Ever had an overwhelming urge to drink an ice cold coke? No other drink makes me feel that way.
Thank god I had one in the fridge.
Ever had an overwhelming urge to drink an ice cold coke? No other drink makes me feel that way.
Thank god I had one in the fridge.
Who's hungry?
u niggas ever drink thai tea?
Shit, I'd kill for a vanilla coke right now
Can't deal with the sugar content anymore fampai. I wish they could tone down the coke formula.
I like Pepsi twist :3
Probably the addictive shit taking its toll on you.
Fun fact: the advertisements aren't meant to get new people to try it so much as it's meant to get people to continue drinking it.
Last time I had one was 2 weeks ago. I'm not a big fan of soft drinks.
But I keep a 6 pack in the fridge for these strange cravings. And let me tell you, mmm... it was delicious.
>tfw you will never go back 17 years in time to enjoy a refreshing premade blend of cola and lemon together
shit fampai. anywhere online I can try my luck to find imports of this stuff?
>tfw it's been 12 years since Pepsi blue
Soft Drink Gimmick God frowns upon us
I crave Coke Zero (cherry, usually, but I can usually just find regular) once or twice a week, usually when I'm out running errands for whatever reason.
I only drink soda maybe once a
week but I get a craving for a coke every now and then. It has to be in a can, fountain just doesn't have that bite to it
hell if they're bringing back Crystal Pepsi, then they should at least bring THIS back.
You can still get pepsi blue in the philippines. I go on business at least twice a year and order three or four palettes of the stuff. Sell it at my import shop and make a killing.
Nah, never been a fan of cola.
You can get Pepsi twist in Europe at least.
Literally never. You sound like a fucking addict.
I could imagine it being much worse if they still actually used cocaine like they did many years ago.
>literally a shill thread
>still haven't kicked the crimson jew
>mum won't come to my room with lunch and an ice cold coke for over 2 hours
love me a can of some ke'
wew lads don't worry mum's cooking up some scrambled eggs and a fresh can now the 3 hours have been tough but worth it
Yea! Especially paired with a Big Mac and hot fresh fries!
It really goes great with a Big Macâ„¢ and hot, crispy fries. Coca-Cola and McDonald's is always a winning combination.
Fuck you for posting first.
>-5C Cola
>It freezes at like -12 C
Doesn't that still exist at those custom coke machines? Either that or literally just squeeze some lemon in your coke pussy
Yes, but I have been drinking off-brand (gotta know which store has the best house brand obviously) coke for so long that I get craving for the knockoff shit instead of the original. Diet no less.
Coke is delicious, I don't care what anyone says
I think it's better for you to eat relatively healthy and have a few cans of coke a week, than to eat like shit and only drink water
For me, nothing beats a cold root beer. I only drink it every once in a while so there's no harm in it.
>I go on business
purchasing pepsi blue and 14yr old prostitutes
am I right
I haven't drank a soda in over 3 weeks, ive been having water with flavor packets and just regular water....some sweet tea, but im still drinking lots of beer so probably not helping me much
Coke is disgustingly sweet. It's also very addictive. I used to drink 5+ cans a day because I craved it when I was young. Now I haven't drank coke in over 2 years atleast. If I ever have a sip (for when I've needed a mouthful of something quick to clear a bad taste or something) I'm repulsed by just how sickeningly sweet it is. You don't notice this if you drink it regularly or are addicted to it, but you stay off it for a good few months then try a mouthful and I garuntee you'll notice how disgusting it really is.
I can't think why anyone would drink it. It doesn't quench thirst, it tastes like sugar water and is just downright bad for you. It's like the cigarettes of the food and drink world.
It's no sweeter than gatorade, iced tea, most fruit juice, etc.
It tastes good to me no matter how long I go for without drinking it
think you mean diet pepsi, champ
>a few cans of coke a week
Are you fucking insane? How do you even stand to drink that much caffienated jew? Fucking hell, it's like this is completely normal to you.
sometimes when I'm really thirsty I get the urge for a large diet coke fountain soda with lots of ice
>tfw drink two cans a day minimum
not him, but throughout my early childhood I drank several 12 ounce cans of coke per day. Up until a few years ago I typically consumed somewhere between 80 and 120 ounces of Coca Cola daily. I am 6'1" weigh 155lbs and have maintained that exact weight for over a decade now. Recently I cut back to under 40 ounces a day in order to improve the longevity of my teeth, but I have no diabetes no metabolic syndrome no high cholesterol no obesity no malnutrition. I am chronically dehydrated according to my doctors.
Coke is liquid fucking poison, but if you don't live like a goddamn heathen it's not going to kill you.
I usually am satisfied after one sip so I like dem little mini cans fa.m
That's actually a decent idea. I'd given up soda completely a month ago and I feel great, but that would be good to curb the cravings I sometimes get.
Dont they still use the coco leaf and just remove the cocaine?
why the fuck would modern coke use any kind of leaf user please think. especially one inherently tied to fucking hard drug production
Sounds like you're an addict.
American coke or Euro coke? There's a really big difference in sweetness.
Yes they still process coca at one location with special permissions in the US.
They use the aromatics, but not the drug. These aromatics still have profoundly similar effects to coca, but everyone in the US is so daft that they don't understand scenta can cause physiological reactions in humans and animals.
Yes they do still use coca. That's what keeps them on top.
>8 years ago
>"limited" run 5 years ago
>Diet Supernova run 4 years ago
This is fucking bullshit
It doesn't even matter if it was good or not (it was fucking great), all that matters is I want it and I can't have it.