This crypto market is so fucking stupid

This crypto market is so fucking stupid.

As soon as BTC nears $12,000, it begins to dip again.

Everyone is basing their moves off stupid trend analysis.

Holy fuck what a stupid market. You guys should feel stupid for being part of it. This is nothing to ever brag about or talk about with other people. Just cash out a decent chunk, hold some, and pray for the best.

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Exactly! I cant stand all the fuckers who sell on TA psychological shit. It may make you money but not enough.

>TA doesn work guyzz thats why every profitable trader in the world uses it hurrr

Fucking retard
Do you think traders who consistently make money just flip a coin?


Draw your line from the actual ATH (you're a little below it)
It actually fucking dipped to the exact second.

You cucks, are so fucking stupid.

If you KNOW this is how people trade, use it to YOUR benefit. Fucking morons.

The market is so fucking predictable, yet you don't act on it. Monkey cunt.

TA is self fulfilling prophecy.

Which is why it works

>implying 99% of bitcoin investors even know what TA is

You do realise those putting in the orders big enough to actual move the market are those 1%?
dick head.

Leave it to them, their minds can't be changed. They'll just continue to lose money until they realize it.
>wtf why does it keep following those stupid meme lines!!!

lol not everyone is speculating using meme lines - so tired of explaining this fuck it you believe whatever makes you feel happy...

5k confirmed by OP

Successful traders draw memelines so that when the compliance guys come in to check their working, it isn't immediately obvious that they're just insider trading with their buddies.

I mean clearly enough people are to make the market move. You think that was just coincidence there?

>God this market is so dumb, people use fucking trend analysis and market psychology to buy and sell
>Obviously the only that makes sense is for it to just go UP forever so we can all be rich OMG it's so easy.

>the 1% are trading based on memelines instead of insider information

Not even close to what I actually said you brainlet cunt

you implied that the 1% of people who know what TA is are trading based on it

kill yourself


The memelines reflect the insider information

I was more so implying that those putting in the orders big enough to actual move the market are those 1%. Nothing about memelines, only that they know TA.
Actually grow a brain you fucking degenerate

No they don't. RSI could be severely "underbought" and if I had 100k bitcoins there's nothing in the meme lines that can predict I won't just dump them all at any arbitrary time.

Look at this backpedal you fucking faggot. You implied that the 1% of people who know what TA is are making orders big enough to move the market (implying they're making decisions based on TA)

You said something, now own it you fucking 80 IQ piece of dogshit.

You really are fucking delusional aye bud. No point arguing with you because you cant understand something this basic. Fuck off back to your hole, loser.

You are a moron. Please just kill yourself you brainlet piece of shit. Nobody will miss you.

Anyway, go back to the topic boys, ignore ro/+uo0u. Obvious troll.

This happened at 8900, 11200, and now 11700. It will be over 12000 probably on Friday.

Butthurt brainlet got BTFO

He actually thinks whales trade based on TA LOL

probably 1% of all trades are by real people. the other 99% from bots. at the end of the day, the chart doesn't matter, only profits, and bots make profits off of ups AND downs. they don't discriminate because they don't have an agenda besides make profits.

What the fuck do you mean whales trade based on insider information?
What fucking insider information?
I honestly can't tell if you are trolling or not. I mean I thought you were, now I just think you fucking ARE stupid.

you base it off whale psychology, i called it 5 days ago, i don't think it's luck. a few other people called it too, search

dump 12k site:Veeky

i sold 50% of my btc at 10k and 50% at 11.4k

and then this gem came in

This fucking idiot thinks that every time a whale trades, it is only off insider information.
This fucking idiot thinks that whales have some sort of hotline where the receive some magical insider information??? and then trade
This fucking idiot is a fucking idiot

Are you fucking stupid? Do you think whales actually trade by drawing retarded lines on fucking charts all day?

How stupid are you that you don't understand the concept of "insider information"? Are you a brainlet?

you just need a private telegram group or some sort of general instruction / trading range

You are a brainlet. Please don't breed if you can't understand the concept of "insider information" coming from say, a mining company or coinbase.

This post is fucking hilarious. The entire month people have been saying how untrue TA is and how they'll see bears at 12.5k or higher in 12 minutes. Then when TA hits them square in the jaw TA is the boogie man killing crypto. Like pottery.

TA fag here. insider info does translates into non-typical market movement that indicators wouldnt account for.

but, youre essentially saying that only whales and not retail traders move markets when they both have huge effect. TA works until it doesnt. But I'd much rather know TA than not because the patterns TA fags are looking at are based on human emotion, and most traders know we're creatures of habit and will repeat ourselves. so we can look for repeat patterns and trade them succesfully. sometimes

What the fuck sort of insider information could coinbase or a mining company give?
what the fuck

>What the fuck sort of insider information could coinbase or a mining company give?
You truly are a brainlet. This is just sad.

retail traders don't have any effect when they're not present (like now)

I was skeptical before. I am one of you now

answer me then. or you look even fucking stupider

even though people become fucking millionaires off the meme lines

Ahh you shorts are scared so you FUD.. poor semi-normies. Grow a pair and buy and join the resistance. You’ll feel better about your life,.

If you can't figure out the type of inside information that coinbase would have then you are a fucking moron. I'm legitimately questioning whether you have a brain injury or not.

You. Can't. Even. Answer. The. Question.
This is fucking hilarious.

Coinbase: "Oh, h-hey whales, we are adding btc to coinbase this month. buy!!! :)!!!"

whales in a pod move together, they crash it to 6k and know it's "safe" to buy when you're scared shitless. the morning of the crash day, whalegate sent out "the correction is over"

they make sure to not go crazy so they can buy cheap BTC at 8k - accumulation.
they pump it up to 12k together without selling knowing it's safe. then when everything looks calm at 11k they start selling and taking profit. when the FOMOers come in and drag it too high they dump on their stupid asses together. when you have advance information you always win

You are so fucking stupid. You aren't even aware of the amount of data a company like coinbase has. And more over, you're proud of how stupid you are.

Fucking brainlet, just tie the rope.

those 6 million binance users are all whales and bots then eh?

Third time in a row of not being able to answer the question. Fucking hilarious, it really is.
I'm off now buddy. I might come back in a couple of hours to see if you finally answer or not. Lmao. Bye

also they can bribe for inside news about FUD before you know it. i'm sure that whole January month of FUD was orchestrated, there was a former regulator on CNBC telling us that in January

Do you mean oversold?

Have fun doing brainlet things like the brainlet you are. It won't get any better, dipshit.

look at the volume in December and January vs now

Thanks for actually attempting to answer the question properly, unlike the other guy who only knows the word 'brainlet'. Cheers mate.

Bye brainlet faggot, try not to kill yourself when you realize how stupid you are.

this is the only rational man in this thread.

I keep saying this and I’ll say it again. Dump your stupid coins; get usdt or dollars whatever and then fuckin buy the dip.

If we all sell the euro fags cannot and they’ll have to be the ones suffer and we buy the dip. Holy shit

This is like the storming of Normandy and you fucks can’t get it through your god damn thick skulls and want to make money on the upside.

Make money on the ups and downs bitch, it’s a traders game and always was and will be

>As soon as BTC nears $12,000, it begins to dip again.
Ok, what the fuck, is he a wizard?

Not even him but you couldn't even answer the question holy shit lmao you must have actual braindamage.



Real traders don’t use technical analysis except stuff they personally find out. Actuallly it’s the other way around. The more people that use TA, the less effective it becomes

If you can't figure it out yourself, you don't deserve to know.


>Predicts BTC will crash to 8k before bouncing
>It goes all the way to $5900 instead
>Chart is off by 27%
>Wow this guy sure is good what a wizard!
You're a fucking brainlet for believing that kek


delusional retard who will lose his money

if you aren't filthy rich, running a scam/pnd, or insider trading, you are rolling the dice like the rest of us.

>what is arbitrage

actually, i'm a woman ;) but thank you.

well yeah, it's manipulated

Then why don't you predict bitcoin's price with your crystal ball TA and leverage x100? Because TA isn't real and you can't predict the market. TA is horoscopes for men.

arbitrage is easy enough to explain. explain cash and carry and market making to a brainlet. they're lower risk low return strategies, right?

ITT: selection bias and survivorship

TA doesn’t work.

>he didn't predict it to the exact dollar so it's wrong

I already know how, you're the brainlet nocoiner that is absolutely clueless. I guess it's that single digit IQ like your single digit gains lmao hahahahaha

Like seriously you need to check to see if you have brain damage

Being 27% wrong is not a fucking rounding error, it's significant enough to discredit his chart you tard.

U mad bro?

You believe in TA. You are a brainlet end of story.

Be sure to kill yourself soon.

Except that's not the entire chart. It's only one dip. You would have to factor in the bounce to 17 and the dip to which match up nearly the same. It's like taking an exam and doing one of the questions 27% wrong so you get a 27% on the entire exam without even mentioning the other questions.
Don't know why I'm explaining this to you though. It's probable that you already realize this and you're just a salty jealous fuck looking for excuses because you couldn't predict it as well as he did.

Wrong about everything you said

Again I'm not even the same guy you delusional brainlet; of course its insider trading amongst whales hahahahaha
enjoy your gains as low as your test

The only reason my comments would make you this butthurt is if you believe in TA

be sure to kill yourself when you go all-in on your memelines and lose 95% of your investment.

Sometimes I wonder how people could be so inconceivably stupid as to lose all their money by buying ATH's and selling lows like clockwork.

But then I read threads like this where I'm made aware of just how many retards there actually are, that are so pathetically lazy that they can't even be bothered to learn basic trading skills- but then on top of it have the audacity to believe their idiocy can't be easily predicted. Weeew

I just said I didn't believe in that shit!
How much SOY have you consumed in your life to be this delusional.

Fuck off back to the shortbus coinlet HAHAHAHAHA

(the truth is, I don't normally give a fuck about comments like yours, but after seeing you be a massive know it all faggot that wouldn't even begin to know the world I live in, I couldn't help myself but shit on you faggot lmao
Seriously tho check your brain for faggot damage)

You say you don't believe in TA but your butthurt and continual replies to my posts say otherwise. kill yourself brainlet

TA works even in areas where people aren't using TA, like RuneScape and the Steam Market.

Hahahahaha look how deluded you sound holy shit. Are you one of those faggot reddit aspies that refuses to lose to such a high powered debate like this one, so he repeatedly tells himself he's right like Rainman? HAHAHAHAHA

Please stop replying to me you fucking loser.

>mining company
You literally don’t understand crypto at all.

Plot twist

Well, that's because people are fucking stupid and irrational

lol you coping retards, anything takes effort must be useless right?
That's probably why most of you are huge losers in life. Unable to take initiative and use your brain. od8avnrank5ukerpoo6jxzhz

i love how you fags are constantly mad and still love it too when some user fokin yells at you

burgers waking up soon, there will be some sweet gains of BTC plummeting, panic selling and so on
