Being the chinky ass I am, I hate "Chinese" food. Can anyone else agree?
Being the chinky ass I am, I hate "Chinese" food. Can anyone else agree?
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What would you prefer? Fluffy or Fido?
Oh, I've had my share of weird shit before immigrating. If it moves, I've probably eaten it.
Some examples include
>Dog (Yes, dog. Poor Fluffy didn't stand a chance)
Only young westernized asians hate things like Panda Express because they're spoiled fucktards who don't even know what their own cuisine tastes like anyway.
Buzzfeed did a video with some old people from China and they actually enjoyed Panda Express because they understand graciousness and respect (and good food).
>Buzzfeed is a reliable source
I'm gonna fucking bet you took that "How Privileged are You?" test too.
opinion invalidated
I like it when it's well executed. There's a comfy chinese-american joint near my work that I go to sometimes.
On the other hand Panda Express is McDonalds tier, people defending it because they got triggered by an authenticity nazi are just showing what shit-tier standards they have for what they'll put in their mouths and how they'll willingly defend garbage if it means coming off as a "regular normal guy" which to them is the highest compliment anyone could ever give them
I like fake Chinese food, but not Panda Express. I think it's because they don't use MSG, while all the Golden Dragons of the world do.
I've seen this across all foods. In general less pretentious people think "not how I would do it, but I see the appeal for others" while some think "not what I like, therefore bad".
As an American, I never thought I would be the one to others to respect their elders.
Contrary to popular belief, you guys don't eat cats right?
It makes sense that the 4th generation Asian kids blindly hate websites like they hate western cuisine.
I'm japanese american and I hate koreanized sushi with a passion but I'd fight a bitch who tries to keep me from my baked salmon rolls.
Well. I usually stick around in Shanghai, but I do travel. Dog is the more...preferred choice.
So what's the deal with American Chinese restaurants anyways? Why do they all have the same menu?
I'm 1st generation though, and I'm a big fan of all cuisines
I'm sorry you got triggered by my passport
You're triggered by someone talking about another website on an anonymous imageboard, Sperg.
>Justifying Memefeed
OK, you need to stop, right here.
Americanized Chinese food is the only kind of good Chinese food.
You can't argue it.
Triggered again, faggot? Get over it.
Do you guys have dogs as pets, as well?
Like... is there a specific breed you people keep around as livestock and everything else is buddy buddy?
Great buzzword there, friendo. You're really, really stepping up to the plate here today.
You like buzzwords?
Maybe you'd like [spoiler][/spoiler]
Yea, you basically got it right there, but it actually varies a bit with each providence- some eat them, some don't, and some does both.
Why is the asian guy in this video so racist towards white people? He's determined to hate it, but they all admit the chow mein is good.
Because he's a smug cunt. He came in expecting to hate it. We've all met that type of person.
chinese have both the best authentic cuisine and fast-food variation. I tried panda express when I am in the states and get orange chicken + fried rice.
I've only been to hong kong tho so my experience is quite limited.
I am been hoping panda express come to india and open in my city for this :P
Every video they make is like this.
There's "Mexicans try Taco Bell," there's "Italians try Olive Garden," and they all share this in common:
The foreigners and the 1st generation immigrants all like it, even if it's not the way they would have made it.
All the 20-somethings and snotty teenagers are the ones that are all "NOT MUH ACCURATE OLD WORLD RECIPE"
Popular easy cheap dishes
What breed of dog is common as livestock?
Is it
>pic related?
There's a bit of variety, but they're mostly unappealing as pets to begin with. Also, Shiba Inu is a Japan thing, not China's. Also, Shiba Inus aren't eaten by anyone...I hope.
could you imagine being the poor worker assigned to clean up all the poo from in front of the restaurant that job would suck...
You dont have tobe a chink to hate retarded top 5 best ways to use nutella websites
Seriously curious, how did you like them? I'm not opposed to eating certain animals, I just feel like I'd never really get into the situation where I have meat from a dog on my plate.
I've always wanted to eat horse meat, though. Fuck horses.
>koreanized sushi
>doesn't realize kimbap was around before "japanese sushi"
Stay ignorant, mutt
He probably a mod on /r/asianmasculinity
i like ching chong bing bong food myself. but for some reason it always tastes like doo doo when you let it get cold and reheat it, it's like you have to suck it down as fast as you can. but the thing abot chineses eating cats is a myth for the most part, there are parts of china wherein they eat cats but ti's not widely done and it's looked down upon in society ok. and to all those dingleberrys who moan and say that chinese restaurants in america aint real chinese food then to them i say whom is cooking that chinese food that your eating me old son, if its a chinese that's cooking the chinese food then it's chinese ok ok ok
PREACH it man.....
I like chinese food when its shitty american but its not really all that great to me and never really worth the money compared to some nice authentic food.
Horses are both adorable and yummy, you take that back!
gimbap uses unvinegared rice and substitutes sesame oil instead
yeah they're both rolled in algae sheets but they're hardly the same
Agreed. Western Chinese food has not enough spice, way too much sugar. Every time I try to order Sichuan food it's always a sweet, weak disappointment.
american chinese food is fucking awful
See: PF Changs
t. genghis suomi
>dat fish tofu stick
>dem sweet hot dogs wiff dat vaguely licorice-y/cinnamon-y taste to'em
Goddamn, I miss HK.
You can keep the intestine sticks, though.
>all the foreigners and first gens like it
Why do you make things up?
It's not true for the Olive Garden one. At all. The greasy wop dagos who were born in New Jersey and speak no Italian whatsoever all sing OG's praises while the old Italian ladies with the thick-ass accents universally hate it.