Hundreds of over-hopped, identical-tasting IPAs.
America's "beer revolution"
we get it, you pussies can't handle hops. drink something else.
>there's no such thing as "over-hopped", just unbalanced
>all of those beers taste different
>america also makes every style of beer that's available in your country
wheres the coors?
you pick the one with the most hipster label that appeals to your sense of "im not a budlight kinda guy" personality
>man i like this popart vibe my bottle is giving off ill make sure the label is always facing out
>beer hipsters choose beers based on the picture on the label
You are really dumb if you actually believe that.
>he fell for the beer meme
I pity you hipsters
A few years ago, my girlfriend was having trouble thinking of what to get her stepbrother for Christmas. He was the first person I would think of when I'd hear "hipster," so I suggested an expensive craft beer that screamed "tryhard."
So we bought him pic related, thinking we'd all have a laugh. But instead he just thanked us since it was one of his favorite brands.
Arrogant bastard is tasty. Who's the idiot then?
>buying a beer as widely available as bud and giving it to someone who actually drinks beer while thinking it's "hipster" or "tryhard"
He probably thought that you were the one looking stupid for buying him AB as though it was something gift worthy, without even knowing you thought he was the idiot.
>blah blah things that never actually happened to begin with
Arrogant Bastard is the real deal man. Good name, great better beer.
Has a point, it's not the absolute truth but it's DEFINATELY based in fact.
Waaaaayyy to many """""" American Pale Ales"""""" around tbhqh
>tfw I like budlight as a cheap inoffensive and decent tasting everyday beer.
Ironic huh, he meant for that gesture to call the recipient the arrogant one
surprisingly, bud light pairs well with mexican food
why is this surprising?
beer flavors in general are a bad match to food; a beer is a good match for food to the extent that the beer has no personality and no distinct flavors
inb4 self-appointed "cicerone" comes in here ranting about the pine cone flavors of a DIPA are a perfect pairing for his ranch and tendies
>Hundreds of over-hopped, identical-tasting IPAs.
and tens of thousands of other things too
Bud Light is basically water. Its inoffensive, but it hardly pairs with anything well or poorly
>beer flavors in general are a bad match to food
What are you basing this assertion off of?
IPAs are the easiest to brew because you can just shove as many hops into the beer to cover up other imperfections. The mark of a skilled brewer is a quality pilsner because there is very little margin for error.
Not really though, if you have ever had a west coast IPA and compared it to a well balanced IPA, the difference is massive and amazing.
Plus you are just talking about basic sanitation and quality control, something nearly any commercial brewer can hit, the more important part of being a great brewer is formulating a delicious recipe. Sure tasting like nothing will make it easier to taste if there is literal shit in there, but that doesn't make it a good beer or suggest the brewer is talented, just that he meets the bare minimum of brewing
I'm basing it off reality
I love beer but unless I'm just eating bar snacks the last thing I want with a good meal is a gut full of carbon dioxide
well if you are having a large meal, then a bunch of light beer probably isn't a good choice, but if its a more moderately sized meal or you are drinking a high ABV ber that shouldn't be an issue
But your initial assertion was about the flavor of beer not working with food, not that it was too carbonated
Why is AMerica so great at making beers?
Is it something in the water?
you're asking me for reasons why beer doesn't goes well with food
I would ask you why it does
beer has alcohol, sugars, hops, and carbonation. the alcohol, sugars, and carbonation can have positive or negative effects on your enjoyment of the meal. the hops, basically either compete for attention, or have to be used in such low levels that they might as well not be there. the combination of these four elements is interesting and pleasurable on its own, but with food its a distraction at best.
contrast that with wine where you get acidity, sugars, alcohol, sometimes non-trivial levels of carbonation even with still wines, and complex tannins from the different parts of the grape. the tannins are critical especially with fatty foods. you just can't get anything like that with beer unless you count barrel aged beers, but even there, it's more of a smell than anything else.
It's just a meme, and possibly pasta.
>anything more than 3 words long must be pasta
mobile shitposter pls go
>Modus Hoperandi
>Hop Hero
>Hop Scotch
>Hop Hero
>Hop City Hoptrocity
>Hippity Hop
Help me come up with names for my next IPA Veeky Forums
>ipa's are the easiest to brew because they just cover up the flavor with too many hops
>a german beer with less of the exact same ingredients takes a master brewer
If you haven't seen some variation of that posted 100 times you must be new here.
it gets posted a lot because it's true, mobile shitposter
Hopster Bullshit
Pretentious Hopster Bullshit
is that what hillbillies think is the epitome of urban cool or something?
pic related is the average IPA drinker
hop off the cliff
'GO'PA - The Original Deep Dish IPA™
>the average IPA drinker
Maybe try something like, "the average beer enthusiast". There can't be an average IPA drinker stereotype if people from every age group and walk of life all drink IPA. That's like posting a random picture and saying, "here's the average sandwich eater".
stay mad
Hop on Pop - IPA with some cola flavoring
found the creepy IPA drinker
Cider is better
But this is great beer and you're a faggot
I don't even know what the word hipster is supposed to mean anymore. Apparently good beer good coffee and a beard make you one. But all three of those things are good things.
I think its a catch all term for people who have pleb tastes to use in order to feel better about themselves. This applies especially to music as well, for whatever fucking reason
I laughed way harder than I should have
Why do Europeans feel the need to make these threads?
Here, 8 beers I sampled yesterday. Zero of these were IPAs.
Since hops grow better here than certain places in Europe, that is why they expanded into the IPA frontier. Hell, one of my local breweries has Mosaic hops, Citradellic hops, and some sort of Australian species growing in the back that they use in their beers, even porters. Their most famous beer is actually a stout, despite them growing hops.
I'd say sours are the new hipster trend (but I fucking love me a Gose), at least in my state.
I doubt if there is a single European in this thread
Why do flyovers think it's impossible to talk about America objectively without being a foreigner? Is it because whenever they themselves try to talk about America, a little Bill O'Reilly mascot devil figuratively dances on their shoulder, warning them not to say anything short of breathless hysterical praise for USA USA #1?
Get a grip
Wine is gross though
found the tendies-addicted man-child who somehow escaped from the "I hate onions" thread
All of this is your opinion, "wino". Almost every sommelier will admit some beers/ale pair well with certain food.
You can't taste the difference between hops in porters vs no hop? Seriously?
Unions are good. Wine is fucking gross. And it isn't alcohol enough for me to ignore it like macallan.
How about Hop Hero?
You are apparently new to either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums. Europoors and Britbongs and Americans have bickered in these threads for years.
here's your kid's menu
>drinking scotch with food
out of control alcoholic tier
>some beers/ale pair well with certain food.
I already told you I agree with this. Like the tacos and piss beer thing. But it's the exception that proves the rule: a beer "pairs well" with food to the extent that it lacks the properties that make it appealing when evaluated as a beer
Yes, seriously, that is exactly what I said. My actual words were: "all hops are the same". Great reading comprehension, einstein.
All of these are true.
>out of control alcoholic tier
Str8 edge till 21, bro!
>I drink beer, cider, rum, scotch, and brandy
>am a kid because I hate wine
>out of control alcoholic tier
Does it make it worse that I generally drink it straight from the bottle?
No they haven't. I'm the guy you're always calling a Britbong (or a Southerner, or a French, or whatever)
Basically you midwesterns can't conceive of the possibility that America is a country where heterogeneity of thought is possible. So if someone has an opinion that doesn't COMPLETELY line up with your childish, cartoon view of the world, they must be ISIS sympathizers actively plotting to gang rape Lady Liberty before implementing sharia law.
I can almost guarantee you that, other than people who explicitly identify themselves as such, less than 10% of the people you identify as "evil foreigners" are actually posting from outside the United States.
>all hops are the same
Yeah yeah, all grapes are the same.
And I can already tell the future. You are going to make a 4 paragraph post about why I'm wrong.
I like it how you are so autistic that you can't even detect sarcasm when it's practically in all caps flashing animated text
How big is the collection of rare empties on your shelves?
>no guys, trust me, I am important, you know who I am
>So if someone has an opinion that doesn't COMPLETELY line up with your childish, cartoon view of the world
Saying America is only IPA is not an opinion, it is an assertion of fact and objectively false
>what is hyperbole for the sake of making a point
Why are beerfags so literal?
You can't even tell an American from a foreigner, how the fuck would I expect you to tell one anonymous poster from another?
>You can't even tell an American from a foreigner,
People aren't defined by where they are from fucking Trump voter
>>what is hyperbole for the sake of making a point
Whats your point then?
>most niggers are good people
Disagree strongly. Beer's carbonation and flavors go GREAT with some types of food, and good wine is better on its own.
Carbonation has a nice cleansing effect on the palate, and balanced hops and malt are a natural complement to many savory foods. This mostly applies to lagers and non-hopped-too-shit ales, but stronger beers can go well with strong cheeses and desserts too.
>muh tannins
I'm not the op, but obviously, his point is that the "beer revolution" brought us too many identical tasting overhopped IPAs. As he said in the op post.
The word autism gets overused around here, but you obviously have it.
Stone IPA is best
Mainstream IPAs are generally shit especially Shiner's
What's a beer that's like Blue Moon and not too hard to find?
I've been drinking Blue Moon, Low Life, and whiskey since the other beers I've tried have tasted awful.
Well thats a fucking silly stance when IPA is less than a third of craft beer, and mediocre monotonous west coast style IPA is probably less than half of that
Sure there is a lot of IPA, but there is a lot of everything
people like IPAs because they taste good
personally I think APAs strike the best balance between hops biterness and smoothness
Oh and I forgot, Yuengling is my favorite but they don't sell it here. I can enjoy a Guinness as well but that's too heavy a taste for general consumption.
honestly most beer tastes like shit, bland as fuck. people are drawn to IPAs because they actually have flavor. call me a pleb, but you know I'm right.
Just curious, what are those numbers based on?
You can't just list each product a brewery offers and divide by IPAs, each beer obviously is produced in, and sells in, different quantities.
It's like the argument that 99.9% of beers in America are made by some dude in his basement. While that may be technically true if you do the counts in a really misleading way, most normal people would look at the units produced, and ask what percent of the total production is made by say, a 20+ person firm or a 100+ person firm, etc.
You're ignoring how the US also completely dominates the stout game, and does well in other styles.
And while we might not do the best, we do good Belgian and German style beers that cost 1/2 of what the top quality ones from over yonder cost, and are almost as good.
The IPA meme will end soon enough. There's a handful of actually good ones, the rest are awful.
IPA is shit, I don't know how people keep that lawn clipping soaked bathwater down.
Lager master race.
I don't have the numbers in front of my but I'm certain I read that last year about 33% of craft beer is IPA. I was just guessing what percent of it is mediocre IPA, but plenty of it, especially the new stuff is pretty good with the proliferation of all sorts of better hop strains than the first wave on IPA had to use
In 2014 IPA was 21% of craft beer sales by volume
Pilsner/lager is master race. IPA is for hippies that like eating grass and dirt.
If I had to down a nasty as fuck IPA, It'd be Arrogant Bastard or St Arnold.
>take a picture of me studying and looking cute
>opens book to a random page
>doesnt read anything
college was great
>ndia Pale Ales (IPAs) remained the most favored craft beer style. According to retail scan data, IPA is up 47 percent by volume and 49 percent by dollar sales, accounting for 21 percent volume share of craft and 23 percent dollar share of off-premise beer sales. Additionally, the style was the number one entered category at the Great American Beer Festival®.
So basically, the op is pretty much on point, you're just an autismo because you refuse to accept that the US beer market is obsessed with IPA
Notice also how you were the one who put the words in his mouth "America is only IPA"
Those were your words. Yours alone.
No, no he is not on point. had he said IPA is pretty popular, he would have had a point. Also thats just ignoring the assertion that IPA is a homogeneous category. Do you seriously think a midwest style Citra IPA tastes just like a western Cascade IPA?
Sounds like you are doing a whole fucking lot of goal post moving, when something being only 21% of craft beer makes it even worthy of making a thread whining about it
I'd drink that.
> Do you seriously think a midwest style Citra IPA tastes just like a western Cascade IPA?
Oh for fuck's sake, are we now going to start saying that it's racist to describe IPA as such, we have to break it down by the exact kind of hops used?
Are you one of those /mu/ tards who thinks that an individual album by an individual band constitutes its own entirely distinct genre that ends with "-core"?
Fuck IPA. My grocery stores are filled to the brim with shitty IPAs.
There are so many shitty IPAs on the market, that brewers are making offshoots of their shitty IPAs. California IPA, Oregon IPA, Southwest IPA, Jizz IPA. It's all fucking bullshit.
>[racial word for bad people] are bad people
I'm honestly curious here.
I enjoy every style of beer. For different reasons, yes, but I can say I like a double IPA as much as a Imperial Stout/Fruit Beer/Belgian/Gose/etc... Am I the minority? I feel like mot styles have their pros and cons, and can be worth enjoying once in a while.
Here's the thing though. I enjoy the GOOD beers of those different styles. I'm well aware that there's 101+ shitty IPA's and others that are awful, and some terrible beers of other styles. Bad beer is bad beer.
Does anyone else feel the same way? I Like a refreshing IPA on a hot summer day. A good Belgian once in a while. A nice hearty stout during the winter. A solid lager or pilsner when I'm out to dinner. Why all the hate for different styles?
IPA is a diverse category, you are basically like the people saying all beer is the same
No user, you're the only person out there who likes good beer.
Mostly the same, except I'm not a fan of most weaker tasting stuff. Lagers and Pilsners are, mostly, just kind of bland for me.
You are backpedaling so hard it's amazing
Now if someone says "well cascade is the most popular hops" you'll be like "what a pleb, don't you know we have to distinguish between dry-hopped and wet-hopped. Only a pleb says 'cascade', it's dry cascade or wet cascade, go back to your bud light pleb piss swill drinking plebster, we're here to talk about the CRAFT beer not regular normal beer, clearly cascade is NOT the most popular hops because there is no such thing as 'cascade'"
The OP literally said they were identical tasting. How is me saying they are not backpedaling?
We were talking about IPA being the most popular style as confirmed by the beer industry itself
You then backpedaled and said "b-but it's not popular because actually there is no such thing as just 'IPA'"
I am not the op, and if you have an issue with the facts, take it up with the brewing industry
I mean, based on the belligerent amount of hate you see for IPA/Belgian/German/whatever beers you see on Veeky Forums, they're not wrong. I saw plenty of "KBS is shit" posts a while ago. The number of people on Veeky Forums who actually like a lot of styles of beers, rather than shit on all but on is rare.
>not knowing that nothing is ever good enough for anyone, ever
>every opinion ever posted must be shared by all other posters simultaneously, no matter how inconsistent
Learn to Veeky Forums
No one ever claimed IPA wasn't common dude
Fair enough.
>am I the only one that likes things?
pretty much, yeah