This man is a hero
He's the man the food world deserves
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I think if he gets the opportunity, he should kill himself.
why do americans eat with their mouths open for everyone to see?
>why do americans
Moron detected. Post discarded.
stop shilling this manlet
Right, we need to get back to proper shilling.
Who /bigboybite/ here?
Big boy Bite you say?
No one would actually believe it if jack himself shilled here but this manlet with low views and enough autism to know what Veeky Forums is would definitely shill here.
Disgusting fat fuck why is it I know I'm going to get furious but still watch him stick his fucking frog tongue every fucking time.
post webms of jack eating raw food
>here we go
SERIOUS mother issues right there
>eating at a restaurant with my family
>excuse myself to go to the bathroom
>urinating at the urinal
>hear a thundering coming down the hall
>door blasts open
>this fat fuck wearing a hat backwards walks in
>this is a fancy restaurant and his attire is completely inappropriate
>guy makes a beeline for the stall
>horrible stench of rotten chicken fills the bathroom
>he hasn't even started to shit
>finish up and go to wash my hands
>hear massive plops as I'm washing
>guy calls out and starts trying to sell me his "sauce'
>politely decline
>he tells me to look out for their chicken as it's over cooked
>slink out without even drying my hands
Later on as I was leaving I saw him guzzling down a coke while his son looked at him in disgust. Why are Americans so disgusting?
I've never wished for a guy to get cancer before but god damn nobody would miss this shitstain. Who the fuck makes a video channel out of literally being a cheap jew?
That shit is not worksafe
I'm literally looking right at it and I still don't understand how he fit that in his mouth.
Americans are mouthbreathers.
If they didn't eat with their mouths open they would die.
Holy shit this dude needs to get hit with a bat in the face