You have leaky gut syndrome. Get it fixed
You have leaky gut syndrome. Get it fixed
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Everyone with autism has LESS, so yeah.
I want to be locked in a room with them and just beat them all one by one and then fuck them while each of the others watch
I do have it, I think. If I change my dietary habits it get better. It sucks doing it though, so I'm not doing it now.
Just remove gluten from your diet faggot.
hehe your pic is giving me a leaky nut
Was this taken in the late 90's or early 2000's? Fucking eyebrows and braids are repulsive. Just like every thing else from that era.
None of these girls are asian. Just. Fucking nasty. Do people actually find this hot?
I have leaky faucet syndrome
They would hold you down and rip your balls off
Those girls are hot af, too many soyboy fags in this thread
they would team up on you
rip you limb from limb
dance in your entrails
never trust a roastie
asian women are the most deformed and retruded of all races
how can anyone prefer asians
its called having high test faggot
we're conquering hoes
women cant fight for shit
one jab to each of them and they're done for
pftt i grew up with sisters i knocked out chicks no problemo
>how can anyone prefer asians
Retarded basement-dwelling weabs
Slanted eyes look so clean and smooth. Like, it just feels advance. In fact, slanted eyes are more advance, they developed to combat snow falls covering peoples faces. White women's eyes have all the crasks and more rigid. It gives the sense of oldness and is just a turn off. And when an asian girl wears make up, it just emphasizes the eyes better, while when a white girl does it, it just makes me focus on her inferior eyes. The whole facial structure of an asian girl is perfection. Very smooth allowing for kissing area and caressing. And it comes in many shapes such as the oval or wide veriety. White girl faces are as rigid as a stone statue and resemble a neanderthal. And white girls faces, im sorry, they look a bit masculine even. I think asian girls can look good with both white and tan skin. But white girls for some reason prefer to be tan, and they would look objectively better with white.
Sorry dude. White girls are naturally fugly
what you call masculine is what i call a properly formed jaw.
if you have kids with an asian you'll make a little elliot rodger.
hes right soft jaws are better
>properly formed jaw line
ick. why not just have sex with a man then if youre into that? But i will say, im a fan of wider more defined jaw lines on asian girls at times. But even then, its more that it makes their jaw wider, not more defined and muscular like with a white girl.
>elliot rodgers
Hes not really ugly though. I dare even say above average. He just had a shitty personality that craved self validation from others which automatically made people resent his looks. Its hard to admit, since he would always brag about his looks himself. But its a bit true, he was definetely above average.
its a matter of preference
>why not just have sex with a man then if youre into that
there's a big difference between jaw placement (which is about health) and jaw size (which is about masculinity)
>eating transgenic crops
honestly i think i do. how to fix?
I agree about Asian women though yeah, they're ugly as shit
No mate, virgins all have a thing for asian women
Low test numale please
I'm whiter than your entire bloodline
at least half of those girls are at least half asian. I can tell because they have completely mediocre faces.
>virgins all have a thing for asian women
Truth be told. I had like 6 incidents in my life where i could lose my virginity to white girls and chose not to because i only want to fug asian girls. You can believe me or not, but dont act like the inferior white women are better because you chose to waste it on them. Me on the other hand? Im not gonna settle for less like you. Im gonna make sure to lose my virginity to a special asian girl one day.
aw. is your girlfriend white?
single at present, but all my girlfriends have been 100% white. Had one chinese/flip girl that i declined to have sex with (no condom no pill, didn't want a mutant baby), and a 1/4 jap 3/4 white girl that I would have fugged but wasn't quite feeling the chemistry. I almost have a thing for
fuck you fagots i need to fix my shitty intestines
W-wanna beat me up user?
they all look turkish or armenian to me
not really my type
i dated a girl who was half dutch half pacific islander. v cute, v aesthetic. high cheekbones, pretty eyes, nice butt. one downside was her shoulders were kind of broad
while i'm not sure about this, you might be an idiot.
>3000 years of documented lineage
Pointless. Look up chinese GMO children.
500 years from now, all children will be genetically modified to be 5'5, chinese, and have iq's of over 250. And im 100% serious. Its scientist being able to modify birth is no fiction. we can already alt gender and eye color. So, trying to save "lineage" is futile really.
asian women are the best but unfortunately a fetish really.
in most cases probably a fetish for nubile looking girls.
And before some idiot replies
no. im 6'0. But short people are literally more advance because they use up less resources.
yea all the virgins go to asia how pathetic does someone has to be
im not going to spoil the fun by spilling the beans on why im not concerned.
those women look romanian
turkish & armenian are half asian, it just happened a while ago
>not concerned
Oh? And why? Are you saying you dont want children of future to be borned with 250+ IQ's? Are you saying you dont want people of the future to all look pretty? Are you saying you dont want people of the future to use less resources
Give me one reason why
tops scientific advancement?
this is bullshit. getting laid is getting laid. getting laid by hot girls is even better.
the man who goes to asia is literally better than you because he fucks more.
the man who fucks asian girls has the advantage because asians are objectively hotter. You having sex with white girls is the equivalent of you saying you fucked men.
im not impressed nor envious.
oh, they'll use less resources alright
>No mate, virgins all have a thing for asian women
Nah dude, I've been in relationships with mostly white roasties and they're all pretty shit. They're all the exact same, no culture, they have nothing interesting to say, its just typical roastie shit obsessed with status and social media and spending money.
I've dated 2 asian girls that weren't totally white-washed, had asian accents, were born in asian countries (korea and china) and they were both better than any white roastie i've ever been with. More interesting, smarter, actually had interesting things to talk about, more attractive, tighter vaginas, not as obsessed with status/social media (well the korean one kinda was, but still not as bad as whites)
I'll never marry/impregnate a white woman no matter what, don't care how hot she is, not interested, i consider white women to be borderline sub-human at this point (and I say that as a 100% white man)
It's not even funny. Most people reading this probably have. Fuck the western "healthy" diet. Look around you. Do you see healthy members of the human species? Or do you see fat slobs who are slowly dying.
pretty much this. fuck 40 asian girls and you will have trouble finding white girls good looking enough for you. something about masculine jaws, weight problems and terrible attitudes, you know you can do better.
yeah our culture has done a number on our women and half of our men.
Yea buddy then stick with asian girls more white girls for me then i will impregnate nice white girls the hottest race
I just think asian girls are hotter physically. I do not like to judge personality based on race. I have both asian and white female friends, and obviously, since they are my friends, i like their personalities. I think its unfortunate that you dated white girls with shitty personalities.
Im curious, do you have no white female friends that personalities as good as asian girls?
you have to click the post number to reply to somebody mate.
also welcome to Veeky Forums, check out /pol/ but don't expect everyone to agree with you on dirty ass white girls even there.
culture makes for personality which is why a korean, a chinese and japanese girl will have vastly different personalities in -MOST- cases (there are always oddballs and they can be interesting too).
personally i like japanese girls. korean girls ive met are super racist to the point im not sure why they come to white countries and chinese are inconsistent but most dont seem to want to talk to non asians either.
>do you have no white female friends that personalities as good as asian girls?
The white girls who are in my social circle are unfortunately the "party girl" types, degenerate behavior, drunk every weekend, flashing their tits, spending 12+ hours per day on instagram/twitter/facebook.
I mean sure we have some laughs sometimes, they get crazy and say/do funny shit and I can have a good time here and there, but no I don't really respect any of them as intellectuals and don't think I'd be any worse off if they left the social circle.
Growing up when, when I was much younger (in the 10-16 range maybe) I had a few nice friends who were girls but eventually we lost touch, and then looking them up years later (when they were in the 20-30 year range) they all seemed like stereotypical roasties.
I should clarify though, I don't necessarily think it's specifically a "white woman" problem, its more of a western/american culture problem I think, the obsession with money, status, social media, fervent progressivism, etc. which I don't think is AS prevalent in many Asian countries, especially not in first-generation immigrant asian families. Exceptions of course, modern girls in Seoul, SK are likely to be very similar to American white roasties.
I do get your point though, if you have some nice white friends then all the power to ya, as long as you feel like they improve your life rather than detract from it.
t. Virgins
So you admit you're a virgin, then?
Thanks for proving my point
Only if you're a hot chick
You don't necessarily have to be into it either, just don't go crying muh rape
They're not even close
Maybe socially, because you like shy introverted women, etc.
I'd slap my pimp with this set.
What a fucking ugly selection.
I didn't cash out my crypto for this ffs
Not all of them, but its pretty common for intoverted beta males to dig Asian chicks and anime, for whatever reason
Prove me wrong
Asian girls all most always require surgery to even look good. This is what you're virgin cartoons don't tell you, this is what your pornography doesn't show you
t. Low test beta male
You like asian women because you're a shy introvert and you relate to them
Admit it and be done with the bullshit excuses
You haven't fucked one Asian chick otherwise you'd know they're just the same as any other women
>Muh asian women are specialllll
Lol delusion and pure faggotry from watching too many cartoon pornos
mate im not attracted to shy women at all, and most asian women i met were not shy or introverted and i lived in asia for 2 years. theyre generally more outgoing than the guys, they will approach you on trains and invite you somewhere for example.
when people make an anti asian women arguement all i hear is buthurt white women who think asians are stealing their men away.
i have fucked over 40 asian women. i lived in asia for 2 years. no way for me to prove it and no reason for me to argue with you about it so i wont.
have fun with your fantasy about a guy you've never met being as lame as you with women though.
social media usage is a really good indicator for narcissism, shallowness. That includes Veeky Forums, but instagram/snapchat people are worse in my experience.
my hs girlfriend was a wanna-be IG model type, pretty hot but after a few months the sex doesn't mean anything and the relationship falls apart.
when you date someone who's not big on social media and isn't self-centered, and you get along really well, you can have a really fulfilling relationship. I feel like i gained a lot from those kinds of relationships even though they're over.
rip user you won't be missed
>mate im not attracted to shy women at all, and most asian women i met were not shy or introverted
Top laugh, now you're just straight up lying.
>and i lived in asia for 2 years. theyre generally more outgoing than the guys,
Yeah, Asian guys, maybe...
>when people make an anti asian women arguement all i hear is buthurt white women who think asians are stealing their men away.
I couldn't give a shit what women think. I'm a white guy. Asian women stealing what? It's rare like all interracial relationships are. There is no threat of anyone "stealing" women or men.
Doesn't change the reality... The reality being:
>Shy (usually virgin and/or limited experience with women) dude likes Asian women, likes Asian cartoons, likes Asian culture
Let me ask you this as well..
Why do almost all """beta""" (or what is considered this) males take an interest in anime? Don't pretend they don't either or deflect either.
See above
Beta male couldn't fuck Western women, so he got an Asian girlfriend. This is common as shit. Every guy in the west knows it instantly when he sees a white guy with a foreign women. Most cases it is simply because they felt rejected by their own women (as in, own race) that they began their fetishistic bullshit of other races in place of this. Its no coincidence Asian women just happen to by shy and introverted.