Ever tried the famous Kobe beef? Is it really that good?
Beef is good
i had a kobe burger and put ketchup on it
it tasted like ketchup
So you had a burger, then put ketchup on it.
See this thing, r'tard
i think u just got memed m8
Yes. In Japan. It's very marbled, and so very juicy.
American Kobe (Wagyu) is good, but I didn't think it was as tasty (though circumstances may have something to do with that).
no because i haven't been to Japan. I've had some stuff claiming to be kobe from a high end steakhouse and it was incredible, even if it didn't technically meet the standard.
The surprising thing to me was it barely registered as steak, it was for lack of a better word delicious buttermeat. When I want to re-experience it on a budget I'll buy some USFDA choice or prime and after grilling give it a short butter bath in a pan at medium temp. I heard someone say here yesterday butter saps out flavor but I'm pretty sure they are just wrong, Tastewise butter fat is way tastier than beef fat, at least at economical grades.
its butter meat, but I wouldn't suggest it to anyone who doesn't like their meat raw. it's possible to cook it and enjoy it, but if you don't enjoy your meat raw sometimes then you probably won't be impressed by all the subtle flavors.
>no ad block allowed!
get fucked.
It's good, but not that good. I live in WHITELAND and I can get that type of quality of meat waaaay cheaper
>falling for the raw food meme
You can't taste the minerals like in proper beef.
I've had it mostly raw, served as nigiri. So it was sliced thinly, but it really fell apart so softly in one's mouth.
not him but
Steak is steak desu
Kind of like wine-tasting, people just make up distinctions that don't exist
Read your own article ya dingus
Been to Japan a couple times. Had it in Tokyo and Osaka. It's good. Melts in your mouth, leaving your tongue costed with delicious beef fat. The stuff is as white with fat as it is red. It's like the steak version of foie gras.
After having it a couple times it's not something I'd seek out. Don't get wrong, it's fucking delicious, but it over the top in the kind of way you really need to taste once in a long while. Like good caviar or white truffles it's something very delicious that's really only worth the price if you really have a lot of money.
why have you posted an out of date article that even says it's out of date in it, and points you to an updated article that proves you wrong? is it because you're a fucking mongoloid?
>said the homo who never tried it
>"all food is the same why would you try to class it?"
Lol no
>grilling steak
pleb taste
how to spot an underage: easy mode
that just means half of the meat is fat you fucking ignorant retard.
>Is it really that good?
It is really that good, but also, TOO good....if that makes sense.
For me anhow, it was overwhelming after a few bites.
"Despite the hype about the return of Kobe beef to our shores, the reality is much different. Between the time the USDA changed its rules last August and the end of 2012, exactly five head of Kobe beef cattle were shipped to the United States – five. Through the first 11 months of 2013 the US received just 17 head of Kobe beef, never more than six in a single month and often none at all. In sharp contrast, the US cattle industry produced some 29,300,000 head of beef cattle in 2013, according to beefusa.org. To say Kobe is a drop in the beef bucket is a gross overstatement – the total amount of Kobe beef shipped to the US through the first 11 months of 2013 was just 3,217 pounds or less than 300 pounds per months for the entire country."
Yeah, it's really good. I worked in a kitchen that got the genuine fucking article from Japan. The stuff was so fatty it melted at room temperature. Definitely try it if you can get the real deal/have the money-- it's amazing.
and what does fat do when cooked? i'll give you a minute to google