Then things are rounded out by convenience/junk foods like breakfast cereal, heat and eat meals, chips, soda and fucking snack cakes.And awful bread.
That's what most Americans eat when they're not eating fast food. Sure there are regional variations, but what's available where most Americans get their groceries just isn't that great.
Of course you can do a lot better if you're rich and/or are willing to put extra effort into sourcing your ingredients. But the standards at the typical American grocery are very low.
>No Mexico option
>you can do a lot better if you're rich and/or are willing to put extra effort into sourcing your ingredients
You can say the same thing about a country like India or China, but the US is held up to higher standards for being a (supposedly) developed, 1st world country.