Shill me the next 100x

Shill me the next 100x

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are men becomg women

Why not?
Better skin, better figure
Get to wear make up and pretty clothes


that delicious vegetable protein in soymilk

really suppresses the adrenaline




I wish I have the courage to.
Being a men sucks shit.

Endocrine disruptors and propaganda


i built a motherfucking fortune going all in on ZRX and KNC because the decentralized exchanges are in great demand by the cryptocurrency sphere is building margin trading on top of ZRX and KNC


decentralised linkedin where users control their data
2.5M marketcap
ex google employees
advisors include one of the founders of ERC20 and Bee Token engineer
Only on ED

What is the name of this cum-slut?

BTC after it's finished its correction lel

He’s cute. I want to fuck him.

there is only one coin that will protect us from the oldest evil

sideways for month
massive release in q1
jewish team
roger ver and mcaffee bought it
erik verhees advisor
people from VISA onboard
aims to be paypal on steroids
super low market cap

When do you think it'll moon?

is that a trap?

JNT it literally just got added on kucoin 10 mins ago. be quick

Synthetic estrogens leaching through the plastic wrapped around our food, and drink bottles and soy if you want to accelerate the process.

Thank me later

Sounds absolutely retarded.

you look like a odd fish

What's the ticker or wtf is this? Some ico?

Short BTC on bitmex 100x right now

>thinking a lot of men drink soymilk

RLX, but only for iron hands.

Because the alt-right have made being a man seem unattractive.

Don't you mean XLR?

>Posting mentally ill man going through transition and says he is "gay" because he prefers females

Just because you think your a women doesn't make you one.

this is someone's son



looks like elliot rodger

Bitbay. Decentralized Tether, user marketplaces and unbreakable contracts.

Lol, if it's like tether why would you expect any moon mission?

shed a tear


this one's tough

>Blood Fire Death

Feel like more of a man than ever when I listen to that album. What the fuck is this?


Market cap of $80 million is not super low.

It's the orange juice cartons

>swallowing the propaganda this hard
>no courage
>complaining instead of action

You're already most of the way to womanhood

HPB without a doubt



Slothcoin (SLOTH) baby. See you on the moon baby.

Watch the news for 5 minutes and that should become apparent.



exactly my reaction when I see stupid shit like this


I hate to say it, but it's his own bloody fault. I've spent most of my twenties learning things on my own that my father should have taught me when I was a kid.

If you haven't heard of Futourist yet Veeky Forums, now is a good time. I'm only posting this hidden gem because of a kind user who made a similar post a few months ago that I made some gains with, so I hope you're out there.

>What is it?
Futourist is a video-focused, influencer friendly review app, revolving around travel topics. Economy inside Futourist platform creates the bridge between businesses and content creators. The goal of Futourist is to disrupt the online review industry with a concept of distributing revenue fairly across all content creators.

>What does it solve?
Closes the chasm between users (i.e. Stacy), who write impressions and guides on tourist locations (i.e. tourist trap restaurants, beaches etc..) for not even pennies and platform owners (Yelp, TripAdvisor), who profit off of their work.

>A platform that will pay its users for creating content (writing guides, rating other reviewers etc).

Every participant gets rewarded in line with Pareto distribution (quality content > one liners)
If you write a shitty review or spam or shill, other users can assblast you and you get awarded less and less money
Already partnered with OpenHours (1 million users), Bancor and are already in talks with several exchanges to be listed when tokens are released on March 20th
3 general modes: General content (reviews), Nearby offers (offers by various restaurants near your location including their ratings) and contests (time-limited challenges) + others mini neat features
FTR token with which you will be able to pay for services (Nearby offers) but won't be limited to this payment method
Emphasis on video content which is difficult to fake, suits various Stacies and Chads who have wide audience and pull to propel this token to the moon and beyond
Mini-cap (5.6 million €), no over-inflated market capitalization for the team to justify any time soon
Content industry in comparison is worth 200 billion dollars
Machine learning algorithms to detect spam and shills (in works)
no pajeets (based in Europe)
no chink broken engrish shitware
tailored to normies to generate additional hype

Hard to break off existing users from TripAdvisor etc... but already partnered with OpenHours into which they will integrate their own platform after the crowdsale concludes
Some business may not flock over... inevitable as more and more companies do, which they will because of the users
Machine learning may be a meme but they have a pro team with good advisors

•Total token supply: FTR (40% gifted to the community - users and companies to kickstart the platform over the coming years)
•Tokens in crowdsale: 350.000.000 FTR (35%) - 8% bonus in the first 72h
•Crowdsale threshold: 700,000€
•Crowdsale hard cap: 5,600,000€
•Price per FTR: 0.016€
•Tokens accepted in ICO: Ether (ETH)


Easiest Gains of your Crypto Life
Im surprised its not shilled in here more

>inb4 wasawasawasawasawasawasa
>inb4 the world is not anymore the way it used to be

The pre-sale has raised almost half the entire hard cap in only one day. You will have to wait a bit for the KYC form to get approved but that's the standard in 1st world countries where you don't want to get scammed. The banks want them because they want to prevent money laundering practices. Also, the modest presale bonus of 8% ends sometime tomorrow as the max cap ends, that's when whales will flood in.


already mooned

Whitepaper is 12 pages in total.

This is a joke




I need him

the alt right is a kike media strawman meant to pigeonhole their opposition into an extreme and easily-dismissed group in order to prevent discussion and investigation by their brain-dead audience.

Richard Spencer calls freedom and liberty "faggy" because he's a CIA nigger LARPING as a WN.

if you use the term alt-right then congrats for falling for another babyshit-tier jewish trick, brainlet

tomocoin, b0x, te-foods

I think b0x will surpass 0x many times over. Their token model is so subtle but so sick. Imagine if 0x had a token burn...

Weed coin, backed 1:1 with feminized seeds
2mil mcap and growing quickly

tfw u realize crypto was just a giant kike orchestrates psyop to turn white men gay and end humanity through lack of reproduction

>5th grade math meant to seem complex
whoever made that image is retarded

holy shit reddit kys THATS THE MEME.

whoops i was on an even level there for a minute. how embarrassing

Just bought 200m

That is college math in the usa, europoor.

wow this a huge conspiracy and I cant believe I am finally learning the truth about it from a retarded guy who obtained his knowledge and ideological identity from posting on a chinese hose untangling board

Here you are faggot:

go figure

cute boi, would suck benis

It is harder to be like this than to be fit, so I respect him.

Look at this bird.
He is fucking awesome. He disguises himself as random wood pieces that he founds so predators can't detect him. He also has these gigantic yellow eyes because he is a nocturnal bird and FOR FUCKS SAKE he isn't a owl.
Urutaus, they are fucking awesome, I must say.

Same. My son will not be neglected.

lurk moar newfag. alt-right was gamergate all over again i.e. the media all decided to push the exact same narrative overnight. gj falling for obvious jewish tricks


Makes no sense. What is EXRN and why EXRT?

>It is harder to be like this than to be fit

I have literally never seen anything more wrong written on this website. You want to look like that? Stop eating so much. Want to look fit? Stop eating so much for a while to cut fat, then start eating PRECISELY what you need for mass every single day, most of which tastes fucking terrible, oh and during which you have to work out your entire body with heavy resistance 3 to 4 times a week. This includes constantly monitoring yourself for form and muscle imbalances and changing your routine. There is so much involved, just MECHANICALLY, not even counting INTELLECTUALLY (basic broscience calorie math) and DISCIPLINE wise, for a guy to get fit. To look like a twink? Waste away on an MMO, ignoring when you're hungry.

I've been on both sides - used to be a hungry skeleton twink that got hit on by gay dudes frequently because I was such a skinny faggot, and now 2 years and 50 lbs later, I can tell you without a doubt that being a twink was 100x easier to get to and maintain than this shit. There's no comparison. Go fuck yourself.

unironically, CPC will outperform VEN

When will the tokens become live? Will they be traded on other platforms?

Thanks for being not a brainlet. I'm fucking petite and do jack shit to look like this. Also being a feminine man sucks, I've only had girlfriends over the years but when you look fucking cute in drag and instantly have an endless wave of people begging to give you money it makes it hard to not go full trap and ride the easy life. I'm fucking 26 and get mistaken as a teenage girl and I'm not even on hormones, nor do I want to be because I like my dick. I just wish people could realize that individuals like me don't choose to look the way we do(to an extent).

Also not joking about the money, I sent a selfie of myself in drag to a guy and he emailed me $200 gift card about ten minutes later, crazy thing is the dude isn't even some old chaser, but a normal young man... Kind of feel bad for people like him that are so desperate, but I'll take the money. I'm fairly preachy in regards to the importance of traditional values and I am glad to have been raised in a western, Christian culture, but none of it actually changes that I have some kind of disorder(autogynophiliac, gender dysphoria, whatever) and it is unfair to demonize(unless you are talking about fat fucks trying to use womens bathrooms and walking around airports in skimpy clothes, please send them to the furnace).

Btw, probably well over 50% of altright/polsters are unironically obsessed with traps.

Stfu that shit just pumped. Thanks for buying my bags while I made the easiest 40% ever.

Also the devs are giving away hundreds of millions of tokens away for free soon. Idiot.

What is your fucking discord? I am quite literally identical to your description of yourself, even in regards to the preaching of traditional values. UK, m20. What the *fuck* is in the water?

just doll up and start streaming

>some beta orbiter made a banner for a qt blonde/blue that is labeled hall of bbc to celebrate the largest handouts she gets


Jews. Cultural marxism. It's part of White genocide.


>To look like a twink? Waste away on an MMO, ignoring when you're hungry.
>this is what Veeky Forums actually believes
you'll spend more time bleaching skin and shaving than you lift alone to get to that point

HPB is borderline shit coin. Its too far behind in the smart contract platform of the future race. Just pure transaction speed is not enough, and even if it was, proving its secure and scalable takes years.

unironically IOTA within 1-2 years.

I'm gay, but I don't want you to be rich

New engine and fiat gateway next month.
Still in beta.
50% of all fee's go to coss coin holders.
Crypto One Stop Solution, COSS, the biggest gainer of 2018. Easy.