wutcha snacking on Veeky Forums ?
I just got me a few prince polo's, best wafer snack in the entire world.
wutcha snacking on Veeky Forums ?
I just got me a few prince polo's, best wafer snack in the entire world.
Some dark chocolate chips. I bought a huge bag for baking then realized I don't like baking, so now I just eat them with a spoon.
just melt that stuff and dip in fruit like strawberries or banana
We have so many Poles in this area that our supermarkets carry all their delicious shit.
I just bought two Prince Polos today myself, hazelnut flavour and dark chocolate flavour. Gonna snap a couple pics and post'em ITT as I eat'em.
nice, never tried the hazelnut one. is it any good?
Just opened it now. It ain't bad. For 39ยข, anyway, I ain't complainin'. Never had either before. My usual go-to for Polish sweets and chocolates is pic related (kek, German name, Russian company, made in Poland).
Just tried the dark chocolate one. Tastes like my childhood. Most kids' chocolates in my home country taste like this, so it's made me a bit nostalgic.
hah i used to eat that all the time when i was a kid
There was a similar chocolate in Italy that I grew up with, so I've fond memories of similar things, too.
I don't buy Nussbeisser anymore, though, because I'm a cheap motherfucker, it's kinda expensive to me ($2.49/bar) and the Chocoeur hazelnut milk chocolate bar at Aldi is nearly as good (8.75/10 compared to Nussbeisser's 9/10) at half the price.
The Polish aisle of the supermarket I went to today didn't have any other flavours in stock today, though there was space for them. Must've run out. Verdict: dark chocolate > hazelnut, but neither is bad at all. Hate to say it, though, but Fast Good makes pistachio creme wafers that are the shiznizzle, and I like them better.
my grandma always bought this for me as a part of christmas/birthday/whatever present. so good, dem hazelnuts, hnnng
>German name, Russian company, made in Poland
And they said multiculturalism doesn't work...
Speaking as a race traitor, it usually doesn't.
i also got this, my wife likes this stuff
it's not bad desu
>Speaking as a race traitor
I'm almost exclusively attracted to college educated non-whites/non-East-Asians and with the exception of my first two girlfriends (a Muzzie chick whose family was from Calcutta and a mixed chick whose mom was half African/Indian from some Caribbean Island or other and father was Puerto Rican), one black American I dated and Polynesians, every other one I've been with has been extremely touchy about race and easily triggered.
One Negress I dated for a long while brought it up all the time, the struggle of the black girl in the white man's world and shit like that.
>you wouldn't understand, you're not black
Then why don't you ever date your own race, bitch? Shit, complain about how hard it is to make a connection with guys you date, but then you only go for white dick only to complain about the race of the dude it's attached to. That's kind of fucking dumb.
Currently seeing a 5'4 mixed half French-Mexican, half black qtp2t and race hasn't been an issue yet. Religion has, though, somewhat. We'll see where it goes.
Yeah race is a touchy issue to minorities, often leads to both anger externally and internally. This comes from personal experience.
>Religion has, though, somewhat
What religion does she subscribe to? Or you maybe?
Weird mix of Catholic and Jehovah's Witness while I was raised Quaker.
Goes to the Kingdom Hall but engages in premarital sex (w/me, yay), buys saint candles and does the sign of the cross when something bad happens, like an ambulance passes by and stuff like that. It doesn't bother me at all, but the qt3.14 got upset once because I said that 'it'd be nice if there was one, but I don't necessarily believe in any god, no.'
Guess that makes me a Nontheist Friend.
Sage because not food or cooking.
Does her son like this bar as well?
>coconut AND hazelnut?!?!
You absolute MADMAN!
Snickers with almonds
Dat mlp doll... Nigga wtf
i love snickers almond, they're hard to find here tho
Holy fuck these are amazing, in Poland we also have version with white chocoalte.
>pic related.