How do we stop the bulk purchase meme once and for all? Pic related, 4 gallon bucket of mayonnaise
How do we stop the bulk purchase meme once and for all? Pic related, 4 gallon bucket of mayonnaise
Are you bitching about restaurant supply stores that also allow the public in?
What's wrong with a 4 gallon tub of mayo? It's cheaper for everyone to buy/sell in larger quantities, and it's not a bucket of fruit that's going to go bad within the week if you don't eat all of it immediately.
Why are you even in a warehouse store if you don't want to buy bulk items? You're only making yourself look stupid here.
>2018-1 1/2
>not having a restaurant
Place I work gets mayo in buckets over twice that size (and there isn't a single thing on the menu that uses straight mayo).
Isn't this Costco?
mayo doesn't go bad for a long, long time. so why not buy in bulk? please don't be a manager ever.
itt autism. There's nothing wrong about a business buying this shit, it's the average joe nobody who is the problem. I've seen these fucks buy ridiculous quantities and most of it goes to waste. Fucks buy like 5 giant jars of each condiment, or dozens of cans of veg, and it sits there forgotton until it expired. Yes that long really. Or they "bulk buy" a bunch of shit and then need a second pantry, fridge, and freezer, yes really. And most of the shit gets freezer burned by the time they go to use it.
In general even non-bulk stores sell in sizes way too large. I can't even purchase most condiments, a typical jar of mayo would literally go bad on me because it would take me like two years to use it all. They don't sell most stuff in reasonable quantities. Like tendies, only have huge bags. Veg, only sold in bags of like 2 head lettuce or 3 eggplants. Just ridiculous bullshit. I wish they sold tiny one or two portion options for everything, it would reduce food waste so much.
thats not true, i b uy bulk jarred jalapenos, 20kg and bulk candy 5kg and i eat it all within A week.
you must know of this autism from yourself having this specific type.
but just to inform you
daycare centers
people with large families
birthday parties
eating comps.
and people hosting family get togethers or reuinions.
The cafeteria where i work buys shit from costco like that. Just because it doesnt make sense for you to buy bulk mayo doesnt mean others cant
24.99 for that bucket of mayo, sahweet! that's gotta be 4-5 gallons easy.
>not understanding the economic reasons behind it
>not understanding the practical reasons infront of it
.webm is a shit format.
i work at a place where they bulk buy fruit for our dishes at the beginning of the month, freeze, and thaw it throughout the rest of the month and still claim the food is "made with fresh ingredients"
So meme has become a meme of itself it would seem.
Oh, $8.19 for some redhot hotsause, I might need to scoop that up.
I can get my hellman's mayo in 8 oz. jars.
sounds like their problem. not sure why you're making it yours.
> Caring about what people buy
> Angry that places sell things in bulk
> Making this shit post
While a lot of stupid fat housewives can't manage their buying and this does happen, a lot of people get benefit out of it.
Do you have any idea how long a 30oz jar of mayo lasts a family of six who regularly eats it on sandwiches and shit? *Maybe* two weeks.
Also, a lot of stuff really can't even go bad if stored properly. Anything frozen, anything canned, and general dry goods will all last forever basically if stored properly.
Stop pretending that your experience and taste is the same as everyone else's.
Holy fuck it's not hard to make mayonnaise..
What's a gallon, 3.75L?
You can make 40L, or over 10 gallons of mayonnaise with only 2 egg yolks, 4 serving spoons of mustard, salt and pepper, 200mL white vinegar, and 39L of oil.
If you buy mayonnaise, you're a fucking idiot, and if you work in a restaurant that buys in their mayonnaise, I feel sorry for you and your career.
we do this where i work as well.. our recipe is slightly different but the ratios are mostly the same.
You'd be amazed how many restaurants buy in shit they could make much cheaper themselves. But hey, which average cook staff wants to waste time making mayonnaise or pancake mix of their own? Very few.
the extra man power needed to make every single ingredient from scratch either necessitates an unwieldy workforce or a small, well focused menu.
>b-but it doesn't take long to make mayo
ok, but how many other items do you intend to prep?
I take it you're not a fan of mayonnaise soup.
Wasting food and other resources is everyone's problem