Anyone here sake drinkers? What's Veeky Forumss opinion on them? What's your favorite?
I used to work as a server at one of the busiest restaurants here and love sampling them after work.
This in particular is one of my favorites
Anyone here sake drinkers? What's Veeky Forumss opinion on them? What's your favorite?
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manju kubota
in concept I like sake, in practice I actually hate the stuff. That rancid vegetable flavor isn't something I find enjoyable
I've had Bunraku, that's it.
It tasted like straight alcohol that just managed to not have a sharp alcohol taste. Like straight alcohol but dull, somehow.
I would probably drink the same stuff to get drunk fast if it wasn't only 14%
I only had it once. It tasted like watery disgusting cheap vodka combined with white wine. I didn't like it.
>mediocre Mexican restaurant closes down
>it's place a ramen/sushi place opens up
>check it out
>kinda memey, like all sushi restaurants
>order this
>order a bowl of pork ramen
>it's fucking delicious
>all I am used to is that shitty 7 dollar rice wine you find at every liquor store
>it tastes kinda like coconut milk and honeydew melon
>end up paying way too much for meme-meal and don't want to go back
I gonna find a place that sells this sake
>nigori sake
these taste like sojus. you can basically drink them like juice next thing you know your drunk af
>manju kubota
not a big fan of junmai daiginjos because they're usually too dry for me. they're perfect for nigiri/sashimi though
Never had Bunraku at my old workplace so not sure how it tastes but when someones new to sake I usually recommend >pic related for a more bold, less harsh/dry sake
nigori sake is unfiltered
basically means they don's strain the rice (or whatever vegetable they use) and sometimes they even add flavorings to it
personally, this one's my favorite
i've only had sojus at some cheap local bars so they probably weren't very good.
I've had all types of nigori though, including some obscure ones that tastes like different fruits
>I only had it once. It tasted like watery disgusting cheap vodka combined with white wine. I didn't like it.
Pretty much this, I've had about 20 different cold and warm sake and they all taste like vodka thats been steeped in rice, then watered down and a splash of chardonnay thrown in
Nigori sake is the best, love that shit.
ah gotcha. The only time I drink soju is when my friends go to some sketchy korean bars and they serve it like this. Not too familiar with them otherwise.
You're wrong about nigori sake though because they can be made from wheat/barley or even sweet potatoes, sugar cane, buckwheat, etc.
In a world with wine, and beer, why the fuck would you drink that peasant shit?
It's only good for cooking
Big time sake fan here both in Japan and USA. Lived in Japan many years, as am oldfag. Toured Niigata breweries a few years ago with wife's family (Japanese) who are also sake lovers. Sake tasting museum in the fucking station.
I generally like dry, medium to light bodied sakes, so tend toward highly polished sake. That said, stateside, Dassai 23 and 39 are crazy good, if you can find them. For daily drinking, Hakutsuru isn't a bad option if a local liquor store can source it.
Kubota (from AsahiShuzo) is always class. It was among our brewery tours and they put out very solid stuff. I wish more of it was available in the USA.
Only because it's cheap and it's available where I live.
It gets better than this, right? Because it's okay. But not great or anything.
This stuff is genuinely terrible. Like other anons said, dishwater+chardonnay+vodka+sugar.
I really do like some Niigata stuff myself. Sometimes I just don't have the extra cash for the better products they have. It helps that sake comes in all sizes. I try to go to a sakaya in New York City for my sake needs otherwise, I can't find too much variety.
thanks (you)
Also an oldfag and been digging a side venture to Soju. Do you enjoy it also, and if so, any brand recommendations? I have noted your sake favs and intend to savor soon. I am deducing you like sushi as well. Uni uni uni.
What is Veeky Forums opinion about this sake?
I bought it at a local liqour store in japan. It was recommended by the owner.
i've had 4 or 5 kinds of sake, this is my favorite.
I've always really wanted to try this but I've never wanted to spend the $25 on it
I really like Suisuin sake
I can get that for $12, should I cop it?
I've been wanting to try more nigori sake for a while all the liquor stores have that shitty rice wine that one would only use or cooking, and the other cloudy types are pretty expensive.
a nice 10-15 dollar bottle of the stuff would be primo.
the stuff in your pic looks like the style I'd probably enjoy the most
this shit is trash.
like, if it wasn't just cheap wine, it would be one of my most disliked drinks.
Cop it. It's really good and $12 is a good price.